All Hail the Heartbreaker

Sep 10, 2010 23:20

Disclaimer: I don't own Rachel and Ivy or the rest of the hollows - sad times. Also All hail the heartbreaker and its lyrics belong to the spill canvas.

A/N: Thanks  to agmartin40 for putting up with reading the many previous versions of this, I wouldnt have finished this without her.

The warmth of the alcohol and the crispness of the orange slipped down my throat, thank god, the bar was well stocked, I was staying at Rynn's tonight and could indulge to my heart's content. My dress was a mix of silk and lace giving hints of skin with delicate diamonds sewn in which sparkled in the light. The matching shoes had leather and diamond straps wrapping around my ankles. The outfit screamed money, power and sex which was exactly what I needed the vampires here tonight to see when they looked at me.

Spending the night playing at politics; insults' masquerading as compliments, doing deals with devils and manoeuvring all the time to retain my position, my families power, my power was far from my idea of a good time. Thinking of Rachel and the look of pleasure on her face as she cooked another batch of spells successfully. I reminded myself that if I wanted to keep my dear heart happy and safe then this was the price. I asked her to save my soul even as I sold it to save her neck.

Rynn stood on the slightly raised platform and gestured for quiet, not that he needed to. The charisma and presence he hadn't lost when he died his first death was more than enough to reduce the small number of elite vampires to silence. "My friends thank you for joining me tonight to celebrate the first anniversary of my arrival here. The camarilla has grown stronger this past year and all of you have played your part in making that happen. We will continue to grow, a new age is on the way for vampires and we will be at the forefront of it". I winced at the veiled reference to Rachel's efforts to save my soul and took another drink. "Please accept these very special party favors as a token of my appreciation. Feel free to keep them."

A beautiful red headed witch appeared at my side, wearing a low cut designer dress in stunning black silk with swirls of midnight blue so dark only a vampire would be able to see them. I would kill to see Rachel in that dress. Delicate red curls brushed her shoulders offering a false protection to her virgin neck. Her eyes however were a problem; glassy and unfocused they showed she was clearly under the influence of an undead. Hesitating I tried to weigh my options, to refuse Rynn's gift would be an insult, I didn't however, want to blood rape anyone and the fact she was so targeted at my perceived weakness made me want to simply walk away.

That moment of hesitation was a mistake. All around me vampires, living and dead sank their teeth deep into soft flesh. The smell of pheromones and blood was a heady combination and I could feel my body reacting to it. Closing my eyes, I tried not to breathe, if I could just step back I would be able to walk away, fragile hands settled on to my waist. Shocked my eyes snapped open and I didn't move as she stepped forward pressing her body against mine. Tilting her head she presented me with that expanse of virgin skin. Memories of another witch pressed against me offering me her neck in the back of a van left me aching to feel loved. "Please take me".

Unable and unwilling to pull away, I strike, my teeth biting deep into her. My glass tumbled to the floor shattering, as I replaced it with a far more satisfying drink. Wrapping my arms around her, I held her tight as her whimpers and struggles increased my hunger for her. The blood flowing down my throat was incredible and with a jolt I realised her eyes weren't glassy from the influence of an undead vampire but from the huge amount of street grade brimstone swimming through her veins. I could feel the brimstone working its way into my system, I felt so free I didn't want to stop. My hands roamed across the silk searching for the zipper.

A hand landed on my shoulder, snarling I turned baring my fangs. "Now, now, Ivy I put a room aside for you. Go on now, go play with your little snack in private" Rynn's voice dripped with amusement. My instincts demanded I protect my witch. Keeping my body between the undead and my prey I slowly backed her towards the nearest door. The cupboard was small and safe, humming happily I let my hands resume their search for the zipper.

"Here, take this" fingers pushed into my mouth and slowly I sucked the powered brimstone off them. A breathy moan escaped her fueling my duel lusts for sex and blood, she sounded so like my dear heart. Blood from my bite runs down her chest and I gently lick my way down to her breasts pushing the dress out of the way. Her hands tangle in my hair urging me on, my head buried between her breasts, the taste of her rich blood and the scent of redwood surround me and I feel home. This was everything I could ever want from Rachel. My Rachel.

The party had been just what I needed things between me and Rachel had been tense, well more tense than normal. Giggling I pushed the door to the church open, I could hear the sound of a familiar limo fading away. The door slammed into the wall with a reverberating bang and I jumped in surprise "damn door".

My shoes wouldn't come off, they were all sparkly, hopping around I tried to get the thing off my foot. There was a snap and suddenly I was on the floor. I noticed the strap round my ankle "silly vamp, stupid forgetting the buckle" finally freeing my foot I held the shoe aloft victoriously before throwing it across the room, laughing as I heard it land deep inside the sanctuary.

