Past-Part Fills Post 1 -- CLOSED

Feb 26, 2011 13:32

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Part 00 - Canada/America + England Tied Up and Watching - "The Deeds of Others" anonymous November 21 2009, 00:26:41 UTC
Original request:

England being a pedo and getting off watching a very young Matthew and Alfred roughhouse and and wrestle with each other.

Many many years later, the two of them tie him to a chair somewhere and give him a full show.


(Can/Ame, please? Don't care how it goes if they decide to include England in at the end, though.)

Heh - sorry, this fill has been usurping author!anon's mind all week ^^ As a result, it kind of turned into a long, epic thing. Sorry about that ^^ OP, I hope this is good for you :)


Part 01 - Canada/America + England Tied Up and Watching - "The Deeds of Others" anonymous November 21 2009, 00:28:40 UTC
"The Deeds of Others" - Part 01 ( ... )


Part 02 - Canada/America + England Tied Up and Watching - "The Deeds of Others" anonymous November 21 2009, 00:32:53 UTC
“C’mon; I’ll even let you hit me if you feel that bad about it.” The boy paused for a moment and smiled coyly - following up by pressing his fist into America’s shoulder. It was as heartfelt as America’s apology, but America rolled onto his back happily, covering the spot with his hand as though shot.

“Ow! You got me!” Canada giggled and let go of Kumajiro, climbing on top of America as he lay on his back in front of the fire, his face surrounded in the flickering glow. The boys switched places, unconsciously rolling closer to the fire. England wanted to tell them no, it’s dangerous, be careful - but found himself unable to speak without giving himself away. His voice, he felt sure, would have been higher-pitched and more strained than its usual self, as he clenched his butt cheeks together and tried to control his breathing ( ... )


Part 03 - Canada/America + England Tied Up and Watching - "The Deeds of Others" anonymous November 21 2009, 00:39:44 UTC
“Where am I and what am I doing here?” England asked, a frown making his generous eyebrows meet in the middle. He looked first at America - and then at Canada. Canada smiled in response as he sat on a wooden chair beside the fire, a poker slung between both hands - not wearing even a single stitch. England immediately looked away; the last thing he needed was for his vital regions to react so strongly while he was in such a vulnerable position. He’d never seen the adult form of his son unclothed, but suddenly, somehow it now took on reality, in a way he’d always denied before ( ... )


Part 04 - Canada/America + England Tied Up and Watching - "The Deeds of Others" anonymous November 21 2009, 00:45:30 UTC
“We always knew you were watching,” he said. “Since we were old enough to know what was going on, at least. Every time we roughhoused, every time we touched, you’d be there - normally not saying anything but with a blush on your face a lot like the one you have now.

“Canada wanted to do this for you. I wasn’t so sure myself, at first - I mean, it’s a bit freaky.

“Still, you know Canada - he’s such a Papa’s boy.” America clicked his teeth.

“I am not,” was Canada’s weak protest, but neither America nor England paid it any heed. England was too spellbound by America’s mouth; what are they saying?“So, for him, I said yes to this. It’s just a little thing, really. One time, I was a Papa’s boy, too ( ... )


Part 05 - Canada/America + England Tied Up and Watching - "The Deeds of Others" anonymous November 21 2009, 00:49:41 UTC
“Now, how’d it go again? Back in the day?” America asked. He tugged on Canada’s haircurl, eliciting a shiver ( ... )


Part 06 - Canada/America + England Tied Up and Watching - "The Deeds of Others" anonymous November 21 2009, 00:53:55 UTC
“W-what are the rules?” England said, forcing himself to concentrate on something other than the erection that had finally reached glory in his pants ( ... )


