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Comments 107

kita0610 January 19 2016, 05:17:38 UTC
IDK about "pairing" per se (although I'm sick enough to ship it), but Harry and Thomas.


hamsterwoman January 19 2016, 05:37:54 UTC
I don't ship them (though I've read some fic), but this totally works for cohabiting brothers in any case! :D

who cries when someone dies in a movie
I can totally see Harry as the one who gets emotional about stories, and Thomas making fun of him for it. I think Thomas is kind of secretly a romantic, too, but he has definitely learned not to show it, while Harry is much more likely to not be able to hide emotion.

who wears the ugly holiday garb
People keep giving Thomas absolutely HIDEOUS Christmas sweaters, and he keeps putting them on and making them look good -- and with a smug smile that says he knows it, of course. Harry has some ugly holiday garb and wears it, too, but that's 'cos it gets COLD in his apartment, and money's tight enough that if he has a warm sweater that kinda sorta fits him, yeah he's going to wear it, even if Molly and Bob and everyone makes fun of him for it.

who pays for the mealsThomas would try to do this as often as possibly (hey, it's Lara's money, plenty of that to go around), and justifies it as ( ... )


gelsey January 19 2016, 07:16:06 UTC

Thomas and the holiday sweaters for the win. That needs a fic.


hamsterwoman January 19 2016, 07:42:08 UTC
I would love to see some fanart of Thomas in ugly Christmas sweaters, NGL!


gelsey January 19 2016, 06:45:16 UTC

*notes book down* I need to read all his books anyway. Never did quite finish the PJ ones.


hamsterwoman January 19 2016, 06:56:55 UTC
I don't know if it's just because it was a new series or what, but I had a lot of fun with this one! More fun than I remember having with even the PJO books I liked best. But it might be just that I was in the mood for relatively cheerful YA... sometimes it's hard to tell how much of one's enjoyment is due to the book vs the book hitting you at just the right spot. But I hope you enjoy this one as much as I did, regardless of reasons! :)


gelsey January 19 2016, 07:18:14 UTC

I loved PJ the original but somehow never finished - probably as once again I found them before they were "cool" and forgot to pick the last one (or two?) Up. I'm always for something lighthearted especially for when my anxiety gets up.


hamsterwoman January 19 2016, 07:44:34 UTC
My friend aome introduced us to PJO before they were "cool" too (i.e. before the movie), and I liked them, but once I convinced the rodents to read them -- after they watched the movie -- they became much bigger fans than me, so now these are kind of "their" books. We have all the volumes at home, and a few even both in ebook and in paper form, so it would be very easy for me to catch up, but once it became clear he'd just keep writing books in this universe, I sort of lost interest...


gelsey January 19 2016, 07:17:12 UTC

Temeraire just for the lulz even if I haven't finished the latest book (don't worry about spoiling me I don't care at this point).


hamsterwoman January 19 2016, 08:01:01 UTC
Haha -- do you have a specific pair in mind, or should I just do, like, Lily's wing and their captains and assorted hangers-on? :)


gelsey January 19 2016, 08:02:10 UTC

Lily's wing, pairing people optional.


Temeraire hamsterwoman January 22 2016, 07:17:54 UTC
who cries when someone dies in a movie
Mmm... They've all lost people close to them, but none of them strike me as the crying type when it comes to fiction under normal circumstances. So maybe it's something like pregnant/post-partum!Harcourt, who is really annoyed by all these sudden EMOTIONS! she can't control, damn this random weepiness!

who wears the ugly holiday garb
Granby. Iskierka commissioned it for him and it is AGGRESSIVELY SHINY.

who pays for the meals
Gosh, I forget who has any money left at which point... I think Iskierka had taken the most prizes, right? So probably Granby can best afford it. But actually they just split the cost or take turns, since it's such a large group.

who slams the oven door and who plays the trombone
...Tharkay plays the trombone, IDK, it just seems like his type of instrument to me. Granby slams the oven door. Laurence sits there with his fingers pressed to his temples and tries to understand how this madness came about.

who brings home stray animalsDemane. Temeraire is intrigued by ( ... )


ikel89 January 19 2016, 07:53:59 UTC
Kristof/Miklosh and Cairo/Niko just for the lulz of it :DD

I'm looking forward to your Warchild write-ups! I can't pull myself together to produce one myself for some reason (I think my thoughts are still in picture mode, probably), but maaaaybe I'll get there.

