Title: Setting Sun, Rising Moon (part 6 of 12)
Rating: PG for this chapter
Word Count: 4,036
Summary: Half a century ago, Ichigo became a substitute shinigami while he was still alive. At the end of that life, it's time to become the real thing, but with death comes unexpected challenges-not the least of which is that presented by seeing Rukia
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Comments 41
So, comments:
She narrowed her eyes. “You lack training partners? I should think the eleventh would be happy to help.”
“They would, except they’re busy with assessment too, only their version is them trying to kill each other. They’re keeping the fourth busy, though, so I guess that helps with their evaluations.” He shrugged. “It’s fun to help out with the advanced academy classes, but I was in the mood for someone with a little more experience.”
LOL. Ah, that's the 11th. ;)
“This looks like-“
“Sandal Hat’s basement,” Ichigo said, looking pleased. “Glad it’s still here.”
Oooo.. good choice!
Without warning, she dropped to a crouch and lashed out with one leg, sweeping his legs out from under him. He landed on his ass with a whump ( ... )
Speaking of past chapters, the Women's Association mentioned a party for when Ichigo finally does become captain. Will we be seeing this, and will there be shenanigans?
I loveloved the training scene. <3 Also... OHNOES, Rukia is hurt? Awesome chapter, can't wait for the next one.
Yes, there will be a party. As for shenanigans...maaaaybe.
<3 Thanks for the comment!
And...it might. We'll see. ;)
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