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Feb 26, 2011 13:32

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Part 06 - Canada/America + England Tied Up and Watching - "The Deeds of Others" anonymous November 21 2009, 00:53:55 UTC
“W-what are the rules?” England said, forcing himself to concentrate on something other than the erection that had finally reached glory in his pants.

“At-ah,” Canada smiled broadly and wagged his finger. “You won’t know until you try to break them.” America stroked Canada’s stomach as he lay back down beside him.

Well, sod it. England wasn’t going to give up this opportunity after all. In fact, he couldn’t wait to get started.

“Touch him.” His voice was barely audible, but Canada smiled.


“Anywhere!” England swallowed; he knew they were playing with him, that this was all a game - but without the rules the only game he was playing was Blind Man’s Bluff. It looked increasingly like only Canada knew the rules, and that America was likely to go along with whatever the rules were. He supposed that might be marginally better than the reverse, and then he remembered Canada’s tinderbox temper when pushed to his limit. Somehow, that thought made this all the more arousing.

“It’s better if you’re specific,” Canada said, but leaned in and slid his palm up America’s neck, leaning in to kiss him; first lightly, then deeper. America, pliant and carefree, was more than happy to respond in kind.

“Then…touch his dick. Make him hard.” England said, and Canada responded by pulling America’s piece into his hands and rubbing it, pressing his fingers into the soft flesh and using his palm to stimulate blood flow. America leaned back a little and quickly responded by working on Canada in the same way. He leaned in to kiss his brother, though Canada shied back a little and made a discouraging noise.

“Not unless England-san says so.”

“Kiss him,” England said immediately, his own mouth parted as he watched. Permission granted, Canada slipped his tongue into America’s mouth. America cupped his brother’s head at the nape of the neck and pulled him deeper, happy to be part of his game but not willing to give up his territorial rights.

England wished fervently that he was unclothed at that point. The erection in his pants was hot and stiff and over-sensitive, and the seam of his trousers was in an extremely inconvenient place.

Canada pulled away, and it quickly became apparent that he was waiting for further instruction. England gave it without question; this way he could love America in the way he’d wanted to for years but had never been permitted to, he could make love to him with his eyes, superimpose himself on Canada and live his love through his proxy.

“Blow him. And bite.” Canada laughed at this.

“Papa’s kinky.”

“What was your first clue?” America asked, poking his tongue out. Inside, Canada was dying to press in again, to take that tongue in his own mouth - but he’d agreed not to make a single move without England’s permission and to that agreement he would adhere. Instead he slid down on the rug, hands dipping into thick fur as America raised both legs.

“Put your bloody leg down!” England snapped and America raised an eyebrow.

“Easy, easy,” he said, lowering the offending leg to the floor so England could get a better view.


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