FIC: Teamwork 14 (HP/DM)

Sep 04, 2009 14:12

Title: Teamwork 14 -- Alternatives
Chapter Rating: PG-13
Chapter Summary: Harry and Draco search for a mixed-house meeting place, a retreat, and a place to brew. Oh, and try to look like they're behaving.
Canon Compliancy: Through Goblet of Fire
Snakes and Lions: Teamwork is the sequel to Snakes and Lions.
Notes: Thanks to sociofemme for beta work. ( Read more... )

wip, my fic, pg, teamwork

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Comments 27

eclipsed_sky November 6 2009, 22:44:17 UTC
Just read the last 3 chapters and you like to keep us hanging, hehehe its an awesome story and I really want to just sit and read it all in one sitting.


gatewaygirl November 8 2009, 00:54:12 UTC
Sorry about the delay! I got really stuck on the next little scene, and then I started Confusion, and didn't write in this for weeks. I have at least got past the block, a few days ago, but the next chapter will not be soon. I'm one scene away from the next Watching Harry chapter, so that's next, and after that I have two deadlines for original fic projects, and then I'll get back to this one. I hope that will be within the month.


leprint November 7 2009, 23:58:39 UTC
It otok me two days to read S&L and Teamwork. In my opinion it's wonderful. I love your Harry and Draco. I love how they break rules and plot together. I love their relationship and the fact they didn't have sex until later. I even like Snape!
I'm so sad there's nothing more to read and I have to wait for an update. Any chance it will be soon?

The thing I don't particularly like? Draco needing a wife. Why can't they be together forever? I know it's hopelessly romantic and it doesn't work like that but I want happy ending. Without some (pardon my French) bitch breaking them up. Even if they agreed to it.

Sorry for the rant. The story is amazing.


gatewaygirl November 8 2009, 00:57:44 UTC
The next chapter will not be very soon (see previous reply in this thread), but I do hope to have it up this month.

Since Draco is the one who thinks he needs a wife, I don't object to you disagreeing with him. (And Harry thanks you for your support. ;-)


leprint November 8 2009, 10:11:51 UTC
I have no objection as long as it's up this year! (Once, I waited six months for an update - I can be patient.)

And, well, Harry will always have my support. I'm a sucker for dark haired British boys. (Blonds too, actually.)


wow! anonymous November 10 2009, 20:02:10 UTC
I followed Snakes&Lions and this fic from Thanks for writing such an interesting story! I look forward to reading more.


Re: wow! gatewaygirl November 23 2009, 01:53:11 UTC
You're welcome! I'm workin on the next chapter now.


OMG sagekillerfancy December 20 2009, 23:53:00 UTC
You are such an amazing writer! I'll spare you the long story of all the sites I looked on for chapters of this and Blood Magic(I've gotten into the habit of just googling stories that are unfinished to see if there are more chapters somewhere else) but I wanted to actually stop and review before continuing to your other fics. (Sorry I didn't do the same for Blood Magic. By the time I finished that it was 5am and I had class in the morning. I did love it though!) I just wish I was better at writing reviews! I absolutely love your style and characters, though they are somewhat OOC at times. I hope you'll be updating soon? I'd really hate to never find out what happens! Also have you ever heard the song 'Prefects are Hot' by the Moaning Myrtles? This chapter kind of goes perfectly with it, so if you haven't check it out on youtube!


pad_the_bad February 3 2010, 16:21:33 UTC
I love this fic SO MUCH but I'm terrible at keeping up with it. I don't spend much time on FA anymore where I first read it (I think).
Would you mind if I friended you?
Claire xx


gatewaygirl February 3 2010, 21:59:01 UTC
Go right ahead. Are you over 18? (Or whatever "of age" for reading is where you are?) I have a filter for that, and your profile doesn't say.


pad_the_bad February 3 2010, 22:59:39 UTC
Yup. I'm 20. Thanks!


gatewaygirl February 4 2010, 01:53:03 UTC
Okay. Reload my journal and see what you find! ;-)


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