Each day is another step, another breath and another adventure. Each day forms us into more of the person we want to be and less of the person we once were.
We say we are a country ready for change and yet California and many other states have added a Gay Marriage BAN to their CONSTITUTIONS. How is this? How can we be a country that longs and begs for change and yet we sit here and deny those within this country that ability to change? The ability to have something that all heterosexual couples can
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I just wanted to let everyone know about a sale that I'm doing on my site. Since I'm moving I've decided to update everything on the site to reflect a 10-20% discount. Sale prices are already in effect!!!!!!
New Beads are listed on Etsy. I have one more set to list- probably tomorrow and then I need to bust butt making more. Any colors you all would like to see? Color mixes etc? :)