Heartbreaker Chapter 5 Part One

Feb 21, 2011 21:42

Disclaimer: I don't own Rachel and Ivy or the rest of the hollows - which is very depressing. Also All hail the heartbreaker and its lyrics belong to the spill canvas.

A/N: So I think we can all agree - I suck. I suck big hairy donkey balls, I'm a mopey whiney bitch.

This chapter has been somewhat cursed, first I said I wouldn't write it, then Ag bullied me into promising her this for her Christmas present and as I am editing it my computer freezes and crashes. I figure hey its not that bad I just have to go back and do all the spelling corrections again at least the files still saved. But then my laptop won't restart - turns out it's a total failure - motherboard, Ram and of course predictably, my hard drive (laptop wasn't even 9 months old). So the chapter was lost and Dell customer service sucks more than I do. After beating me over the head several times Ag and the anonymous reviews and private messages convinced me to try and rewrite. Only thing is it has grown into a monster, this is 7,000 words and only half the original chapter. I hope to have the second half of the chapter by the end of the month but work is trying to kill me so who knows maybe two weeks time is more realistic. This chapter (including part two) has been written to three songs played on a constant loop in my head - rolling in the deep by Alede - pass out by Tinie Tempah and propane nightmares by pendulum. The trick is to keep breathing by garbage is also getting a lot of playtime when I think about this story.

Agmartin40 has once again been a brilliant beta showing me where I need to add more and generally putting up with my bitching and moaning about this chapter.

Oh and I promise, I will try to keep the whininess down from now on.

Chapter one
Chapter two
Chapter three
Chapter four

I had been following Rachel from a distance, I heard her cry out and knew I was too far away. As I got close to where I thought Rachel was, a ghoul and a human stepped out of the shadows and attacked me. Now instead of helping Rachel I was stuck fighting two idiots.

I dodged a punch; the guy fighting me was an idiot but he was an idiot with muscles. Putting my strength behind it I punched him in the stomach, he doubled over gasping for air and I brought my elbow down on the back of his head, he was down and out for the count. What the turn had Rachel got herself into? Couldn't she even go for a walk without being attacked by groups of people, honestly I had thought the coven would be the end of it but it seemed that someone else was coming for Rachel and they'd managed to persuade vampires to go against me. Dodging the pipe swinging at my head, I kicked out hitting the human toy in the thigh and he stumbled backwards but managed to swing the pipe at me again. This time he hit the side my arm Dammit that hurt.

Rachel was several hundred yards ahead of me in a small side road and I had to trust that she would be safe until I could deal with these cookies. After all she was a runner, she was a witch, she could handle herself but I was worried. These two clearly expected a fight and it made me wonder what was happening up ahead with Rachel. I peered down the dark street, the differences in lighting making it hard to see. Ironically if everywhere was pitch black I would have been able to see better. I could see Rachel being held against the wall by what had to be another vampire. I went to move forward, pain exploded through my shoulder.

My moment of distraction had cost me, pipe boy was back. I sprung backwards gaining myself some more room to fight. The cookie was only human and seemed shocked by my sudden jump backwards, his surprise gave me the window of opportunity I needed. I shifted forwards, my hand shot out smashing into the side of his face. I felt the bones crunch under my fist, my heart was pumping furiously, and the smell of his blood rose into the air. My teeth itched and I wished I could sink them into him, rip out his throat and drink every last drop of his blood. I wouldn't, I couldn't, and I wasn't that person anymore. I refused to be. He would live, with a few broken bones maybe but still. My hands gripped the pipe and I wrenched it from his grasp. He squealed as he lost his grip, and I brought it round swinging into the side of his head careful to pull my strength, after all, I didn't want to kill him. At least not that way.

Dropping the pipe, I gingerly stepped over the body, with the sideshow out of the way it was time for the main attraction. I looked over at Rachel when all of a sudden there was a flash of light. The flash had illuminated the vampire, she looked familiar. I began running forwards I had to get to Rachel but as I stared at what was happening I realised it wasn't Rachel any more. The figure was too tall, the shoulders and hips too wide. The figure seemed more androgynous yet the breasts were bigger. The figure moved forwards pushing its hands against the chest of the vampire. The vampire flew backwards through the air hitting the wall I was almost there now and I could tell that the figure really was Rachel just not quite. The not quite Rachel seemed to crumble, falling in on herself, until it was my dear heart falling towards the floor. What the turn was going on?

"Fucking bitch I'm going to make you pay for that."

