Hetalia Kink meme part 7 -- CLOSED

Feb 26, 2011 14:00

axis powers
hetalia kink meme
part 7



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Comments 8391

UK/US anonymous September 2 2009, 04:09:56 UTC
UK/US, some hate!sex taking place right after America declared his independence. England snaps and tops the hell out of him.


you can’t go backwards (only forward) [1/?] anonymous September 5 2009, 06:50:54 UTC
Not sure if you want it like this but prepare for some “ohshit angst” before anything hot and just “well fuck you too”.


They smell like rain.

England doesn’t hear the door shut behind him as America pulls him through into their- (America’s is that what he should be saying now?) home. Once the battle was won, there was no need for them to hold their weapons against each other, no- America had said, not any more.

Because now they aren’t anything.

If America is not his little brother, is not his friend, is not his ally, is not his anything any longer than what is he now? He is his enemy.
To be told that now he was no longer that either-

England jerks out of his thoughts, mind torn like his insides feel, wretched and burning. When America takes his hands (he won’t ask if he’s alright) his eyes moisten with that question and England- England hates him for it. How dare he ( ... )


you can’t go backwards (only forward) [2/?] anonymous September 5 2009, 06:51:50 UTC
America looks down darkly (when had he gotten taller even if it was just a little just a scathing inch difference, to England it still felt miles high, it felt wrong it was) unnatural ( ... )


Re: you can’t go backwards (only forward) [2/?] anonymous September 5 2009, 08:59:20 UTC
Oh Author anon, let me count the ways I love thee!

Well actually, that would be a ridiculously long list so I won't. :(

Thank you so much for taking on the task of writing a fill for this, and what a wonderful fill it is turning out to be!


anonymous September 2 2009, 04:13:25 UTC
France/Lovino, diamonds are forever



Diamonds are a Girl's (...or France's) Best Friend! anonymous September 5 2009, 05:16:09 UTC
France had just gotten to his knees and pulled out a diamond ring when Romano spoke, cutting off the self-proclaimed Nation of love.

"What the hell is that?"

The kneeling Nation looked briefly taken aback but quickly schooled his face into a smile.

"It's a diamond ring pour toi. Romano, will you marry me ( ... )


Re: Diamonds are a Girl's (...or France's) Best Friend! anonymous September 5 2009, 11:40:50 UTC
Oh I cracked up, I did... That was hilarious...

France... *sighs*

"Wow, France. What is that, your sixth rejection today? Did you really think anyone would agree to marry you?"
Prussia, you shouldn't have said that...

Russia: *pops in from nowhere* France wants to be one with me, da?

Runs off too~


Re: Diamonds are a Girl's (...or France's) Best Friend! anonymous September 5 2009, 23:25:18 UTC
That was hilarious! I love Romano's reaction at the end, and the line about seeing him at the G8 meeting next week. And Prussia at the end! Oh god, I think I'm going to die from laughing too hard.


anonymous September 2 2009, 04:21:25 UTC
Hetalia characters getting on Omegle and trolling it...

Only to find each other randomly

Bonus for America/England~


The Alpha and the Omegle [1/?] anonymous September 3 2009, 00:43:12 UTC
America was in a good mood. Far too good of a mood, in fact. His whole body was jittering with pent up energy, and he had to let it out now. Usually when the self proclaimed Hero was in such high spirits, he would log onto his faithful computer, Liberty Bell, or Libby for short, and troll the ever loving Hell out of his fellow nations over one instant messenger service or another ( ... )


The Alpha and the Omegle [2/?] anonymous September 3 2009, 00:46:55 UTC
Stranger: Hey ( ... )


The Alpha and the Omegle [3/3] anonymous September 3 2009, 00:48:48 UTC
You: i like Americans, they're so fun and chatty ( ... )


anonymous September 2 2009, 04:32:17 UTC
England x England


No Fem!England plz



[1/1] anonymous September 16 2009, 23:15:19 UTC
This technically fits the prompt, although England/nationalist!England would be a bit more accurate... yeah.

Tongue against his ear, breath across his neck, hands ghost up and down his body. He's shaking with the effort of keeping still. Of not reacting. His eyes are squeezed tightly shut, but they don't need to be open.

A chuckle, a pinch, and a kiss pressed absurdly to the nape of his neck. The water streams down. He has soap in his eyes and he concentrates on the sting.

Can't run away.

He gasps, his body jolts. His eyes are torn open and he stares desperately at the water running down the plughole.

I won't leave you.

Teeth graze his shoulder, he can feel the easy grin around them. Fingers skitter over his skin, playing him like a well-practiced instrument. His throat clogs with all the noises trying to make their way out.

I'm always with you.He shakes his head, but he can't shut his ears and the chuckle worms its way in and settles in his mind, replaying over and over. The fingers dig in, nails sharp and bruising. He is ( ... )


Re: [1/1] anonymous September 16 2009, 23:20:16 UTC
That was delicious. And also very hot.

♥ ♥ ♥


Make an Omake please? anonymous September 17 2009, 06:48:35 UTC
This is really hot... I wish you'll make an omake or continue this... But, you can ignore that... This story is good already!


anonymous September 2 2009, 04:39:25 UTC
We've had fic about Japan apologizing to China, America apologizing to Japan, Germany apologizing to Poland, etc for various horrible things said countries did during WWII...now anon would like to see Russia apologize to Poland ( ... )


anonymous September 27 2009, 23:16:20 UTC
Meeting [1/?] anonymous September 28 2009, 01:01:55 UTC
Feliks couldn't say he had been totally shocked when the large, overbearing Ivan had appeared on his doorstep one afternoon, smiling brightly and holding a bottle of Russia's finest vodka in his hands ( ... )


Re: Meeting [2/?] anonymous September 28 2009, 01:05:35 UTC
The noise so irritating that the blond finally unlatched and swung open the door, green eyes blazing furiously towards the smiling man in front of him, whose hand was still up to repeat what he had been doing for the past five minutes ( ... )


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