Turning my attention back to my other foot, the heel was broken! When the hell had that happened? Wrestling the offensive article off, I pitched my arm back and sent it to join its brethren.

Struggling to my feet, I headed into the sanctuary. The whole church was at an angle, I would have to get someone out to fix it. But Shh! mustn't let Rachel know. A grin spreads across my face - Rachel she is so sexy, so perfect. Memories of the party flickered to the front of my mind, of the party favor Rynn had given me. Such a pretty, pretty little red head.

I sighed and pushed myself off the wall, heading down the tilting corridor to my room. She had looked so much like my dear heart. A shudder of pleasure at the thought of taking Rachel the way I had that witch ran through me. But what if it had been Rachel? No it hadn't been. It had just been a random red head, hadn't it? Crap, focusing I tried to pull the memories together. Why couldn't I remember anything but Rachel? Rachel in a stunning dress I wanted to rip from her body, Rachel pressed against me neck bared, I couldn't remember anything about the scent other than that it had definitely been a witch. Oh, god what if I had left my dear heart in the hands of the camarilla?

Veering to the other side of the corridor I pushed open Rachel's door gently and enter stealthily despite the fact the floor continued to resemble a fairground ride. And there lay my sweet Rachel. Sighing in relief I leaned heavily against her wall letting myself relax, we were both safe.

"Ivy is that you? What's wrong, are you ok? Of course you're not, you wouldn't be making this much noise if you weren't hurt. Was it Cormel? I'll kill him if he's hurt you." Hands, soft and familiar were suddenly touching me, searching me. My eyes snapped open, which was odd - I couldn't remember shutting them. She looked so good this close; curls of fiery hair framing her face, eyes wide, full of worry and love. An oversized t-shirt had replaced the dress. Grabbing her arms, I switched our positions "What happened to the silk? It looked so good on you. I wanted to rip it off."

"Ivy let me go and step back". She smelled so good; she was just so perfect, so tasty and so "mine".

"Ivy, look at me. You need to let go of me". She sounded half asleep, my poor little witch she never had been able to handle her brimstone. Rachel's body struggled enticingly against me, my dear heart is such a tease.

"Why? Rynn said you were mine, you want me and I love you." Rachel's eyes closed, her hands stopped trying to push me away and the scent of her arousal blossomed on the air. Happy at her acceptance I bent down and nuzzled against her neck breathing her in. Deciding to tease Rachel back, I released a wave of pheromones, stronger and more concentrated than those I had been unconsciously releasing. Her moan of desire sends liquid heat spilling through me.

"Ivy please - just calm down". Putting one hand under Rachel's gorgeous ass I lifted her higher up, forcing her feet off the floor and wiggled my knee between her legs, resting her core against my leg.

"Naughty little witch, not wearing any underwear, what would your mother say?" Rachel's eyes widened as I caressed her thigh.

"Ivy you're drunk, you need - is that brimstone?" Rachel's thumb stroked the corner of my lips. A few flecks of brimstone where on her thumb and I captured the digit in my mouth sucking gently.

"Stop that". Reluctantly I let the thumb slip from my mouth and stared at my dear heart confused. "Ivy, you're drunk and high, just wait a moment. Can you do that?" I nodded, why did she want me to wait? She was being so strange. "Good, that's good. Now tell me who gave you the brimstone". Her tone was all yummy and commanding, my dominant little witch.

"You did dear heart, I licked it off your fingers". My fingers started to stroke her beautiful skin again it was just so tempting and I released more pheromones showing her how much I wanted her.

"Not just now, earlier, who gave you the brimstone earlier Ivy?" Her voice was breathy and heavy with arousal. I didn't know how I was supposed to answer her. I tried to think what the answer she wanted was but my head was so fuzzy. My eyes roamed over her inviting body.

Her neck was at the perfect height now. Sealing my mouth over her pulse, I gently sucked bringing her blood to the surface. A moan of want slipped from my dear heart and I hummed with satisfaction as my hand stroked her ass, holding her tight against my thigh. Hips bucked against me as I nipped Rachel's neck. Pulling back, I shifted my hold slightly pushing her higher up the wall. I pulled my dress up before lowering her to rest back on to my thigh. The feel of her core slick against my skin had my head spinning, this, this was bliss.

"Ivy stop, we have to stoppp oh god Ivy" I smiled loving the sight of Rachel arching towards me as my fingers played with her hard nipples through the soft fabric.

