Who: Mary Lightly, OPEN
When: Day 44, Mid-Afternoon
Where: 123 Black-Eyed Susan Drive
What: Mary has offered to help with the food shortage as best he can - in return, perhaps, for some unwanted tins of sardines and a little help with the leak in the basement.
Rating: PG, PG-13 if people get mouthy.
It made sense. )
Then with pockets bursting with cans of sardines he knocked on Mary's door. This guy was more than strange, but beer was beer. And he didn't want to have to fight Hyde for the last one.
His voice was quieter in person.
"...Very prompt. Hello." He stepped back to allow Tim inside, finally dropping his other hand.
"Come in for a minute. The rain is nasty out there."
"Here you go. All we had was five cans, and none of us eat these so have at 'em."
"Thank you very much - here is the beer. I haven't touched any of them. I don't care to drink very often." He held it out by the handle, looking altogether sort of...awkward.
"...I don't think I caught your name."
"You okay there?"
He didn't really mind the way that Tim eyed the blood - he knew it was rather obvious. But then Tim's jacket still had some suspect stains on it too. When he answered the question, his voice remained that strange, level monotone, his blue eyes intense behind his glasses.
"I'm fine now. It was healed for me shortly after arriving."
This guy didn't seem to be all there. Very quiet and monotone, the kind of person you see them talking about on court tv with the sub title: He was a quiet guy, kept to himself, no one expected he had 86 heads in his freezer.
But he seemed harmless enough. For now.
Did he say his name was Mary?
He shrugged a little, tilting his head a little to one side in a contemplative fashion as he spoke.
"I am. I just arrived yesterday. I heard that there were stores, and I was provided with a credit card, but...I haven't gotten out into the town yet, really."
Though he was fairly certain his other half had been wandering around, just judging from how soaked he was when he woke up, and the weird cuts and splinters on his hands.
He couldn't think of a good way to put this, so he was slightly embarrassed looking as he asked, "Your name is really Mary?"
"...Yes," he hissed in a low sigh, "My name is Mary."
He was torn between just taking the beer and leaving, or continuing the conversation further. He didn't want to come off as a dick so he opted for the later.
"So... Where you from before getting dragged to this snow drenched hell hole?"
"California. I'm a criminal psychologist and lead profiler for the Serial Murderer and Kidnapping Task Force affiliated with the Santa Barbara PD. In particular the Yin-Yang Killings." He paused for a moment, considering this, then added....
"...At least, I was. Then I was a victim. And then I was here."
"Oh.. That uh... that sucks. California though? That's cool. Must be nice. I'm from Alabama."
"It was nice. Busy. Lots of people, and lots of crime. Also a lot of seagulls. Stole my lunch a few times."
He didn't look at Tim as he said any of this, busily writing something down as he stood there.
What was he doing?
"Dude. What the hell are you writing?" Okay, so deciding to politely continue the conversation hadn't been the best idea. Tim decided to try and inch his way back towards the door and make a hasty retreat and the next convenient moment.
"Notes," he said simply, nonplussed by Tim's sudden panic. In fact, he seemed almost...intrigued. Knowing. "Just notes. I just got here, and there's a lot to know and remember. I take notes to keep it all straight. For my personal use."
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