You Remind Me (my first ever written fic)

Nov 07, 2010 07:59

Title:          You Remind Me

Pairing:     Ryoda, Akame, Tanaka and a few others on the sidelines

Rating:      PG 13 ( I guess.)

Genre:       Romance ( not to sure as to what genre this fic will be in except for what I've stated)

Summary:  Ueda Tatsuya confessed to his crush Nishikido Ryo but it seems that the latter loathes him for a lot of reasons. But nothing more could surpass Ryo's hatred for Tatsuya's face. What is it with Ueda's face that made Nishikido abhor the older one? (Honestly, I'm not really good with summaries but I hope somehow i got my point through.)

A/N:     Everyone this is my first time writing a fic, a multi-chapter for that too. After months of just reading fics written by others, I decided to write one for myself. The idea for this fic had been on my mind for quite a long time now after hearing Usher's You Remind Me . I just love that song! I'm really not so confident with my work but hey...better try than regretting not doing it later! So i hope you'll like this one and comments are so welcomed and loved but please go easy on me. I'm still a child in this field.^_^


“Really Jin, I think you should stop this.” Ryo said in an exasperated tone as a very annoyed look was seen on his face.

“Stop what Ryo?” Jin answered back as he tried to sound oblivious to what his friend was arguing about. He flashed the very innocent expression he could ever give to his best friend who was sitting across him. He then heard the said person gave out a loud sigh as he placed his left arm under his chin.

“This.” Ryo said in a tone higher than before while pointing his right finger from Jin to him and back. When Jin saw his friend’s reaction, he instantaneously rolled his eyes and a soft, supposed to be unheard grunt escaped his mouth.

“Why?” Jin asked again now in a slightly annoyed state as could be seen by his crunched forehead, squinted eyes and the very visible pout on his lips. This time it was Ryo’s turn to roll his eyes when he heard his friend’s reply. And he thought Jin was supposed to be a college student then why does it seems that his way of thinking and understanding is that of an elementary, no more of like a pre-school kid. Another loud sigh escaped his mouth as he tried to control the anger that was slowly boiling up within him. He firmly placed his two hands on the table in front of them a he gazed at the man opposite to him with a very serious look.

“Jin, I may be ok with you being gay and liking Kamenashi. The heck, I’m even ok with the existence of homosexuality and all but it doesn’t mean that I need to be one. I’m very much happy with the sexuality I’ve chosen so you don’t need to worry about me, thank you very much.” He stated in a firm tone and with finality.

“But Ryo, you need to experience other people. You need to experience love.” His friend commented.

“I am experiencing people Jin. In case you forgot, hanging out in clubs and fucking girls have become my hobby. Who needs love when I’m already enjoying this kind of euphoric feeling!” Nishikido exclaimed with arms raised sideways as a big smile grazed his face. Jin gave out a “tsk” sound as he shakes his head while looking at his still grinning friend.

“You really need to experience real people Ryo, people who will care about you, who will show you honest and true emotions.” Jin said with a trace of sadness in his voice.

“And what? That this Ueda Tatsuya is the real person you’re telling me? That he truly cares about me and will show his true and honest emotions to me? You really are full of crap!”Ryo retorted with a mocking laugh.

“He could be if you would just let him. The guy confessed to you Ryo. You, the person who can’t seem to stop insulting him whenever he is around. You who always downgrade his strong points into sizes not even visible to the most powerful microscope ever been created. What’s so bad about him anyways? The man looks gorgeous! If I didn’t have my Kazu with me I would have gone after him.” Jin said as a resigned expression was visible on his face. Ryo showed a disgusted look when he heard Jin utter the last sentences. And in a milli second just a milli second, Jin hinted another emotion in his friend’s eyes, an emotion which his friend dismissed so easily.

“Aside from him having no backbone and looking to girly for a guy, I can give you a long list why I dislike him. Wanna see?” Ryo asked in a scornful manner extending his hands out as he tried to show Jin his imaginary list.

