FIC: Teamwork 14 (HP/DM)

Sep 04, 2009 14:12

Title: Teamwork 14 -- Alternatives
Chapter Rating: PG-13
Chapter Summary: Harry and Draco search for a mixed-house meeting place, a retreat, and a place to brew. Oh, and try to look like they're behaving.
Canon Compliancy: Through Goblet of Fire
Snakes and Lions: Teamwork is the sequel to Snakes and Lions.
Notes: Thanks to sociofemme for beta work. ( Read more... )

wip, my fic, pg, teamwork

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Comments 27

hitsuzen_hime September 4 2009, 19:53:32 UTC
OMG your back! I was just rereading all your stories yesterday and worrying because you havent posted since Azkatraz and here you are with a new chappy! You have no idea how happy it makes me to see you back and writing on this story! I've got to go off and read it now, feedback laters! Yay!


hitsuzen_hime September 4 2009, 20:50:01 UTC
Great Chapter! I was really pleased to see Harry and Draco working on their charm and charisma rather than simply spelling Myrtle to obey (though I noticed that was the first instinct). Also I really like the lead up on the change in Harry's relationship with Slytherin and Snape. I do, however, think it's kind of wierd how 'adult' Harry has gotten to be all of a sudden. Sometimes it seems like he treats Severus more like an equal than anything and that's always a little jarring especially when Sev lets him get away with it. The relationship between those two is complicated and exiting and I love how you write your Snape. I'm suprised at how the rest of the school administration didn't like the idea of an 'uncommon' room but it will be fun to watch the boys circumvent the rules to get what they want anyway. Looking forward to the next chapter.


gatewaygirl September 5 2009, 16:31:00 UTC
Snape goes back and forth on how he treats Harry, depending on whether he's thinking of him as a student or an ally that he's cultivating. That was already established by summer (and recall, they had more summer contact than I showed), but now Harry is expecting it.

We have only Snape's report of what the rest of the staff thought. There may have been a few people quietly considering the matter, whom he either didn't notice or didn't mention. Snape, like Dumbledore, always has plans.


gatewaygirl September 5 2009, 16:31:34 UTC
Oh, and thank you for commenting!


ojuzu September 5 2009, 00:29:51 UTC


To be a little more coherent:

I love the way Harry and Snape and Draco are so carefully circumspect*. I always adore the way you write those three, and this chapter is no exception. The 'uncommon room' thing is especially intriguing.

Professor Hecksban interests me! I can't wait to see more of him. :D

*I hope that word has the connotations I think it does, or this sentence makes no sense. ^ ^


gatewaygirl September 5 2009, 16:34:45 UTC
Thanks! "Circumspect" works for those three, in this case!

I'm glad you're enjoying it!


hpstrangelove September 5 2009, 16:06:15 UTC
Wow, I missed the last update...I just wanted to let you know I friended you, in case you've forgotten me (we sat by each other at a presentation at Terminus last year), so I wouldn't loose track of your updates.


gatewaygirl September 5 2009, 16:12:10 UTC
Hi! I put you in my adult group so you wouldn't miss locked posts. (I think chapter 13 was locked on LJ, since it was NC-17.) I recently put up a sticky post with links to all my fic (the very short stuff hasn't been added yet), if you want links to other things you may not have seen. Enjoy!


snowrose September 6 2009, 21:19:35 UTC
Yea!!! Update!! I really love all the details you add, like this whole Cursebreaking class--the scenario you came up with, the answers of all the students, how Draco responds to Harry's approach! Loved it!


LaDi anonymous October 31 2009, 22:46:47 UTC
LaDiablo from FictionAlley, hurr. (don't bother looking it up--I'm one of those horrid sorts who never reviews until the end, and then has nothing to really say ( ... )


Re: LaDi gatewaygirl November 1 2009, 02:46:30 UTC
Happy Samhain to you too! I'm resting my back and feet after much walking around in boots and a leather jerkin. Tomorrow I'll do more meditative things.

If you look at the index post for my fic, the link for Teamwork there is for all chapters to date and does not require an account.

I'd written some novel-length original fic before Snakes and Lions, but it was my first novel-length fanfic, and I wrote it in about three months. Blood Magic was much better planned and plotted, and I agree that it's a better piece. ("Companion animals are familiars" was a Blood Magic detail, BTW; I'm not sure it applies to the S&L universe. If S&L Harry has a familiar, it's Susara. I did use a lot of the same magic theory in both, though.)

Thank you for the note! It's always nice to know that people are enjoying my fics. :-)


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