With changes comes.......

Nov 13, 2008 09:44

Yep, here it is guys. The dreaded "Hey look. My life changed and you can delete me" post.

I'm going to be kinda blunt.
If you don't care about me, and are just hanging around to not hurt my feelings. You won't.
I'm never going to cosplay again, so if you're keeping me added because of my past, don't worry about it. You can delete me.
If you've ever been afraid to delete me because you're afraid to hurt my feelings? Please don't worry about it. I'm serious.

When I get to Farmington I'm most likely going to trim my FL down of people that I never talk to, never think about, people who's posts I skip over.
If I delete you I wish you the best in your life and only ask that you do the same for me.
It's a parting of ways, a taking of the crossroads of life. Not a "omfg I hate you DIE" *insert drama*

I have enough real life "holy shit how am I paying bills." or "wtf is for dinner" drama. :)

moving, friends

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