Who: Mary Lightly, OPEN
When: Day 44, Mid-Afternoon
Where: 123 Black-Eyed Susan Drive
What: Mary has offered to help with the food shortage as best he can - in return, perhaps, for some unwanted tins of sardines and a little help with the leak in the basement.
Rating: PG, PG-13 if people get mouthy.
It made sense. )
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But Ethan's thoughts turned away from the weather (and the unpleasant squishiness in his shoes) as he drew nearer to the house. A man was sitting on the front porch, just as he'd said he would be. He fit the voice from the phone call but, unsurprisingly enough, didn't quite fit the name - Mary.
As Ethan drew nearer, still, he noticed that Mary's clothes were stained with blood, not unlike Ethan's own, which were ripped in places and bloodstained despite his efforts to clean them.
Yep. Everyone in Bell Pointe had a story to tell.
"Hey," Ethan called out, approaching the house. "I think I talked to you earlier, about the leaks in the basement? My name's Ethan. Ethan
"Hello," he greeted softly, his head tilting slightly to one side. He held out his hand, presumably for a handshake...but his wrist was limp, letting his hand flop downward and making it sort of unclear what he was meaning to do.
"Mary Lightly. Pleased to meet you."
And then Ethan just sort of stood there awkwardly, waiting to be invited in. "So, um, how bad is your basement so far?"
He turned to open the door and allow Ethan in, walking in after him.
"It's like a Sy Fy original disaster movie down there. Water is getting deeper fast, and I have no idea how to stop it up." He wandered into his living room, swinging his arms strangely as he moved. It looked particularly funny with his jacket sleeves ending mid-forearm.
He held out his hand for a handshake, his wrist limp so that his hand flopped awkwardly downward. When he spoke, his voice was the same monotone from on the phone...maybe even a little quieter. He locked eyes with the other man, blue irises burning from behind his thick glasses.
"Pleased to meet you. I'm Mary Lightly, Son of Mary Lightly, Grandson of Mary Lightly, and Great-Grandson of Craig Lightly."
Introductions finished with, he gestured into the house.
"...Please...come in."
At any rate, Alfred glanced at Mary's hand for a brief moment, awkwardly unsure of what exactly he'd meant by the gesture. Surely he didn't think... ? No, that was clearly a handshake offering. There were lines. It was enough that he had come to Mary's residence and was talking to him politely. He wasn't comfortable accepting a handshake. He rather bluntly left the other man's hand to hang, drawing his own behind his back and returning only the gaze.
"I do hope you pardon my directness but I so hate to beat around the bush; You'd said you'd been murdered before you arrived here, over the phone," he stated, stalking inside the house, "Is there any more light you wish to shed upon that?"
"There's not a lot of light to shed," he murmured, shutting the door behind them and gesturing to the kitchen. He sat down at the table, resting his arms atop it. He collected him for a moment before speaking...really, it wasn't like he had a whole lot to hide at this point. If he was dead, it didn't matter. If he was dreaming, it really didn't matter.
"I was pursuing a serial killer. He challenged me on my own. I took the challenge, I went to the location, and my death was staged to look like a scene from a movie. Meant to be spectated. He knew. Of course he knew. I should have thought of that." His eyes darkened a little - not anger, but...disappointment. "I was stabbed in the chest...thrown down the stairs. And I died."
Then with pockets bursting with cans of sardines he knocked on Mary's door. This guy was more than strange, but beer was beer. And he didn't want to have to fight Hyde for the last one.
His voice was quieter in person.
"...Very prompt. Hello." He stepped back to allow Tim inside, finally dropping his other hand.
"Come in for a minute. The rain is nasty out there."
"Here you go. All we had was five cans, and none of us eat these so have at 'em."
"Thank you very much - here is the beer. I haven't touched any of them. I don't care to drink very often." He held it out by the handle, looking altogether sort of...awkward.
"...I don't think I caught your name."
He arrived at 123 Black-Eyed Susan Drive as quickly as he could, in full armor. This wasn't because he wanted to show up like a hero--but rather because it was either that or show up in a tank top and boxers, and that seemed incredibly inappropriate. Gently, he knocked on the door.
"Is house that want Sardine?"
What on EARTH was he looking at?
"...Yes?" His voice was the same calm deadpan it had been over the phone, but it came out more as a question than an answer. Without taking his eyes off of the stranger, his hand slipped into his pocket, retrieving the notepad tucked away there and starting to write. Very fast.
In his right hand was a bag filled with all the cans of sardines he could find in his house. With a fluid motion, he presented it to Mary.
"This is everything in house. I am sorry there not more."
He reached out with his limp wrist and took the bag, not taking his eyes off of where he presumed this...thing's eyes (cameras?) were. His face remained blank, save for the arched brow - and finally, after a moment, he found words again.
"...Thank you. I, ah...we haven't met yet. I'm Mary. And...you...?"
Knocking on the door, he waited for a response.
With that, he stepped out of the way, hand still dangling awkwardly in mid-air after opening the door.
There was...an impressive collection of cans adorning his counter at this point. It seemed a few other townspeople didn't enjoy sardines very much.
Overall, the house was like other houses he had seen, and oddly, quite similar to the one he, Jaime, and Samara lived in.
"I'll be all right. I've kept some canned fruit and vegetables. I like sardines, but really, living on nothing but sardines would just be crazy." Right Mary. It would be crazy. "I've still got plenty of things you can trade for, if you like."
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