"I love you dear heart. I promise I won't hurt you". Kissing her slowly, encouragingly at first, until, lips parting hesitantly, our tongues met. Her tentative little tongue slipped into my mouth, exploring, running over the roof of my mouth, caught on one of my canines and the taste of Rachel's blood bloomed.

Crushing her closer to me, I chased her tongue sucking it hard, the tiny wound giving me only a hint of her blood, as Rachel drove herself against my leg. Sighing softly I pulled back, kissing her lightly. I froze at the feel of a scar on her lip. It isn't one of mine, it belongs to that bastard: Art. He took Kisten from me; hurt Rachel and given her a reason to run from me, from us. Growling I sliced the scar tissue open, causing Rachel to cry out against me as I willed my neurotoxins into the wound making it mine.

Rachel's body was alive, bucking against me, her hips moving restlessly as my toxins burnt through her and my pheromones helped to push her closer to the edge. Strong legs encircled me, trying to pull me closer as she tried to push herself harder against me, covering my leg in her juice. Pushing my leg hard against her brought a delicious groan from my dear heart. Grabbing the t-shirt, I ripped it from her, finally exposing her gorgeous body to me.

For a moment, all I could do is stare at the sight of her naked breasts, nipples hard and begging to be touched. Bending I captured a nipple in my mouth, the position was awkward but I liked her like this, pinned to the wall writhing for me, wanting me. I wanted to see her orgasm like this. My left arm supporting her I took a half step back from the wall giving myself more room. I let my fingers trail down the length of her body, nails occasionally scraping the sensitive skin until my hand was resting just above her slick core.

"Ivy. I can't. I. don't tease" Rachel's voice was a whisper, words forced out between panted breathes.

Yes she wants this, wants me. I stared into my dear heart's eyes as she squirmed against me trying to get my hand to move.

"Say please". I need to hear her ask, I need to know she wants me. I traced my fingers through the soft hair as Rachel groaned with frustration. "Beg for it dear heart" and I tugged the hair hard, Rachel gasped and her back arched.

"Shit! Ivy please. Please!" The words were a plea to the heavens, there were no doubts or fears.

Slipping my hand between her lips, I ran my finger over her clit and down to her entrance. Watching her face, I pushed a finger deep inside her. She is such slick warm perfection. "I love you Rachel" and my fangs slipped into the delicate flesh of her areola, my tongue flicking the captured nipple as I gently sipped her blood. Adding a second finger to the first, I used my thumb to lightly rub her clit.

"Ivy, more, I need more". Still sipping her blood, I shuddered with pleasure at her urgent words.

"Please, please, please" her hips bucked in time to her chanted plea for release. Our auras were so thickly mingled, it felt as if her fingers and fangs were buried in me and not the other way round. I upped the tempo of my fingers driving them into her harder and faster, her hips lost the rhythm and her muscles squeezed my fingers tight as she came. The feel of her orgasm and the phantom fingers moving inside pushed me over the edge with her.

Battling through the pleasure flooding me, I pulled my fingers and fangs out of my dear heart. I knew I had to be careful, so careful, I had taken a lot of blood already. She whimpered softly at the loss making me smile and bending to her other breast, I pierced the skin as I forced three fingers deep inside her sensitive pussy.


Fingernails dug deep into my shoulders as a second orgasm ripped through her. A chime, a feeling of perfect unity and I could feel Rachel's love for me running through my body and soothing my soul causing another orgasm to rise up between us. I never wanted this to end. Now whenever my pheromones filled the air Rachel's breasts would burn for me. A grin spread across my face as I pictured Rachel pressing her hands to her breasts the way she does to her neck. I could feel that Rachel's mind was delirious with the pleasure through our joined auras and my smugness increased. Out of the depths of my mind, a terribly familiar voice sent a shiver of dread down my spine.

"You're nothing special. All you have done is make sure any vamp can do this to her, any vamp can make your little witch burn for them. They'll steal her away from you Ivy girl in the end the marks you've given your little pet will be used to break her".

What had I done? My heart was racing with fear and panic as I imagined some faceless vamp using my scars to take my dear heart from me. No! She's mine, all mine! I can't lose her! I need Rachel! Oh god how could I fix this, I needed to fix this. The only way to stop anyone else playing on the scars was to bind her. I had to keep her safe. I needed an artery.

