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gelsey January 19 2016, 07:17:12 UTC

Temeraire just for the lulz even if I haven't finished the latest book (don't worry about spoiling me I don't care at this point).


hamsterwoman January 19 2016, 08:01:01 UTC
Haha -- do you have a specific pair in mind, or should I just do, like, Lily's wing and their captains and assorted hangers-on? :)


gelsey January 19 2016, 08:02:10 UTC

Lily's wing, pairing people optional.


Temeraire hamsterwoman January 22 2016, 07:17:54 UTC
who cries when someone dies in a movie
Mmm... They've all lost people close to them, but none of them strike me as the crying type when it comes to fiction under normal circumstances. So maybe it's something like pregnant/post-partum!Harcourt, who is really annoyed by all these sudden EMOTIONS! she can't control, damn this random weepiness!

who wears the ugly holiday garb
Granby. Iskierka commissioned it for him and it is AGGRESSIVELY SHINY.

who pays for the meals
Gosh, I forget who has any money left at which point... I think Iskierka had taken the most prizes, right? So probably Granby can best afford it. But actually they just split the cost or take turns, since it's such a large group.

who slams the oven door and who plays the trombone
...Tharkay plays the trombone, IDK, it just seems like his type of instrument to me. Granby slams the oven door. Laurence sits there with his fingers pressed to his temples and tries to understand how this madness came about.

who brings home stray animalsDemane. Temeraire is intrigued by ( ... )


Re: Temeraire gelsey January 23 2016, 07:06:32 UTC

I totally see the dragons decorating all the things because, SHINY.

Love this, thank you!


Re: Temeraire hamsterwoman January 23 2016, 21:00:53 UTC
Glad you found it amusing! :) Thank you for the prompt -- Temeraire dragons always deliver in meme answers, haha.


Re: Temeraire aletheiafelinea January 23 2016, 19:06:32 UTC
♥ XD

the dragons take over and pretty soon it's TINSEL EVERYWHERE and GLASS BAUBLES and GARLANDS as far as the eye can see, and holiday lights wrapped around absolutely everything.
...at which point Iskierka begins looking thoughtfully at Granby, who notices and freaks out, "Oh God, NO." :>


Re: Temeraire hamsterwoman January 23 2016, 21:01:37 UTC
...at which point Iskierka begins looking thoughtfully at Granb

Ahaha, I can definitely see that! XD (Poor Granby...)


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