Archive questions

Mar 06, 2010 18:24

(Cross-posted from IJ)

First, does anyone know if the suspension at The Archive at the End of the Universe is likely to be permanent?

Second, I'd like recommendations for themed archives. I currently maintain fic on three:

Walking the Plank (Harry/Snape slash)
Potions and Snitches (Harry-Snape gen)
Fiction Alley (R-rated or under)

Obviously, most of my fic is not covered. :-)

I have a lot of Harry/Draco, but the archive I know for that is The Hex Files, and having looked at their rules, I think only one of my stories actually qualifies. (If I remember correctly, there were rules against dub-con, some kinks, and sex without a love-based relationship. *sigh*) Is there a more liberal one that's good?

Here are the other pairings for which I have multiple stories:

Harry/Remus: 4
Harry/Sirius 4
Remus/Severus: 2
Remus/Sirius: 3 as a central pairing


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