Part 07 - Canada/America + England Tied Up and Watching - "The Deeds of Others" anonymous November 21 2009, 00:58:39 UTC
Canada licked his lips before closing his mouth around America’s erection, feeling the heat of his brother’s groin across his face as he licked, sucked and bit his way through every movement. America moaned softly, resting the top of his head against the rug; his shoulder blades were perpendicular to the floor as he tried to resist the urge to thrust his hips. There wasn’t actually anything he needed to do; Canada had it covered. What he didn’t cover with his mouth he covered with his hand, rubbing it over America’s velvet ( ... )


Part 08 - Canada/America + England Tied Up and Watching - "The Deeds of Others" anonymous November 21 2009, 01:03:29 UTC
Keen, Canada did so and the brothers locked together at the mouth. America’s hand was splayed between Canada’s shoulder blades, puling as much of him in as he dared. Canada had to check himself several times; he wanted to touch back, to take America into his arms and feel his warm body against his, desperate to hear the soft swish of skin on skin - but he mustn’t do it, he mustn’t take action unless England instructed it.

England, feeling less generous than he had a few moments before, left the boy to hang there in that uncertainty a little longer than was necessary, before saying,

“Can you please let me get out of these bloody trousers? I’m bloody dying here.”

“No,” Canada smiled playfully. “That’s the second rule. If you want to wear the trousers, you have to wear the trousers.” England threw his head back against the chair in despair; he wasn’t sure how much more discomfort he could take but oh God it was so worth it thus far“Fine. Put him on his back ( ... )


Part 09 - Canada/America + England Tied Up and Watching - "The Deeds of Others" anonymous November 21 2009, 01:06:45 UTC
Canada did so, skin against skin making the swish noise he’d so longed for earlier. He was gentle as he entered America, careful as he slid past the resistance of muscle and reached the welcome of within. America blinked slowly as Canada put both hands down on the other side of his ribs. He wanted to lean in and kiss America again, adoring his brother’s peacefully stunned look - but he couldn’t as England hadn’t sanctioned it. His game restricted him; it was as frustrating as it was fun ( ... )


Part 10 - Canada/America + England Tied Up and Watching - "The Deeds of Others" anonymous November 21 2009, 01:13:11 UTC
“Ugh…” was all England could manage in way of protest; his head hung low and he was so close to coming that he could barely see straight. Canada fidgeted against America as soon as he got his breath back; he was aware that he’d broken the agreement he himself had implemented. America kissed his head again reassuringly, lingeringly, knowing he was uncertain; what’s England gonna do about it? He already got a freebie“You cheated me,” England said. “You were supposed to do whatever I asked, by your own rules. Was breaking the agreement rule number three ( ... )


Part 11 - Canada/America + England Tied Up and Watching - "The Deeds of Others" anonymous November 21 2009, 01:17:15 UTC
“Fine. Just this once.

For some reason, it pleases him to please you. And it pleases me to please him. So, this one time, it pleases me…to please you. And that hasn’t happened for a long time ( ... )


Re: Part 11 - Canada/America + England Tied Up and Watching - "The Deeds of Others" anonymous November 21 2009, 01:24:50 UTC


This is many, many glorious epic parts of well-written, satisfying, surprisingly complex awesome, author!anon. I love you madly.


Re: Part 11 - Canada/America + England Tied Up and Watching - "The Deeds of Others" anonymous November 21 2009, 01:31:45 UTC
Author!anon thanks you muchly! X3


Re: Part 11 - Canada/America + England Tied Up and Watching - "The Deeds of Others" anonymous November 21 2009, 02:39:41 UTC
AGH. agh. holy.. wow. anon. umm you made my heart race a little too much.
why do i like pery england so much?!?
this was amazing anon. i could offer you my soul. my babies. my college scholarship.
but i have to say- will you marry me anon?-
*takes out ring*

first proposal. ever...//-_-


Re: Part 11 - Canada/America + England Tied Up and Watching - "The Deeds of Others" anonymous November 21 2009, 09:16:49 UTC
Heh heh - author!anon is glad you liked it :) Awww - I'm touched you want to marry me after that but I can provide more kink outside the bonds of marriage ;) Thank you for reading!


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