And yes, I think it was me who you talked to about Norse mythology lending itself better to the Riordan shenanigans.


hamsterwoman January 20 2016, 06:04:05 UTC
Memes to come, but wanted to let you know that I finished Cagebird on the flight up, as planned. Not that this brings me anywhere close to the write-up, but I am caught up now at least :)

Meanwhile, I applaud your picture mode and wish you luck with Dorr's ponytail and other hairy dilemmas :D


ikel89 January 20 2016, 08:03:15 UTC
Heh, good to know! Verdict? (Mine was, I need book 4 stat lol, or at least ten more vignettes!!)

My picture mode was defeated yesterday by wanting to read and sleep XD I think my body is going into hibernation mode, faced my the imminent prospect of spending this weekend in Kzn.

Looking forward to meme answers whenever they come!


hamsterwoman January 22 2016, 06:22:18 UTC
I hope you have a good visit with family, despite your understandable lack of enthusiasm at the prospect ♥

My verdict is probably "NEEDS MOAR AZARCONS", heh, but my full post on book 2 and 3 is up now. I do want to see book 4, and also, yes, a dozen more vignettes set on Macedon or in Cairo's past. A Sid POV one would be nice!


q99 January 19 2016, 10:01:06 UTC
Cawti and Norathar

Avengers- Thor and Loki


Cawti and Norathar, part 1 hamsterwoman January 22 2016, 21:40:29 UTC
who cries when someone dies in a movie
Um, neither seems the crying type, but I could maybe find Norathar maaarginally more likely to be emotionally affected if she was watching something that reminded her of losing her parents when she was young.

who wears the ugly holiday garb
There don't seem to be any equivalent Easterner or Dragaeran traditions, but maybe Vlad Norathar made some kind of garish holiday-themed necklace for his mom or something, and then Cawti would wear it with pride.

who pays for the meals
These days, I think, either Cawti cooks on the quiet nights at home (she's not the gourmand Vlad is, but she's a good cook, I bet -- Vlad wouldn't have stood for alternating cooking otherwise) or Norathar comes over and brings a fancier spread with her. Back in the Sword and Jhereg days, though, I'm sure they just split the cost from shared earnings.

who slams the oven door and who plays the tromboneAs Cawti canonically plays a musical instrument (a string one, though, IIRC), I guess she can take a crack at the trombone. ( ... )


Re: Cawti and Norathar, part 1 q99 January 23 2016, 07:53:39 UTC
who tells the ‘dad jokes’
Vlad. That's actually sort of his style, judging by the interaction with the can centaurs, for instance. Cawti and Norathar roll their eyes in unison, but Vlad Norathar actually finds them funny. -

Of course :)

-Cawti. Norathar realizes she'll have to have at least one, because heir, but it will all be tied up in Dragon Council politics and genetics and other absolutely unpalatable stuff. I have no doubt she will love the kid and be a decent mother at minimum, but up front the whole thing feels like a chore. Meanwhile she's much happier co-parenting Vlad Norathar and being the only person who gets to get away with spoiling him. -

Norathar may want to have a kid sooner rather than later so she can have Cawti around to return co-parenting favors :)


Re: Cawti and Norathar, part 1 hamsterwoman January 23 2016, 21:00:07 UTC

Norathar may want to have a kid sooner rather than later so she can have Cawti around to return co-parenting favors :)

That is a very good point!


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