My head swung back towards the vampire. She was picking herself up off the ground, dusting herself off and stalking toward my dear heart, who was lying on the ground, with clearly murderous intentions. Moving to intercept her I finally realised who she was, an old rival, the crazy woman had actually wanted to be Piscary's favourite.

"You!" I shouted to distract her and draw her away from Rachel.

"Tamwood, you always did know how to kill a party but don't worry I've already had some fun with your little toy over there. Just like I did with Astor all those years ago." The slow mocking and smugness in her voice wrapped around me as she tried to pull an aura on me.

"Rachel isn't a toy and neither was Astor." I could feel rage slowly building up inside me Marissa had been pissed at me for years and the feeling was more than mutual. I let my own aura lose, it tore through Marissa's in seconds and wrapped itself around her. My aura of anger and vengeance felt like knives caressing her skin. She shuddered trying to push her aura out to protect her from mine, but she couldn't do it I was the better vampire. We were circling each other now, looking for an opening to attack, waiting for the other to attack. I knew she would have to attack first. Marissa's pink little tongue shot out going to the corner of her mouth, licking her lips.

"Mmm yummy, your toys ever such a sweet snack. But then, you'd know, wouldn't you." She was trying to make me angry, trying to get me to attack before my aura wore her down and she had no chance. Even knowing that it still worked.

My control snapped my aura hardening as if pressing the knives into her skin before falling away, I hissed at the blonde bitch as I lashed out with my fist, sending her head reeling back. The monster inside me roared to the surface, we both agreed Marissa had to die twice. She had touched what was ours and she would pay. Moving closer I followed up the punch with a kick to her middle. She crumpled to the floor as my foot drove the air from her body. I pounced on her, there was no thought, no grace, and no control. I just attacked with everything I had. Her elbow smashed into my chest, but the pain was only slight. My knees pinned her arms to the pavement, Marissa's hips bucked and her body thrashed beneath me.

My fists crashed against the soft yielding flesh and hard bones of her face. The sound of wet thuds and muffled cracks echoed into the dark night. This was right, this was how it should be. I wasn't a sheep, I was a goddess. Life and death mine to control. My hands grabbed her hair and I smashed her head into the concrete. The sound, the feel of the impact shuddering up my arms, this was who I was, who I was meant to be. I was going to crack her skull open, watch as she died by my hand. Then wait till she rose undead and do it again.

"Ivy." The name seemed alien and foreign. Then my brain processed the fact the name was mine and my loved one's voice seemed so week, I dropped my hold on Marissa, she was unimportant compared to my love. Still crouched I scuttled across the street to her side. My witch's throat was torn open and I could smell death coming for her. I swam to the surface pushing my monstrous instincts back down. For once they went willingly, eager to do anything that would save the witch. My hand pressed against her neck trying to keep what little blood was left in her system from pouring out. My other hand fumbled in my pockets trying to find my cell, hitting 911 I gave our location. I heard a stone hit the wall and looked over to see Marissa stumbling away, anger boiled me but there was nothing I could do. I let her run, she couldn't run forever and a quick death was too good for her anyway.

"Ivy" Rachel's eyes fluttered weekly and my heart leapt.

"Don't move Rachel it's okay I've called an ambulance." I wanted to wrap my arms around her and hold her close, but being upright would just make her heart pump faster. She would pass out and maybe never wakeup again. I couldn't lose her, I couldn't.

"No, no ambulance, hospitals bad. Want home. " Her voice was weak, tired and strangely slurred as if she had aged a hundred years.

"No, Rachel you have to go, you've lost a lot of blood." Just keep breathing please just keep breathing.

"Will I have to eat cookies?" her voice was almost hopeful. I choked back a laugh, she only hated those cookies because she didn't hate them and thought she should.

"Not at the hospital." At least not while anyone's watching. My hand was slick and warm against her neck, blood oozing around and between my fingers. My other hand gently tucked her hair behind her ears before ripping the bottom half of my top off. I pressed the fabric quickly into the wound trying not to gag as my love's blood took the opportunity to bubble merrily out of her body.

"Don't want them to know, I don't want anyone to know, promise me no one will know." Her voice was fading and I could hear her heart starting to stutter and slow.

"Know what? Come on dear heart keep talking to me." I needed to keep her conscious, I was millimetres away from full blown panic and I could feel my body shaking uncontrollably.

