Hetalia Kink meme part 7 -- CLOSED

Feb 26, 2011 14:00

axis powers
hetalia kink meme
part 7



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Prussia loves twincest (America/Canada + Prussia) anonymous October 18 2009, 23:45:26 UTC
I read a fic a while back about Prussia having a twin fetish with America/Canada. I don't know if it was continued since it was a one part fill, but I know that I want it like burning again D:

So what I ask is for a secret obessive Prussia mind-fapping over seeing America and Canada together, while America and Canada notice and use his fetish to their advantage (in otherwords they start teasing Prussia indirectly with small touches and cute moments with each other in order to make him fustrated... harhar)

However it ends is up to anon, uhh but eventual threesome would be nice... oooh Prussia you lucky bastard XD


The Merits of Imagination [1/?] anonymous October 20 2009, 02:33:43 UTC
Why...why was it so awesome? Did they even know what they were doing to him ( ... )


The Merits of Imagination [2/?] anonymous October 20 2009, 02:36:09 UTC
Lunch was being catered by the summit's organizers, so it was far too easy to follow the twins to the lunch hall. Or at least, it should have been, but trying to walk through a crowded hotel while half aroused was another matter entirely. Not that Prussia cared if anyone noticed his condition (they should be so lucky), but then they'd ask questions, and that would waste time, time that would not be spent on his new favorite hobby ( ... )


Re: The Merits of Imagination [2/?] anonymous October 20 2009, 02:53:15 UTC

so hot…it makes me smile wiiiidely

thanks anon, I can't WAIT for more!


Re: The Merits of Imagination [2/?] anonymous October 20 2009, 04:00:00 UTC
Oh! Wow! I think your Prussia just convinced me to have a twincest kink too!

I loved the scene where America threw Canada into a fireman's carry! They're being all sly and acting so natural, yet doing it on purpose! Gah! Loved this. Totally adding it to my links to check regularly.

don't be embarrasses. even recaptcha liked it. "smoky narrate"!


Re: The Merits of Imagination [2/?] anonymous October 22 2009, 04:54:54 UTC
Ah, thank you! Even I'm not sure if they're acting or just being themselves, haha.

Yay, twincest! It's twice as hot as normal!


Re: The Merits of Imagination [2/?] anonymous October 20 2009, 04:49:01 UTC
You should so not be embarrassed here. XD This is too hot for words, no joke. *Keeps the tab up in hopes of a continuation*


Not OP, BUT- anonymous October 20 2009, 05:08:26 UTC
You have seen into my fetish of fetishes.
And on account of my current lack of ability to formulate a coherent sentence-



Re: The Merits of Imagination [2/?] anonymous October 20 2009, 05:57:56 UTC
Is it bad that I really hope Canada's veto power gets ignored?

reCaptcha: misfires flowers... shit, is this gunna misfire?!


Re: The Merits of Imagination [2/?] anonymous October 22 2009, 04:58:02 UTC
Psssh, of course it will! This is a kink meme! (America: Only I get veto power!)


Re: The Merits of Imagination [2/?] anonymous October 20 2009, 06:01:20 UTC
Oh god writer anon, you have given me a major nosebleed. I read the first oneshot similar fill someone did of this and was one of those hoping for a longer fill. My wishes have come true! Fantastic, I can't wait to read the continuation of this!!!


Re: The Merits of Imagination [2/?] anonymous October 20 2009, 06:35:26 UTC
I didn't have a twincest kink.

Now I do.

Damn you, wonderful anon!writer.

Where is the next chapter?


Canada holding America back by holding onto his belt loop... ADORABLE. And I love how America just turned around and bit his brother's ass... and how it just felt like a NATURAL thing to do with them...

Recaptcha: family's crumble


OP anonymous October 21 2009, 05:30:22 UTC
I'm so happy you filled it. It's amaaaaazing. I-I-I..... o///o
Thank you soooo much. The way you wrote America and Canada together was adorable and seeeeexyy. Haha I can feel what Prussia feels.
*waits for moar orz*


Re: OP anonymous October 22 2009, 04:56:39 UTC
eeeeee, I'm so glad you liked it! I think I pretty much felt the same way writing it, so at least I got that across, haha.


The Merits of Imagination [3a/?] anonymous October 22 2009, 04:45:25 UTC
Lunch was absolutely miserable and painful, but in a delicious sort of way. Honestly, he still couldn't figure out how the American had procured a corndog, of all things, in such a high-end establishment. Perhaps it was a skill he had inherited from England. And it was uncanny how Canada always knew when his brother managed to get mustard on himself and wipe it away without even looking ( ... )


The Merits of Imagination [3b/?] anonymous October 22 2009, 04:46:16 UTC
No, he was taking his hands out! No, no, no, no, they were letting go! And leaving! They couldn't leave! Actually, everybody was leaving, even his stick-in-the-mud brother, who was looking at him like a mother would look at a child with a failing report card. Prussia hastily gathered his things and joined the exodus out of the auditorium. Was the meeting seriously over? Then next was...

Okay, so he had forgotten already. He found his itinerary again. Hm, committee meetings through the end of the day.

But...he didn't share a committee with either of the twins.

Prussia grimaced and pulled out his dirty scribbles. Maybe he could work on some of them.

Apologies if this is not as hot/sexy as last time. Prussia can only masturbate so many times in a day...

Fun fact! The hugging thing was inspired by real life, back pocket thing included. England was playing the role of one of my professors, and America and Canada were two straight fraternity brothers, haha.


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