NaNo for the WIN!

Nov 02, 2007 18:56

Hehehe. Okay, so I passed goal for day two- by some 300 words. But STILL!
I'm really not wanting to go to work either. Blahhhh.
Oh well, money is good and I have bills to pay. :)

I'm being the responsible 'housewife' and doing laundry too. I did a bit of cleaning today, mostly trying to clean the studio(s). Ugh, too much crafty stuff! I'll be doing mass separating of fabric soon. I'm probably going to just give it to goodwill... I really don't want to have to photo and upload it all. If there's anything you guys want me to look for in my stash for you I can though, just let me know. I have a ton of knits and non cotton fabric that I'm getting rid of.

Mmmkay, off to get ready for work. I think I'm going to wear.... Hmmm.... Azathoth tonight. (Gods I love BPAL).

bpal, job, nano07

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