It was then my eyes registered Rachel wasn't wearing a bra or a top, and the zipper on her jeans was destroyed. Horror and disgust with myself for not protecting her filled me. I didn't know what to do, I was meant to keep Rachel safe that was my job and I had failed. Rachel had been raped and she was dying, she wasn't going to be alive by the time the ambulance got here. Tears in my eyes, I brought my wrist up to my mouth and tore the flesh apart with my fangs. I pressed my now bleeding wrist against Rachel's mouth, she gagged as the hot blood hit the back of her throat and she tried to struggle.

"Shh it's ok, Rachel, I promise just trust me and drink. It'll be ok. It'll be ok." Her frightened eyes found mine and she relaxed swallowing the mouthful of blood. Even with everything I had done to her she still trusted me. I cried as my blood filled her mouth again, she was my best friend and the women I loved, I had to save her. My blood wouldn't bind her to me but it would make her stronger for a little while, would help her heal. Maybe keep her alive long enough for the ambulance to get here. Her tongue ran over the jagged wounds and I tried not to moan. Rachel was a witch and unlike humans where the consumption of undead blood would turn them into a ghoul, Rachel would remain a witch. Besides living vampire blood would have an effect that was much less pronounced only the undead could make ghouls. However just like the large amount of neurotoxin that Al and myself had pumped into Rachel's system affected her even if it wouldn't turn her, my blood would still have some effect. Witches weren't immune to all the effects of vampire blood. For obvious reasons vampires didn't allow experiments on the effects of their blood on others to be carried out. I didn't know how much of an effect my blood would have on my dear heart, but I hoped it would be enough to keep her alive. I had to try, I had do anything I could.

Doors slammed, I smelled the stench of medicine and humans before they even called out. I drew my hand away from her mouth and she smiled at me sadly. "Please be ok, please the ambulance is here now. You're safe, just stay with me."

"I love you" her eyes rolled back in her head, her body went limp and I screamed.

I could hear the footsteps pounding towards us, I turned to face them my heart beating too frantically for me to hear anything else. An older paramedic with Salt-and-pepper hair, the other was a boy still wet behind the ears. I can't hear her heart beating, I can't hear her heart, it wasn't meant to end like this please god don't let it end like this. The boy's eager gaze roamed across Rachel and the older man's arm shot out stopping the boy in his tracks.

"Are we going to have a problem here? Your friend needs treatment." The older paramedic was staring at me calmly while the boy looked surprised and scared. I realised I was stood protectively over Rachel growling at them. I wanted to rip the boy's throat out. I forced myself to step back, taking three big steps back from where Rachel lay on the cold ground. I still couldn't hear her heart and I stared at her willing her to live, I saw her chest move and relief nearly floored me.

"Please she's bleeding out" my voice was much calmer than I expected and the man nodded moving forward, the boy following him. My arms wrapped around myself trying to make myself feel warm as I watched them examine her.

"This is gonna need stitching at the hospital she lost a lot of blood, maybe too much." The Salt-and-pepper paramedic was trying to seem calm but I could smell his fear as he began putting gauze against the wound on Rachel's neck "you need to be more careful Michel, vampires are very protective of those they love, especially when their injured."

The boy passed the elder some more material, his gaze dropping to Rachel's chest and I felt a growl rumbling in my throat.

"Even when they're the ones that did it?" His tone incredulous as his fingers touched one of the deep half-moon shaped punctures on her stomach. The world turned to red as I leapt at him. My body hit his and we rolled across the ground away from Rachel. I was on top of him sitting on his chest, my hands holding his arms down and I snarled into his face. I wanted to break him, to kill him. I wanted blood. The stench of urine rose into the air.

"If you don't get off him, I can't treat your friend." Salt-and-pepper's voice was surprisingly even and I figured he must have had a lot of experience of dealing with vampires. I shifted my body. Leaning down into the boy's face. My hot breath whispering against his skin.

"Poor little cookie, it looks like this time daddy's saved you. But if you touch what's mine again. If you look at what's mine again. Then I'm going to slice your veins open and drain you dry while you beg for more." My body trembled as I forced myself to let go of him and slowly get up. I wanted his blood, his life, I turned away from him. The older paramedic had stayed with Rachel keeping pressure on the grievous wound. I met his eyes unrepentantly. I slipped off my jacket and placed it over Rachel covering up her body.

"I'm going to need help to get her onto the gurney." The man said.

"I'll help, the boy can wait in the ambulance" I stated firmly. Salt-and-pepper stared at me before finally nodding.