I tried to move Rachel around; if I put her down, I could reach the one in her groin, I could make this good for her. I shifted my weight trying to maneuver us. The floor still resembled a circus ride and I lost my footing, Rachel's weight pushed me backwards. I kept my hands tight around my dear heart I couldn't let her be hurt. My head hit the end of Rachel's bed and I heard Piscary echoing through my mind. "You've failed again Ivy girl"

Rachel POV

My face was pressed against Ivy's breasts and without any thinking my tongue flicked out and licked at the hard nipple through the fabric of her dress. I'd never thought I could enjoy something as much as I had enjoyed being with Ivy; my body was still shaking with aftershocks. Somehow, it felt so right lying naked against her. The only thing that would make it better was if Ivy were naked as well. Forcing my limp muscles to move I leaned up, i wasn't sure what to say or do but winging it was what I did best.

Suddenly my brain reconnected with the part of me insisting I should be protesting and refusing Ivy's stubborn attentions. I realised she was so still. Oh, damn. I could tell even in the moonlight that Ivy was hurt and unconscious. Scrambling to my feet, I hit the light switch.

There was blood on her shoulder and my heart clenched in fear, but on closer inspection there was no wound. A blush crept up my cheeks as I realised it was my blood smeared on her skin and dress. Briefly, the image of pressing against Ivy and licking the blood from her shoulder before kissing her entered my mind. Ignoring everything, I focused on checking Ivy over.

I could feel a tiny lump on the back of Ivy's head, I didn't think it was anything to worry about but what do I know? Biting my lip I tried to figure out what to do. Part of me wanted to phone for an ambulance just in case but with my shunned status would they even turn up? Sighing, I stroked my hand down her cheek, she looked different like this, younger somehow. Making my decision I went to turn her bath on, hesitating in the doorway I looked back at her prone form "you best be fine Tamwood. I'll be back in a minute."

Thank god, Ivy made me work out. My body so recently happy with me was now screaming in protest that carrying a vampire was really not something it had ever agreed to do. Reluctantly I had eaten one of Ivy's cookies, I didn't have a choice if I was going to take care of her I couldn't be half asleep from blood loss. Fear consumed my thoughts; I had just had sex with my best friend - my best female friend.

We had worked so hard avoiding this, I loved her but I was straight and Ivy did her best to make do with what I could give her. Our entire relationship was already balancing on a tight rope and there was no safety net. This could ruin everything between us, I had never had a friendship that lasted this long before.

There was no way Ivy could go backwards from this, she had just had everything she wanted and had been hunting me for. This could end our friendship for good. Jenks would kill me for ruining everything, would I lose his friendship too? Where would I live? What would I do for a living I couldn't make the runner business work without Ivy and Jenks. Maybe…maybe there was a chance she wouldn't remember.

In the state Ivy had been, it didn't seem likely she would remember everything that had happened and if I could get rid of as much of the evidence as possible. Then maybe she would write off any memories as dreams or delusions, blaming the alcohol and brimstone. That way our friendship wouldn't go to hell in a hand basket. At the very least, it might stop her asking questions if she wasn't sure, then we could just pretend there wasn't an issue - we were good at that. Besides I couldn't leave her covered in blood and on the floor, she's my friend.

Walking into Ivy's bathroom I realised I had made a crucial mistake. Ivy was still dressed. Unsure what to do I paused for a moment trying to work it out. There was really only one option, gently I lowered Ivy, still fully clothed into the tub. Somehow, this wasn't how I thought sex with Ivy would end.

Careful to support her body I searched for how to undress her. It was a beautiful dress, gothic lace and silk mixed together, giving teasing hints of her skin. Undoing the short zip I pushed the dress down her body. There were bruises on her shoulders and arms along with little cuts from my nails. Hopefully most of it would heal by tomorrow; maybe I could blame anything else on her drunkenness? Did having sex with Ivy make me gay? Did the fact I was struggling not to just stare at her body?

My blood was on her bra if I left it on, she would know what had happened. Taking a deep breathe I unhooked the bra, feeling like a teenage boy I undid the front opening clasp gratefully. Placing it besides the dress, I couldn't help smiling a little: Ivy had wanted me to undress her for years and here I was taking off her bra and she wasn't even awake to enjoy it.

Ivy's hair was still wet as I lowered her into bed and she shifted restlessly against the sheets "Rachel", the word was mumbled and slurred but it sent a wave of relief through me. "It's ok I'm here Ivy, you just rest I'll look after you". My words however were pointless as Ivy had already passed back out. Checking to make sure she was breathing normally, I brushed her hair back behind her ear. "We'll be ok I promise Ivy. I won't let this ruin us."

Leaving the door open in case she needed me, I set to work erasing as much of the evidence of tonight's events as I could. I scrubbed the empty tub, making sure to be generous with the cleaner. Her clothes went into the washing machine and figured I could probably put them through two or three times before Ivy wakes, which ought to get rid of most of my scent. I wasn't sure the dress would survive but I'd take Ivy pissed off about her dress over no Ivy at all. I felt so disconnected from my body, even while trying to erase the evidence my head was continuously remembering those moments with Ivy.

