Archive questions

Mar 06, 2010 18:24

(Cross-posted from IJ ( Read more... )


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kennahijja March 6 2010, 23:51:18 UTC
Gah, I hope it's not permanent! It's my favourite archive out there.

There's Skyehawke, which has some rules about chan elements, but never enforced them as far as I recall.


gatewaygirl March 7 2010, 05:40:17 UTC
Mm. I'm wary of unenforced rules. I'll probably go with An Archive of Our Own (Hm... AAoOO? Looks like a werewolf archive!), but based on my experience with WtP and P&S, would still like an H/D archive.


ambersnake March 7 2010, 06:02:18 UTC
The most common abbreviation I've seen is AO3 :)


kennahijja March 7 2010, 06:19:52 UTC
It's weird that there seems to be no H/D archive, it's so overwhelming in terms of output...

And damn, I wish I hadn't slept through the announcement about The Archive closing down... I'd have saved some fics, and my reviews :(.


gatewaygirl March 7 2010, 06:23:21 UTC
No kidding. It was probably on the home page, which I hardly ever looked at.


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