"Go wait in the front of the ambulance, Michael." The boy scrambled back towards the ambulance, not even bothering to pick up his box of medical supplies. Salt-and-pepper sighed. I was guessing it had been a long day. I helped him with Rachel and together we put her on the ambulance. The small confined space with the smell of Rachel's blood was going to drive me nuts with worry.

The torture of the confined space of the ambulance was over, now the torture of the hospital began. The older paramedic had stayed in the back letting the urine soaked boy drive the ambulance. Rachel had briefly come round grabbed my hand and passed back out clutching my hand and I refused to let go of her. The paramedic had argued I needed to get out of the way but in the end he just worked around me. A nurse was walking towards us as they lowered Rachel out the ambulance. Salt-and-pepper began shouting out information to the nurse.

"Don't waste your breath I can't work on her." The nurse's voice was contemptuous. She turned her back on us and walked towards the hospital doors.

"What do you mean? Where do you want us to put her?" The urine soaked boy masquerading as a paramedic asked. The boy had come round to the back to the ambulance to help or maybe just to make sure I was leaving.

"I don't care where, put her with the rest of the trash, there's no one here who'll treat a black witch."

The young paramedic froze and scrambled further away from the metal gurney. "A,a,a black witch! "

"Yes a black witch, she's shunned." The nurse's contempt hid her fear well, if you couldn't smell it. Blood was thick in my mouth as my fangs bit into my tongue while I tried to keep myself from pinning the bitch to the wall. My hand gripping Rachel's tightened its hold as I fought with myself.

"Take her inside now." My voice was cold and controlling and it was job not to pull an aura.

"I don't know who-"

"No. you don't, which is the only reason I'm not ripping your throat out right now." And now I wasn't trying to hold back, I let my aura wash over her. She began backing away trembling I ignored it and slowly advanced as far as I could without letting go of Rachel. My eyes were limitless pools of black but I didn't care, she stumbled and fell the ground as she tried to back away from me. Ignoring her I turned to face the salt-and-pepper paramedic.

"Take her inside now." My voice was dark and firm, I heard the boy whimper behind the ambulance, it was probably a good thing he'd already pissed himself. As I stared at her the nurse's bladder released and she made a puddle on the floor, two people in one day it was almost a record. Trying not to look at me and visibly sweating the older paramedic nodded jerkily, moving towards the door. Leaving the still trembling nurse on the ground outside the hospital we walked through the doors. Reluctantly letting go of Rachel's hand I stalked over to the reception desk, leaning over I snagged the phone and punched in an internal number. The twenty something receptionist, opened her mouth took one look at me and went back to reading a magazine.

"Chief Stratton's office"

"Put Stratton on the line." I didn't bother hiding my impatience, I didn't have time for this troll crap.

"I'm sorry he's in a meeting right now. If you give me your name and reason for calling I can divert you to someone else or have him call you back later?"

"Of course. If you be so kind as to tell him it's Ivy Tamwood and if he's not on the phone in the next 60 seconds both the Tamwood's and the camarilla's rather generous support for this hospital will end." I kept my voice pleasant and decadently soft, knowing that sometimes it wasn't shouting that got you what you wanted; being polite could be far more scary.

The secretary's voice was slightly shaken now as she replied "one moment please"

The phone clicked over to an appallingly badly done version of Vivaldi's four seasons and I clicked my fingers against the desk, didn't have time for this Rachel needed treatment now.

"Miss Tamwood, a pleasure to hear from you as always. My assistant seemed to think there was some kind of problem?" Stratton was old, greedy and manipulative and it showed in his voice. The man however was the perfect manager, ruthless but with enough sense to realise the trainee he pissed off today could be the world's leading neurologist tomorrow.

"Yes, I'm afraid your assistant's correct there is indeed a problem. Your nurses refuse to treat my partner." My voice was deadly sweet, I sincerely wished that I could rip someone's throat out right then.

"Your partner? There must be some kind of misunderstanding. I assume we are talking about the lovely Miss Morgan? I believe that doctor Stanesby is on duty I will have him sent straight down."

"No. I want Dr Mape." Officially Stanesby was human, in reality he was a vampire. There was no way I was letting another vampire anywhere near my dear heart.

"Dr Mape? Really, well I will have her paged immediately. Which room is Miss Morgan in?" His voice was calculating and I knew he was trying to work out the significance of my request.

My eyes scanned the board of the few private medical examination rooms, only two were free. "We'll be in room ER9" I could hear his pen scratching down the details. I wondered if Stratton was really writing down the details or if in actual fact he was working out how much he could charge me for this little stunt.

