You Remind Me (Chapter 6)

Dec 15, 2010 09:03

Title:          You Remind Me

Pairing:     Ryoda, Akame, Tanaka and a few others on the sidelines

Rating:      PG 13 ( I guess.)

Genre:       Romance ( not to sure as to what genre this fic will be in except for what I've stated)

Summary:  Ueda Tatsuya confessed to his crush Nishikido Ryo but it seems that the latter loathes him for a lot of reasons. But nothing more could surpass Ryo's hatred for Tatsuya's face. What is it with Ueda's face that made Nishikido abhor the older one? (Honestly, I'm not really good with summaries but I hope somehow i got my point through.)

A/N:     Everyone this is my first time writing a fic, a multi-chapter for that too. After months of just reading fics written by others, I decided to write one for myself. The idea for this fic had been on my mind for quite a long time now after hearing Usher's You Remind Me. I just love that song! I'm really not so confident with my work but hey...better try than regretting not doing it later! So i hope you'll like this one and comments are so welcomed and loved but please go easy on me. I'm still a child in this field.^_^

CHAPTER  1  /  2  /  3  /  4  /  5


Tatsuya was at his favorite place, a wooden bench worn out by the weather accompanied by a wooden table with the same conditioned like the bench was, located around a corner at one of the buildings in their school. This place, specifically this bench and table he was occupying, was not that popular with the students because it was somehow concealed and only a few people would pass by the said site in the campus. The place was quite, peaceful and a little bit eerie and he loved that. He loved being in a place wherein he can think up to his heart’s content without any distraction from other people. He loved unwinding himself in a calm environment and the oddity of the surrounding soothed his unsettled mind and heart.

He had been in this place for more than an hour now; finishing his assignments, reviewing his lessons, checking his papers and brainstorming about his projects. He was so absorbed in his doings when he suddenly heard a voice call out to him.

“Uepi.” The voice said, not too loud for it to be considered as shouting nor was it too soft for him not to hear. It was just enough to call his attention away from what he was doing. He then felt someone lightly tapping him by the shoulder. He turned around to look at the intruder ready in giving his most scornful look but his plan failed when he saw who the trespasser was.

“Junno!” He shrieked as he beamed his brightest smile at the tall man before him. The said man also showed his goofy smile at the other when he saw the latter smile.

“Busy with school activities?” The man named Junno asked, pointing at the books and papers scattered on top of the worn out table.

“I don’t know if teachers have this unconfirmed agreement to give their students a lot of projects, assignments, quizzes, etc. all at the same time. My mind’s all used up as of the moment I believe that it stopped working for a couple of minutes there.” Ueda complained, pout visible on his face as he leaned his head on his palm.

“I do feel your sentiments! How I wish I could just sleep for the whole day. I haven’t even played any games lately making my mood gloomier than it already is.” The tall man remarked, eyes full of regret and despair.

“I shouldn’t be surprised that you can still think of your games during these busy times.” Tatsuya commented, a smirk seen on his face as he sway his head from left to right. Junno, upon seeing the sarcastic look his friend was giving him, moped himself beside the other person trying to look all too cute but to no avail. He then changed his sulking expression into an earnest one as he gazed at the latter’s eyes directly.

“Uepi have you been having enough rest lately? You look so exhausted.” Junno stated in a worried voice as he gently caressed the other man’s cheek. The said to be weary looking companion just gave Junno an asserting smile as he took hold of the latter’s hand on his face.

“I’m just busy with work and school Junno. No need to worry.” Ueda said in an appeased manner as he gazed into the towering man’s eyes.

“I think having another part-time job is not a very good idea.” He stated his disapproving judgment. “How many part-time jobs do you currently have? Let’s see: you deliver milk and newspapers before you go to school, you work at a café and a convenience store subsequently after your classes, by weekends you are employed to walk other people’s dogs and afterwards be at the flower shop that you’re working and still doing your usual jobs on weekdays.” Junno declared as he counted with his fingers the entire part time job Ueda have.

“Uepi…” The towering guy exclaimed, his face looking crestfallen.

“Junno, I need these jobs. I need it to survive; to pay for my daily expenses, for my school fees and for the rent.” Tatsuya answered truthfully, looking glum afterwards a loud sighed escaped him. He then slowly took hold of the other guy’s hand as he moved the latter’s hand aside.

“Tat-chan, why don’t you let them help you? They didn’t really say that they don’t want anything to do with you anymore. Aside from that technically you are still connected with…” Junno was still explaining his opinion when the sitting guy cut him short.

“I don’t want too! I don’t want to be a burden to them in any ways and….you know the truth about me. Even if we are still technically connected, I don’t think it would be good for them if they knew the real me.”Tatsuya expressed sadness visible in his eyes as he avoided looking at Junno.

“For crying out loud Tat-chan!” Junno remarked in a louder voice, his hands held high across his chest. “This is not the olden times wherein homosexuality is a taboo and anyone found a homosexual is treated as an outcast! Some people are quite open with this kind of thing, what if they are too?” Junno uttered every word full of hope and anticipation. He gazed at the other full of care.

“This may not be the olden times but still a part of mankind’s thinking during those dark periods are still retained today. I believe whatever connection, though faint it may seem to me, we all have will not be enough for me to have acceptance. They have done a lot of things for us. I don’t want to cause any more inconvenience for them.” Tatsuya declared with a heavy heart as he heaved out a sigh. “Junno, you know discussing this with me wouldn’t do any good. I won’t change my mind.” He remarked again while giving the now agitated man before him an unshakeable stare.

Unknown to these two people, a pair of eyes have been keenly observing them for a couple of seconds now. The owner of those pair of eyes was standing at a pillar a little distant from where the two seriously conversing individuals were located. The said person can’t make out what the men before him were discussing but he knew that whatever it was it was important and quite tolling. He saw the standing guy, raised his hands in surrender, face so serious as he tried to convey his point to the sitting man before him. The sitting man just shook his head transmitting his point to the other while his expression was quite subdued. The observant felt that it was about time that he made his presence known to those two as he saw both men stopped talking as they gave each other a dejected look.

“Tat-chan!” The watchful person called out to the sitting man. He saw his friend, the said sitting man, looked at him, face so surprised then afterwards looking at the taller guy beside him. He also saw the towering guy stiffened upon his call immediately leaving, more of like scampering away from Tatsuya.

“Kame.” Ueda answered back as he saw his younger friend walked closer to him.

“Tat-chan, who was that?” Kamenashi inquired eyes full of curiosity as he sat himself on the bench.

“Just some guy asking if I’ve seen his friend passed by.” Ueda replied, flashing Kame a big grin later on glancing at the direction the taller man went.

“Really? You seem pretty close to me.” Kame stated, voice hinting with suspicion.

“It’s just your imagination. I really don’t know that guy.” Tatsuya answered back, his tone of voice a little too formal, a little to stiff. His attention was now at his projects and assignments; the things he left unattended because of Junno’s arrival. Ueda must have thought that his friend accepted his reply when the latter just sat himself beside him without asking anymore question with regards to Junno. He then took a peek at his younger companion beside him. Kame was busy setting his things on the table, readying himself for his planned activity of also finishing his projects. Tatsuya hated lying to his friends but he needed to do this. It was what he believed to be right.

A/N2: Minna-sama I’m very sorry! I know this chapter is not that long too, well a little longer compared to the chapter before. I really hope you’ll like this too! And are still finding this fic interesting! I hope….^__^;
This chapter is dedicated to the children in the House of Hope! Guys fighting!!!!

length: multi-chapter, genre:romance, p: akame, p:ryoda, fic list

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