Title: Setting Sun, Rising Moon (part 6 of 12)
Rating: PG for this chapter
Word Count: 4,036
Summary: Half a century ago, Ichigo became a substitute shinigami while he was still alive. At the end of that life, it's time to become the real thing, but with death comes unexpected challenges-not the least of which is that presented by seeing Rukia
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Comments 41
We'll see who they spend their time with. ;) Thanks for the lovely comment!
Oh Renji... I like IchiRuki over RenRuki, but I still feel sad over Renji. Wish I could hug him or something.
It's so good, it hurts so bad. XD
It's insane to see how they've both matured so much, and yet still seem so naive when it comes to each other.
Srsly, if they were both the last 2 people on Earth, they'd still need the intervention of a higher power to get together.
Great story, I can't wait to see what happens next...and I keep guessing way freckin' wrong on the quotes, so I'll cop out. o_O
Aw, but this quote should be an easy one. ;) Thanks for the comment!
All I can say is...brilliant. Really. Chocolate cake of DOOM-worthy. I can't wait for the next chapter...
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