"Very well, I will have Dr Mape meet you there shortly. Do any of my staff require attention?" the hint of amusement was clear in his voice but I knew he was just wondering if he could add extra to my bill.

"Not yet but I would like to discuss one or two members of your staff with you."

"Well I'm happy to meet with you to discuss your concerns." He sounded almost disappointed he couldn't bump my bill up more.

Putting the phone down, I noticed the receptionist trying to give me a weak smile. I returned it with an equally weak attempt. St. Grace hospital was used to vampires, it had been Piscary's chosen hospital and founded by him, though that wasn't public knowledge. Cincinnati wasn't Chicago but it had its fair share of gang trouble, no one however was stupid enough to give any kind of trouble to St. Graces' hospital or its staff. Piscary committed not just money but protection to St Grace. All vampires knew that St. Grace's staffs were off-limits. There are even standing orders to intervene in crimes that involved St. Grace's staff or the hospital itself. So while other hospitals worried about random gunmen or crazies attacking them St. Grace had none of those concerns. Two vampires where stationed in the car park at all times to provide backup should security need it. Staff where even escorted home on occasion (no snacking allowed).

Since Piscary's passing other hospitals had approached Rynn asking to be given the same special favours. Rynn had wanted to switch the camarilla allegiance to the larger St Michaels Hospital however I pointed out that the staff of St. Grace could be better trusted and that St. Grace's location right on the boarders of the Hollows was far more convenient than Michael's, it was the first time I ever overruled him on something.

I gestured to salt-and-pepper to start moving and he dutifully pushed the gurney towards ER9. The room was small barely big enough for the bed and the equipment, with the gurney it was unbelievably cramped. Using the backboard salt-and-pepper and I shifted Rachel onto the bed; the groan of pain that slipped from her unconscious body was like a physical blow. Pushing the gurney back out the door the older paramedic came over and began hooking Rachel up to the monitors.

"I don't even know your name" Salt seem shocked by this attempted conversation.

"Joe Haslam"

"I'm Ivy Tamwood, thank you if I can ever do anything to repay you, let me know." Embarrassment drifted from him in long lazy waves of Apple and Tabasco and his voice was gruff as he responded.

"No need for anything like that I was just doing my job"

"And it seems you're the only one willing to do that, so I'm grateful." And I really was, we were due to travel to the witches' convention to clear Rachel's name soon. I hoped that they would honour the deal but I wasn't betting on it, I don't know what I would have done if Joe had taken the same view of Rachel as the nurse.

Clearly struggling for a response he shrugged

"I'll wait here till the doctor arrives; I need to keep an eye on the wound."

Nodding I focused back on Rachel, her hand once more clasped securely in mine. There was no chair, so I stood by her bed trying to ignore how desperately fragile Rachel looked, while we waited for Mape to arrive. I had to go after Marisa and I had to kill her.

I didn't have any choice if Marisa was anything less than dead twice, every single vampire idiot and two bit ghoul looking to make a name for themselves would be coming for me, it would also severely undermine my position within the camarillaas leader in waiting. But more importantly my threat would be meaningless and if my threat meant nothing then it was open season on Rachel's scar not mention the next time someone wanted to kill her they'd be able to hire vampire assassins. In all it added up to one thing - Marisa needed to die, the bloodier, the better.

And for that to happen I needed to leave Rachel's side. Scowling at that idea, I tried to find a workaround. I needed someone strong to guard Rachel while I hunted. Kisten would have been the perfect choice. Pushing the familiar pain aside my mind alighted on Glenn but bringing an FIB officer into a situation where you intended to kill someone wasn't a good idea. Even if you have been sharing blood and a bed with the officer up until a few days ago. No, what I needed was a neutral third party. One strong enough to keep any vampires or other hostiles away from her and that was loyal to Rachel. Of course! Glancing across at Joe, I slid my phone out of my pocket quickly scanning through the list of names until I found the one I wanted, it took several rings before finally

"Hello?" the voice was breathless and I wondered what I had interrupted.

"Cali, I need your help. I need you to come and guard Rachel." It was so hard to ask this, I should be able to look after Rachel, I shouldn't need people to help me.

"What's wrong? Me and Serena can be at the church in 10 minutes."

"We're not at the church we're at the hospital. Rachel has been hurt and I need someone to watch over her while I... Deal with the problem." I felt a little bubble of pain, I was planning to kill someone. I would have another name to add to the list of people I'd murdered. I pushed it aside Rachel was worth killing for, I had killed to keep her safe before and I would do it again.

