Archive questions

Mar 06, 2010 18:24

(Cross-posted from IJ ( Read more... )


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Comments 20

kennahijja March 6 2010, 23:51:18 UTC
Gah, I hope it's not permanent! It's my favourite archive out there.

There's Skyehawke, which has some rules about chan elements, but never enforced them as far as I recall.


gatewaygirl March 7 2010, 05:40:17 UTC
Mm. I'm wary of unenforced rules. I'll probably go with An Archive of Our Own (Hm... AAoOO? Looks like a werewolf archive!), but based on my experience with WtP and P&S, would still like an H/D archive.


ambersnake March 7 2010, 06:02:18 UTC
The most common abbreviation I've seen is AO3 :)


kennahijja March 7 2010, 06:19:52 UTC
It's weird that there seems to be no H/D archive, it's so overwhelming in terms of output...

And damn, I wish I hadn't slept through the announcement about The Archive closing down... I'd have saved some fics, and my reviews :(.


joanwilder March 7 2010, 02:33:36 UTC
Yeah, I believe it's gone for good. This was announced a while ago, I think, and a few months ago I saved a few of my favorites stories that were only hosted there.

So far as other archives, there's hpfandom dot net (no restrictions that I know of, and unmoderated). I admin on Sycophant Hex, which has a slash archive (E/S) and a Snape-centric archive (Occlumency), a all-other characters archive (Lumos). Slash fics can be posted on more than E/S, though. There's no restriction on content, but no explicit/graphic sexual detail involving characters under age 17 is permitted. In addition, like WtP, this is a moderated archive, which isn't a problem if fics are beta read.


gatewaygirl March 7 2010, 05:42:57 UTC
Thanks! For a general archive, I'll probably go with Archive of Our Own, but I've had good experiences with the specialized archives.


joanwilder March 7 2010, 05:58:55 UTC
I do like the specialized archives too. All at your fingertips, no weeding through stuff you don't want. I like AO3 too, but it's so huge, and damn it, I like the little places.


(The comment has been removed)

gatewaygirl March 7 2010, 05:47:25 UTC
Nothing against it (actually, I was considering it as a general archive), but the specialized archives seem like they may be more active as communities than the general ones.

And yeah -- I was all set to post to the Hex Files until I read their submission rules. I'm told I could post anything there and it would be fine until/unless someone complained, but that's not the sort of system I want to get mired in....


calanthe_fics March 7 2010, 15:53:01 UTC
I modded at hex for a number of years and there was one, maybe two, people who vigorously enforced the positive relationship rule. I tried to get it binned on a number of occasions and was always voted down. I think it's a daft rule, and one that in some cases comes down to personal preference rather than a strict definition. Which then causes divisions and all sorts of problems. Of which there were quite a few while I was there.

I love the remaining people left at Hex, but I don't post there any more, and likely won't post there again full stop.

Archive wise there is Cipher, which is multi fandom, multi pairing, and pretty tiny. I believe they rule out stuff like W/S etc, so probably not for you. I think HPFandom has no posting rules as such.


gatewaygirl March 7 2010, 16:47:56 UTC
Thanks for the note. I can certainly see that rule lending itself to idiosyncratic enforcement. For a general archive I'm going to go with AO3, but if a more open H/D-specific one became available, I'd definitely be interested in it.


cordelia_v March 7 2010, 05:16:17 UTC
I was going to suggest Archive of Our Own, as well. It's the one place you could house everything. And it has a higher likelihood lasting a long time than some fannish archives, because it has a stable financial and governance structure. Just saying.

I'm very sad about Archive At the End of the Universe, though. Had some wonderful stories.


gatewaygirl March 7 2010, 05:48:07 UTC
Yes, I'll definitely consider that one for a general replacement. Thanks!


snowrose March 7 2010, 14:26:32 UTC
I see it's already been mentioned, but I'd just like to throw in my two cents and say I'd be very excited to see you post at AO3!


gatewaygirl March 7 2010, 16:24:20 UTC
Yes, that looks like the replacement for the "everything" category!


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