Stepping into my shower I set the dial to cold. I could have stopped her, I could have used the ley line but how could I hurt her like that? Ivy had been drunk and out of control - I was going to have to call someone to repair the front door, but she hadn't hurt me, just as she promised even keeping me safe when we fell. How could I have reacted to her like that? Just the memory of her mouth on my breasts, her fangs sliding into them and her fingers inside me had my body quivering. How could my body betray me like this?

Damn stupid witch, it wasn't just Ivy who had been out of control I was begging her to fuck me! The cold water beating down on my body didn't seem to be helping and I turned the dial, making the water colder. I'm not gay, I'm not. It's just pheromones, and, abstinence. I was going through a dry patch, that's why I responded when those long fingers slid in. No, bad Rachel, bad, just don't think about it. Hitting my head gently against the tiles I groaned in frustration, I just needed a man that was all.


"Oh god. My head". Just talking hurt.

"Hey, Ivy how do you feel?" I opened my eyes, at the sound of Rachel's voice. That was a mistake, light seemed to stab deep into my brain and my eyes closed shutting off the horrid light.

"Like someone just set off a small bomb inside my head." on top of that I felt like I was dying of starvation, a clear sign I had taken brimstone last night.

Tentatively opening my eyes again, I looked at Rachel, she was dressed in jeans and a black blouse with a high collar she had brought a couple of weeks ago. The room smelled enough like her that I knew she must have been here a long time. The smell of our mingled scents was delicious but manageable which suggested I had fed last night.

Reaching down she picked up a tray with bagels, creamed cheese, croissants, butter and a glass of orange juice. Placing the tray on my lap, she sat back down slowly, watching me carefully. Which was when I realised I was naked under the sheets.

"I'm not surprised, Ivy. You seemed pretty out of it even before you hit your head and passed out. You want some coffee as well?"

Something was off. Rachel smelled worried, but then if I had passed out that was to be expected, still my instincts where screaming there was something else.

"Sure thanks. Umm don't take this the wrong way but why am I naked?"

Rachel blushed and looked down at the carpet, oh god, please do not tell me she undressed me.

"You were in a bit of a state when you got back, nothing too bad, you just didn't want to go to bed without a bath. You passed out before you could put on a nightie, it was easier to just put you to bed rather than try to dress you first. Anyway I'm going to get you that coffee."

As Rachel left, I tried to remember what had happened the night before. I had been at Rynn's party and there had been a witch? Yes, I remembered a beautiful dress and Rachel but it hadn't been Rachel had it? I struggled to try and make sense of my fractured memories. How had I got home? I was meant to be staying with Rynn, if Rachel had been at the party that would explain why I was here but somehow that didn't feel right.

I was finishing off my second bagel as Rachel came back in with the coffee. "What happened last night? I can't remember a thing".

The nervous edge to Rachel's scent disappeared and was replaced by disappointment and relief, how odd. Something was definitely wrong. Please, please let me not have done anything to hurt her or ruin the fragile ties between us.

"You came home a little drunk that's all. Don't worry about it". A forced smile stretched across her face as she answered.

Shit, I had done something. How could I keep messing up everything good in my life?

"Rachel I need you to tell me right now what happened, did I hurt you?" my heart seemed to beat painfully fast as I waited for her answer.

Sighing Rachel met my gaze "No. I'm fine, you just hit on me a little but you didn't cross the line, so just forget it. Or just don't bother remembering it. I'm just glad you woke up before I phoned the doctor." I had been hitting on her? How? Had it been bad enough to make her want to leave?

"So we're ok?" I tried again to recall the night before but all I got was the same jumble and I wasn't sure what was real and what wasn't.

"We're fine I promise, I'm going to let Jenks know you're ok. Why don't you get dressed and we can relax, maybe watch a movie?"

"That would be nice."

Leaning back against the headboard I let myself relax. She wasn't leaving and she was offering to spend time with me maybe things weren't that bad, maybe whatever happened had been good for us? My unconscious release of pheromones hit Rachel and she gasped, her hands going straight to her breasts. What the hell?


"I'm fine, fine I just, I'm just a bit tired that's all you nearly sugared me all on your own then. See you in a minute."

Rachel practically ran out the door, which meant there was something about last night I might not want to remember but that I really needed to remember. I definitely, needed to talk to Rynn about how I had ended up in such a state and just how it was that I had ended up at home last night because it was clear I hadn't got here on my own.

Chapter Two

heartbreaker, fanfic, ivy and rachel

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