"How badly is she hurt?" The concern in Cali's voice was real and I knew I had made the right choice.

"She probably has several broken bones and she's still unconscious." There was a pause on the other end of the line as Cali took in the fact that Rachel was so badly hurt that she was unconscious.

"We'll be there as soon as we can maybe 5/10 minutes."

"Wait, can you swing by the church first and get Jenks?" The bug would kill me if he wasn't told what was going on.

"Sure, I'll grab a change of clothes for Rachel as well" that was a good idea, Rachel needed more than my leather jacket and a pair of ruined jeans she'd probably never want to wear again.

"Thank you."

"See you soon."

It was strange asking the were for her help but they had made it clear they wanted to help, especially after Rachel's problems with the coven. I still found it a little uncomfortable that they came to me rather than approach Rachel about it. But it seemed Cali and Serena weren't entirely comfortable questioning their alpha to her face. So instead they came to me to ask why it was Rachel hadn't asked for their help in protecting her from the Coven of Moral and Ethical Standards. Suffices to say I never imagined that I would have to try and reassure werewolves that their alpha bitch cared for them. Weres and vampires don't mix well but it seemed that Serena and Cali considered me a part of the pack, I wasn't sure why, and I suspected I didn't want to know.

"I'm guessing when you say deal with the problem you are intending to kill the one that did this?"

I had almost forgotten about the paramedic in the corner. I stared at him giving him the dead eyes that every vampire living or dead is capable of, letting him take just a peak at the monster inside. He shuddered taking half a step back, his shoulder hitting the wall, I dropped my gaze turning back to Rachel, her heart monitor beeping slowly but steadily.

The paramedic's breathing was slowly coming back under control. His fear didn't excite me, being surrounded by this many injured people and an injured Rachel in particular kept any hint of blood lust at bay.

"I'll do what I have to do to make sure she isn't attacked again." My voice was quiet but it seemed harsh as it broke the quiet of the room.

"Good. Just make sure you don't get caught. She's going to need you when she wakes up."

I stared at the man in surprise. I'd expected condemnation not praise but just like everyone else, he misunderstood the nature of our relationship and it made me feel bitter to the pit of my stomach.

"We're just friends."

"If you say so." The scepticism was clear in his voice.

The truth was that I wanted more than just being friends with Rachel. As much as it turned my stomach to hear Rachel denying we were lovers, it was a lie I encouraged others to believe. It was a lie I helped perpetuate, help to keep going, it was a lie that saved her life more than once. There was a knock on the door which saved me from having to come up with a response. My whole body tensed. I knew it wasn't an attack, attackers rarely knock but that didn't stop my body wanting to protect Rachel. The paramedic looked at me and smiled as he went to open the door. I heard him mutter "just friends, my ass."

It was Chief Stratton, he made to come into the room and I stepped in front of him.

"I'd prefer it if we talked outside."

"Of course Miss Tamwood but I thought perhaps you might like me to take a look at your partner before Dr Mape gets here." His beady eyes tried to peer past me into the room, a white lab coat I suspected he'd stolen from the doctors' lounge hung over the top of his expensive suit. The man's beer belly wobbled in front of him, the expensive clothe doing nothing to make him look any slimmer.

I hesitated for just a moment. My instincts warring with themselves about what I should do. I didn't want Stratton anywhere near her. I didn't want anyone near her, I looked at Joe.

"Is she stable?" I kept my voice calm, almost disinterested.

"She is now but I'm not sure how long that'll last, she needs stitching up urgently. She's lost a lot of blood and she's still at risk of her dying if she doesn't get a full transfusion soon."

"How long till Dr Mape gets here?" I directed my question at Stratton my eyes pinning his in place daring him to try and lie to me.

"She should be here any minute."

I wasn't sure what to do. Rachel needed treatment but everything inside me was screaming not to let Stratton anywhere near her. Luckily fate decided to make the decision for me. Dr Mape was sweeping through the ER her stride competent and determined as she moved towards us. I knew Rachel was going to be pissed at me for getting this woman involved but honestly she was the only non-vampire could think of who would treat Rachel. Well maybe the Weres would but I didn't trust them enough and none of Rachel's tiny pack were doctors. Serena was a dentist and Cali was still studying to be a lawyer.

"Ah, Jorja, you're here." Stratton's voice was overly cordial, almost saccharine sweet. Dr. Mape looked shocked beyond words and I had a feeling that Stratton had never had much time for her, of course being requested by a powerful vampire could do a lot for doctor's reputation especially in this hospital.