“It’s true that he easily cry when you say mean things to him somehow making him look spineless but the man changed Ryo. He doesn’t cry that easily nowadays when you badmouth him. He fights back at you when you insult him. And him looking too girly for a man isn’t that a bonus point for him? He is oozing with manliness at the same time his feminine charm can also captivate you breathless.” Jin asserted as he tried to get his point through to his very opposed friend. Ryo face palmed himself as he listened to the other’s reasoning. Really, he believed that if Jin could just tie him up with Ueda just so that he would give that person a chance, he’s pretty sure his friend will do it without any hesitation.

“Then if you want him that much, why won’t you go have him. I, on the other hand, will just pass for a, let’s see… a couple of centuries!” Nishikido expressed harshly giving more emphasis on the last word he said.

“Who’s passing who for centuries?” A voice from behind Jin asked surprising them from the conversation that they are having. Both men glanced at the person who intruded in them. Yamapi, also best friends with the two men, just displayed a very bored look on his face as he patted Jin by the shoulder then afterwards sitting beside him on the bench.

“Pi!” Jin happily called out with a smile up to his ears displayed on his face. “Ryo, Ueda.” Jin replied to Yamapi’s question in a tone full of resignation and now a very dejected expression on his face. Yamapi just replied with an “ohh…” as he nodded his head slowly still looking uninterested with what they are talking.

“Still not giving up are you Jin?” Yamapi asked more of like stated.

“No!” Jin instantly replied as he gave the two his most determined look.

“Still not giving in?” This time it was Ryo’s turn to be asked by Yamapi.

“Never. Not in a couple of centuries as what I’ve told this baka here.” Ryo responded in a dull tone as he pointed his right index finger to his said baka friend. Another “ohh..” and a nod was heard and seen from Pi as he leaned his cheeks on both of his palms.

The once lively atmosphere was now replaced with silence as the three best friends sat together. One said to be baka person was looking intently at his Osakan friend who was by now playing with his pen. He then, after a couple of seconds, glanced at his other friend who was staring ahead lost in his own thoughts. He felt the heavy air surrounding them become heavier as he unknowingly slumps his shoulders, giving in to this nerve racking silence around them.

Nishikido Ryo, Akanishi Jin and Yamashita Tomohisa have been best friends since time immemorial or more of like what they have been telling others or what they have been showing people around them. It was like an instant connection when the three first met seven years ago. Nishikido’s poison tongue matched with Akanishi’s simple mindedness and Yamashita’s calm demeanor made these three’s combination click. The fact that these three are also of the same age may have made adjustments to each other’s perks and quirkiness easy than what other’s thought and what they also contemplated months after their supposed to be official treatment of each other as best friends.

Now in college, the three is still as close or closer than they were years before. Amidst the busy schedules that they have with all the projects, papers, reports, exams and alike, they still hang out with each other. They still try to be by the others’ side every time they deem the other(s) needs it. They are quite aware of what is happening in each other’s life as they make it their silent novena to know how the others’ are doing that is why when they learned that Jin and a certain guy who is a year younger than them named Kamenashi Kazuya was dating they were a little hesitant at first. Who wouldn’t be when they know for a fact that their friend is as straight as the electric posts on the streets? But as days passed by and they saw Jin’s “could not be remove” smile on his face and the happiness that he seems to emit, they finally realized that their friend finally caught the love bug. They weren’t opposed to the idea of Jin being gay. As long as they see their friend happy, they really won’t mind supporting their friend’s happiness. Except for the times wherein they really need to interject because of Jin’s idiotic ideas which can cause unintentional discomfort and sometimes harm on Kamenashi, on Jin himself and sometimes to them also. Jin’s sexuality was accepted easily by Yamapi and Ryo mainly because of Kamenashi. The two like Kamenashi very much. They even accepted it as a fact that those two are meant for each other. It is because Kamenashi , aware or not, can restrain their friend’s silly behaviors and childish thinking. At least, they’ll be slightly free from handling that side of Jin when his boyfriend is around. And because of Kamenashi, Ryo’s dilemma started. That dilemma involves a person a named Ueda Tatsuya.

next chapter

length: multi-chapter, genre:romance, p: akame, p:ryoda, fic list, p: tanaka

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