Hetalia Kink meme part 7 -- CLOSED

Feb 26, 2011 14:00

axis powers
hetalia kink meme
part 7



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The Merits of Imagination [3a/?] anonymous October 22 2009, 04:45:25 UTC
Lunch was absolutely miserable and painful, but in a delicious sort of way. Honestly, he still couldn't figure out how the American had procured a corndog, of all things, in such a high-end establishment. Perhaps it was a skill he had inherited from England. And it was uncanny how Canada always knew when his brother managed to get mustard on himself and wipe it away without even looking.

But that was lunch, and now they were all back to meetings and speeches and reports that no one actually bothered to listen to because they could just get all the details later from their bosses or their bosses' aides or the news or some guy on the internet. America had switched spots again so he now sat in an extra chair at Canada's designated spot. Currently, he was testing his luck and balance (and Canada's patience) by trying to balance his chair on its back legs. As was his duty as a brother, Canada would either tip him forward or backward once he achieved equilibrium.

Prussia was pulled away from his twin-watching when his own brother discretely elbowed him. He made a stern nod in the direction of Prussia's papers, then went back to obediently taking detailed notes. Prussia glanced down at his workspace and abruptly realized his idle pen scribbles had taken on a distinctly pornographic nature.

He was deciding if he liked any of the scribbles enough to save them when the whole room started applauding. His first instinct was to graciously accept the adoration, but no, they weren't clapping for him, they were clapping for Canada. And not to be outdone, America gathered him up in a brotherly hug.

Oh no, what had he missed? Prussia's heart sank a little. He'd only looked away for a second, and in that short time, they'd done something to garner the attention of the whole assembly! His thoughts grew darker until a glance at the speaker's podium caused him to sigh in relief.

The Olympics, of course. Vancouver was holding the Winter Olympics and England was the speaker, so of course he would give a shout-out to a former colony. Of course, that made perfect sense. A lot more sense than a lap dance, anyways.

Prussia laughed nervously to himself as the applause died down, and furtively glanced to either side to make sure no one had witnesses his moment of panic. He peeked over at the twins, and, uh, hm, they were still hugging. Well, okay then, he wasn't going to complain. Oh, now they were kind of rocking side to side. He watched them just hold each other, and all the surrounding chatter faded away as he constructed an imaginary conversation for them in his head.

'I can't wait for the Olympics to start,' America would say, 'you look so sexy when you get all flushed from the cold.'

'Your athleticism isn't too bad to watch, either,' Canada would reply.

'And after, we can have hot cocoa by the fire...'

'You always think about food. There're other things to do by a fire.'

"Are you two quite alright?"

Wait, what? That wasn't supposed to happen next. Oh, England was talking. To his colonies. Who were still hugging.

"Oh yeah, no problem here." America flashed a winning grin, then patted his brother's head. Canada just gave a thumbs up sign and burrowed into America's shoulder. Prussia bit his finger to suppress any unmanly sounds he may have made.

"O-okay. Just, um, checking. I'd like to conclude..."

Prussia wondered how long they would keep this up. He quickly scanned through the day's itinerary, and saw that neither were scheduled to speak until much later. He looked back up just in time to catch America slip his hands into Canada's back pockets.

They had to be sleeping together. They had to be. Brothers don't normally act like that. At least, he and Germany didn't, but then again Germany was uptight and boring, and not at all cute and sexy like they were.


The Merits of Imagination [3b/?] anonymous October 22 2009, 04:46:16 UTC
No, he was taking his hands out! No, no, no, no, they were letting go! And leaving! They couldn't leave! Actually, everybody was leaving, even his stick-in-the-mud brother, who was looking at him like a mother would look at a child with a failing report card. Prussia hastily gathered his things and joined the exodus out of the auditorium. Was the meeting seriously over? Then next was...

Okay, so he had forgotten already. He found his itinerary again. Hm, committee meetings through the end of the day.

But...he didn't share a committee with either of the twins.

Prussia grimaced and pulled out his dirty scribbles. Maybe he could work on some of them.

Apologies if this is not as hot/sexy as last time. Prussia can only masturbate so many times in a day...

Fun fact! The hugging thing was inspired by real life, back pocket thing included. England was playing the role of one of my professors, and America and Canada were two straight fraternity brothers, haha.


Re: The Merits of Imagination [3b/?] anonymous October 22 2009, 05:50:23 UTC
ogod America and Canada are terrible~ XD

Poor Prussia! ffff

And wut. Real life is awesome sometimes.


Re: The Merits of Imagination [3b/?] anonymous October 22 2009, 06:09:59 UTC
Real life can make the best fiction stories, eh?

This fic is amazing, anon. I can't wait for more :D


Re: The Merits of Imagination [3b/?] anonymous October 22 2009, 06:32:38 UTC
Man, oh man, anon...Prussia's thought process is reminding me of my own a year or two ago, back when my twincest obsession was at its worst (best? XD). This is just awesome. Keep it up!


Re: The Merits of Imagination [3b/?] anonymous October 22 2009, 12:25:25 UTC
I just love this fic, anon. Twincest is the best thing to wake up to in the morning. xD


Re: The Merits of Imagination [3b/?] anonymous October 23 2009, 01:53:35 UTC
...abruptly realized his idle pen scribbles had taken on a distinctly pornographic nature.

Hmm...anon care to give us readers a sample of these scribbles. I laughed at Germany WTF-ing at all this. Keep. Goin'.


Random anon has some doodles... :D;;; anonymous October 23 2009, 02:43:10 UTC
Um, I'm not the author but your comment inspired me. I drew what I thought Prussia's doodles would be ^^;;

Er... warning? Has some pervy chibis and a crap-scribbled pen0r.


Re: Random anon has some doodles... :D;;; anonymous October 23 2009, 02:59:29 UTC
The doggy-style chibis made me laugh so hard.


Re: Random anon has some doodles... :D;;; anonymous October 23 2009, 03:38:45 UTC
I might have to add the pic to my favs it made me laugh so hard!

Is chibi!America grabbing chibi!Canada's crotch? I love the three of them together in bed. Prussia is so pleased with himself. "4. ??? 5. Profit!"

I don't know what part is my favorite! It is all my favorite!


Re: Random anon has some doodles... :D;;; anonymous October 23 2009, 06:22:33 UTC
Author!anon here. These are pretty much exactly what I had in mind, haha. Just stuck in around the edges of some Very Important Document or some such. :D I especially love the notes. It's like...I don't know how it works, but Canada + America benefits ME!


Re: Random anon has some doodles... :D;;; anonymous October 23 2009, 09:25:33 UTC
PFFFFFFFFFFF BRB LOLING FOREVER. XD You win so much for this one, anon.


Re: The Merits of Imagination [3b/?] anonymous October 23 2009, 03:08:29 UTC
Aaaah... reminds me of my drama team-mates. You've never seen so much hilarious, hot gay coming from such straight boys.


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