"Chief Stratton I hope you're well? Tamwood I remember you from the last time." I nodded in reply, running my gaze over the doctor, she didn't seem to have changed much. Still just as driven, still just as determined as before. Yes, she was going to be trouble, but if she saved Rachel's life then she was more than worth it. "Before I treat the patient, I'd like to have a word with you Miss Tamwood."

"Jorja, I really don't think that's necessary. Miss Tamwood's partner is in urgent need of medical attention. Surely a discussion can wait until afterwards." Stratton seemed worried, scared that Mape's attitude would anger me, to be fair, it was a reasonable worry.

"It'll only take a moment we can do it in the room" her voice brooked no argument and I gave in to the inevitable stepping back inside the room with her. I looked at Joe as he went out to make nice with the chief of the hospital. If it had been any other day I would have smiled, poor paramedic screw up the small talk and he was out of a job.

"So what is it you wanted to talk to me about?" I expected her to start talking instead there was only silence, she had moved over to Rachel's bed and was already checking Rachel over.

"Jesus, what happened?" Dr. Mape's hands were examining the various bruises and broken bones.

"She's lost a lot of blood, she needs stitching up and her nose reset, and I think her cheek bone is broken." I needed to make a request of her but I couldn't, the words seemed stuck in my throat instead. Instead I tried to make a deal. "You treat her with no records. No discussions with other doctors, no one else comes into this room and when you're done you forget she was ever here. In return, I fund the medical research you want to conduct, the next promotion you want becomes guaranteed. Or I'm willing to help you get a job elsewhere in a more prestigious hospital if that's what you want."

Her eyes hardened and her fists clenched briefly, "No record? You want no record of your attack on your girlfriend? No record that you senselessly nearly drained her dry. You think I would cover this up for you? Think you can bribe me into keeping my mouth shut? You picked the wrong doctor."

"No. I picked the only doctor who'll treat her and it wasn't me that attacked her. It was a rival, she thought that by attacking what I hold most precious she could destroy me. I need you to treat her."

Mape looked at me again her eyes assessing me trying to pick apart my feelings and see my soul but it was only Rachel that could see that deep inside me.

"Then why don't you want a record. If this was an attack by a rival why not get the IS involved, why not go to the authorities and get justice for her."

I laughed, couldn't help it, my voice echoed around the room folding in on itself, racing out, a velvet web of seduction sweeping across and wrapping around her. I was pulling an aura and I hadn't even noticed. I took a deep breath and pulled it back.

"No I won't go to the authorities, Rachel is a black witch as far as they're concerned and black witches, well bad things happen to them all the time it's really not the IS's concern and more importantly Rachel doesn't want me to involve anyone."

"How do you know that, surely she'll want justice for this?" There was something in her voice and I wondered if the good doctor was trying to get me to admit I planned to kill someone.

"She told me before she passed out not to tell anyone. And frankly I can understand that, I'd want the same thing in her situation." I had wanted the same thing in her situation and Rachel had given it to me, she never told the FIB in her statement I had been raped. My rape had been kept from the public records and I appreciated that a great deal and I could understand why Rachel wanted the same thing. Gathering my resolve I met Dr Mape's eyes.

"You need to deal with the bleeding between her legs I'm not sure how badly she's hurt but she's bleeding." The doctors eyes snapped to the broken zipper of Rachel's jeans and look of horror and understanding crossed her face, her shoulders went down and her muscles relaxed, the fight had gone out of her. She'd take the deal and she'd treat Rachel.

"I'm going to need a nurse." Her voice was warmer now but no less determined.


She frowned at me. "You don't understand there's a lot of damage, the broken nose and cheek are the least of it. Her jaw might be broken and judging by the bruising on her chest at least one broken rib and I don't yet know the full extent of her injuries. The blood loss is still life threatening, she will need treatment and observation throughout the night. Ideally on the ICU ward, at the very least I need a nurse to help me take shifts in treating her."

"No. I'll fix it was Stratton so the paramedic can stay to help you. But he can't know the full extent of what happened to her." I couldn't deal with leaving her with more strangers, at least the paramedic was someone whose name I knew.

She sighed deeply, fingers running across her brow. "I suppose you're claiming the same as before?"

I nodded. "No blood samples to be taken, on the basis of religious grounds." Although the ability to leave against medical orders had been pretty much destroyed after the turn, the right to refuse treatment on religious grounds had still remained, you couldn't leave the hospital but you could refuse treatment.

