Hetalia Kink meme part 7 -- CLOSED

Feb 26, 2011 14:00

axis powers
hetalia kink meme
part 7



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Prussia loves twincest (America/Canada + Prussia) anonymous October 18 2009, 23:45:26 UTC
I read a fic a while back about Prussia having a twin fetish with America/Canada. I don't know if it was continued since it was a one part fill, but I know that I want it like burning again D:

So what I ask is for a secret obessive Prussia mind-fapping over seeing America and Canada together, while America and Canada notice and use his fetish to their advantage (in otherwords they start teasing Prussia indirectly with small touches and cute moments with each other in order to make him fustrated... harhar)

However it ends is up to anon, uhh but eventual threesome would be nice... oooh Prussia you lucky bastard XD


Re: The Merits of Imagination [3b/?] anonymous October 22 2009, 05:50:23 UTC
ogod America and Canada are terrible~ XD

Poor Prussia! ffff

And wut. Real life is awesome sometimes.


Re: The Merits of Imagination [3b/?] anonymous October 22 2009, 06:09:59 UTC
Real life can make the best fiction stories, eh?

This fic is amazing, anon. I can't wait for more :D


Re: The Merits of Imagination [3b/?] anonymous October 22 2009, 06:32:38 UTC
Man, oh man, anon...Prussia's thought process is reminding me of my own a year or two ago, back when my twincest obsession was at its worst (best? XD). This is just awesome. Keep it up!


Re: The Merits of Imagination [3b/?] anonymous October 22 2009, 12:25:25 UTC
I just love this fic, anon. Twincest is the best thing to wake up to in the morning. xD


Re: The Merits of Imagination [3b/?] anonymous October 23 2009, 01:53:35 UTC
...abruptly realized his idle pen scribbles had taken on a distinctly pornographic nature.

Hmm...anon care to give us readers a sample of these scribbles. I laughed at Germany WTF-ing at all this. Keep. Goin'.


Random anon has some doodles... :D;;; anonymous October 23 2009, 02:43:10 UTC
Um, I'm not the author but your comment inspired me. I drew what I thought Prussia's doodles would be ^^;;

Er... warning? Has some pervy chibis and a crap-scribbled pen0r.


Re: Random anon has some doodles... :D;;; anonymous October 23 2009, 02:59:29 UTC
The doggy-style chibis made me laugh so hard.


Re: Random anon has some doodles... :D;;; anonymous October 23 2009, 03:38:45 UTC
I might have to add the pic to my favs it made me laugh so hard!

Is chibi!America grabbing chibi!Canada's crotch? I love the three of them together in bed. Prussia is so pleased with himself. "4. ??? 5. Profit!"

I don't know what part is my favorite! It is all my favorite!


Re: Random anon has some doodles... :D;;; anonymous October 23 2009, 06:22:33 UTC
Author!anon here. These are pretty much exactly what I had in mind, haha. Just stuck in around the edges of some Very Important Document or some such. :D I especially love the notes. It's like...I don't know how it works, but Canada + America benefits ME!


Re: Random anon has some doodles... :D;;; anonymous October 23 2009, 09:25:33 UTC
PFFFFFFFFFFF BRB LOLING FOREVER. XD You win so much for this one, anon.


Re: The Merits of Imagination [3b/?] anonymous October 23 2009, 03:08:29 UTC
Aaaah... reminds me of my drama team-mates. You've never seen so much hilarious, hot gay coming from such straight boys.


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