I've been thinking about eating well today. After my morning fitness, I had a bowl of cereal, with some blueberries, but forgot to take a picture
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I took a different route into the office this morning; it was interesting to spot things, including two unwanted Christmas trees that looked like they needed to be picked up by refuse collectors, and also this graffiti art.
I have finally accepted that I won't find a better option for the photo_scavenger "countdown" prompt, so I took a picture of this timer I have at home, useful for counting down the amount of time I have before I have to finish a chore or similar.
Today is the start of Happier January, and I am thinking of things to look forward to this year. I don't have a large number of plans, but so far there are
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Livejournal is prompting me to post my #2024inpictures - because of its automatically generated picture, I did refresh a lot just to get five random ones that were from this year, and not just memes (etc.) ganked from my apps.
Today we have the annual work Christmas breakfast and lunch; I'm hoping it all goes well. As usual on this day, I'm up early to get to the meal on time.
In all my conversations I'll aim to say positive things to others.