"I have to go soon but there are two women coming to replace me and guard the door, they won't let anyone other than you and the paramedic in. Don't push them, they're werewolves guarding their alpha."

"Their alpha? I'm guessing that's a long story, Ms Morgan certainly seems to attract some interesting friends." She smiled weakly at me and began examining Rachel's neck keeping the pressure applied to it as she examined the outskirts before moving the gauze to examine more of the horrendous wound. "The animal ripped her half to shreds I don't understand why she didn't bleed out."

"Rachel's tough, and she works hard at staying alive." Mape looked at me clearly disbelieving and I shrugged.

I walked over towards the bed and leaned in and placing a hand on Rachel's I whispered in her ear too low for the doctor to hear. "I have to go, but it's only for a little while. I promise I'll be back soon." and giving her hand a squeeze I straightened up, without looking back at the doctor, I walked out the door.

Seeing me, the paramedic gave an almost comical look of relief, I guess small talk with the boss had not been fun. Serena and Cali stood at the reception desk, looking as if they had just rolled out of bed. Serena in a simple blouse and pair of trousers and Cali in a soft T-shirt and jeans, I gave a whistle. They both turned on the spot looking towards me, they started coming towards me and a flash of colour appeared in front of my face.

"What in the name of Tink's fluffy little undies happened Ivy?" Jenks was almost a blur as he flew around and around my head. Some days I didn't know whether to love him or hate him.

"Stop that. She was attacked," I glanced at Stratton and Joe both watching us and dropped my voice too low for them to hear. "Vampire attack," I heard Serena gasp and knew they could hear me as well. "It's bad Jenks, and I want you to promise you won't go into her room until she says its ok, understood?"

His wings had slowed and he seemed to droop slightly. "She's still unconscious?"

"Yes, and I want you to help Cali and Serena guard her, the vampire might try for her again. I have to go." Oh god I didn't want to go but I didn't have a choice.

"You're leaving?" Jenks stared at me his mouth open and he stopped dusting.

"I have to, I need to deal with the problem." Understanding dawned on his face and dust drifted furiously from his wings.

"I'm coming with you."

"No, I need to do this alone and you need to stay here and watch Rachel's back." I couldn't do this with Jenks eyes on me, judging me.

"Fine." Clearly disgruntled Jenks span his red felt hat before jamming it back on his head. He flew backwards and landed on Serena's surprised shoulder.

"Rachel's doctor is in with her now, don't let in anyone the room besides her and Joe, the paramedic over there. I should be back in a few hours. If she wakes up or anything happens ring me straight away." I wish I didn't have to leave.

Cali and Serena both nodded and then to my shock and Jenks irritation the girls enveloped me in a hug.

"Thank you for calling us, we'll look after her for you, we promise." The girls nuzzled into me taking deep breaths as if committing my scent to memory. Eventually my senses came back to me and I managed to weakly return the hug. Stepping back from them, I managed to get them to let go of me. I walked over to Stratton his gaze calculating.

"Dr. Mape will require the paramedic here to assist her, Rachel will be their only patient. I trust that won't be a problem?"

"Of course not, St. Grace hospital is always happy to help the Tamwood family. After all, you're such good friends of the hospital, that reminds me. I don't suppose you were aware of the fact that we're in terrible need of a new MRI scanner. I'm thinking we should hold a gala event to raise the money what do you think?" I nearly smiled, Stratton was nothing if not predictable. Still, he was at least in his own strange way polite about asking for money.

"How much do you need to raise?" It was the way the world worked and some money was a cheap price to pay for the unrequited love of my life.

"Well I'm not entirely sure at the moment, but probably somewhere in the region of half a million dollars." That was highway robbery, but Rachel was worth it still if I handed over the full amount now it would just encourage him to ask for more next time.

"That seems like a very expensive MRI scanner. Perhaps I could see my way to donating $300,000 for the cause."

He smiled his best crocodile smile. "And the hospital is grateful for your help and support."

I nodded already pulling out my cheque-book and began writing. Quickly finishing I handed the cheque over. I had to get going. I needed to call Rynn, the sooner I killed Marissa, the sooner I could come back to Rachel.

Chapter 5 part 2

A/N: Part two of chapter 5 to follow, includes -

Rynn and ivy talk and I try my hand at Rynn's POV (don't ask cos so far it's pretty bad)

Ivy and Piscary have a little chat about her childhood

And of course Ivy tracks down Marissa and much fighting ensues.

heartbreaker, fanfic, ivy and rachel

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