Heartbreaker Chapter 4

Nov 29, 2010 17:20

Chapter 4

Disclaimer: I don't own Rachel and Ivy or the rest of the hollows - sad times. Also All hail the heartbreaker and its lyrics belong to the spill canvas.

A/N: My thanks go once again to Agmartin40 for her help with this she has helped me with this chapter but i have made some last minute changes all mistakes as ever are mine. For those of you who read Million Gifted babies you willl know that i let Ag down quite badly and was responsible for the gap between her chapters being twice as long as it should have been. Despite that she was still good enough to lend me her help and support.

Also there are more hints at bms and there are spoilers for well lots of the books.

Thank you to everyone who reviewed i told you that the wait wouldnt be so long for this chapter.  If I didn't reply to you for some reason than an extra thank you. i am hoping someone will comment and tell me what they think of my take on Al - hint, hint.

WARNING: i feel i should give a warning about the end of this chapter - it contains 'sexual violence' - rape - it is obvious when something bad is about to happen.

 Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three

The next day.

Rachel's pov.

I was almost grateful to be heading to the ever after. To say that things were tense in the church would be an understatement. A tense witch, an on edge vamp and an agitated pixy was not a good combination, which was the reason why I was standing in the graveyard two hours early.

To my relief Al continued to come pick me up himself; since Pierce, hopefully was still locked in a cage somewhere.

"Well, my itchy witch, you're the one who wanted to start early. I don't have all day to stand around in your graveyard." Al spoke to his hands, carefully examining his fingernails, rather than looking at me. He could pretend be annoyed all he wanted but I knew he was secretly pleased to get me for a couple of extra hours.

Picking up my bag, I entered the ley line. Before I could form my own; Al covered my mind and soul with his protective bubble. Annoyed I tried to resist his tendrils of intrusion. I could feel him examining my emotions and I knew he could pick up any stray thoughts.

"Al, stay the turn out of my mind!"

"Teachers privilege, I'm afraid, love, we can't have you not telling me about a problem and getting yourself injured now, can we?"

"This is none of your skinny ass demon business." I felt his annoyance radiate across the bubble.

"Just like my treacherous familiar doing a deal with Newt and trying to knock you up was none of my business?"

"For the hundredth time, I was going to tell you about that. I just wanted to teach him a lesson myself first." I loosened my grip on my mind letting the images and thoughts about Pierce slip free. Al gave a hum of contentment. "I'm never going to have children and I won't be tricked into it by witches or demons." After the night in the hole, Pierce had given me a contraception amulet. Only problem was it had been a fake. Pierce had done a deal with Newt - knock me up and she would let him go free. He had wanted to double cross her, by getting me pregnant and then when we met with Newt killing her. For some reason I wasn't that happy with the plan. As far as I was concerned Pierce had betrayed me.

"Thank the gods the wretch didn't manage to get the job done. I can assure you Rachel I would never trick you into my bed and I would have no problems providing you with a child."

"What is this, hit on Rachel week?"

"Oh, my itchy witch, whose been trying to convince you to join them in bed?" I felt Al pounce on my thoughts shaking lose a fragment of my confusion I felt over Ivy. The line opened and spat us out into Al's library. I stumbled shakily but managed to stay upright. Turning to Al, intending to ask why the trip had taken so long and what we were doing in his library, my mouth dropped open. Instead of Al, six feet of naked sin, otherwise known as Ivy Tamwood stood in front of me.

I stood frozen as Al stalked towards me confidently. I couldn't tear my eyes away even knowing it was really Al. Stopping just in front of me, using Ivy's hand Al brushed my hair back behind my ear.

"So, dear heart, you've finally decided to give into your vampire." The voice was Ivy's but hearing that name fall from his lips snapped me out of it and blushing furiously I stepped back.

"I haven't decided anything." I snapped waspishly without thinking.

"Ah, so that's the problem. My dear itchy witch is having a sexual identity crisis. Honestly, I don't understand the issue you want her - so take her." He gestured to the body he was currently imitating and I couldn't help but look. Taking advantage of my distraction Al stepped even closer than before, our chests touching with every inhale.

"I'm more than happy to let you practice on me if you're concerned about your technique." Nimble fingers played at the edge of my top. "I'll be gentle, I promise, Rachel. Just please don't be afraid."

"Al, stop it. Damn it, I don't need this from you right now, I don't know what to do. I thought coming here would help not make it worse!" I flopped bitterly into the wingback chair besides the fire that I thought of as mine.

"You came here for help?" The voice was Al's again, and looking up I saw he had turned back into his green velvet self. His back was to me and I wondered what expression was on his face.

"Well you're my teacher aren't you?" Still with his back to me Al wandered over to the bookshelves lining the wall and began running his hand over the books.

"Tell me Rachel, how old do witches live to be?" Something in his tone stopped me from replying sarcastically.

"160" He nodded, seemingly pulling a book randomly from the shelf.

"And demons?" I fidgeted in my chair wondering what answer was least likely to earn me a smack round the head.

"As long as they want." Al chuckled in response and the sound set my nerves on edge.

"Very true. But that wasn't always the case, spells have to be invented by someone, their affects realised and passed to others, that takes time. According to Newt and our oldest texts the natural lifespan of a demon is around 300, almost twice that of witches and elves." I didn't know where this conversation was going but I didn't like it.

"So?" another book was plucked from the shelves.

"So student, if you were a demon when would puberty be?" I shook my head confused but he couldn't see me.

"I don't know. What does it matter? I'm not a demon." Selecting a final book Al turned and walked back towards me, placing the books on the table. He sat down across from me our chairs half turn towards each other and half towards the fire.

"It matters because although you are not a demon you are, in so many ways, close enough to count. Demons aren't considered to be adults till they turn 45 with puberty starting somewhere around the age of 25 and ending in the late 30's." Goat silted eyes watched me expectantly.

"What are you talking about?"

"I'm trying to explain to you that you're going through a natural stage of growing up, you thick headed witch." Stunned I stared at him.

"But… But I went through puberty. I had my growth spurt and everything already." Al waved my words away with his hand.

"Let me guess: always small for your age, took you longer to learn to walk and talk, always acted like a younger child. Any of this sound familiar?"

My voice was a whisper. "I was ill"

"You were growing up like a demon."

"I'm not a demon." My voice was stronger now but all I could hear was the fear in it.

"No you're not. You're something very special indeed. Still it seems you're development is more like a demons than anything else. Tell me have you ever had a period?"

"No." I answered before I thought about it. Triumph flashed in his eyes.

"It's only because I haven't been in a relationship with a witch long enough." Embarrassed I shifted in my seat. A witch didn't start menstruating till sometime after they turned twenty and even then it took err … contact with a male witch. My last serious relationship with a witch had finished not long after my 20th birthday since then I'd only slept with one witch. The fact I hadn't had one yet after being with Pierce still made me nervous despite 50 pregnancy tests all coming back negative and I vowed to take another one as soon as I got home.

"Well student, it seems this has been a most enlightening lesson. I expect you to read these books while I'm out." He was already standing up, ready to go.

"What? Where are you going?" Al still seemed far too happy and I was worried just how valuable the information I had given him was.

"I'm going to make my claim on you much more secure. Corruption of a minor is a serious charge. Newt might be able to wriggle out of any punishment but the courts won't hand you over to her with those charges on the books." I stared at him open mouthed, for the second time in just a few minutes.

"You're going to accuse Newt of corrupting me? How has she corrupted me?" This was insane.

"Of course not." Al snapped at me and looked at me as if disappointed. "I'm going to blackmail her with it. Sending Pierce to seduce you was corruption, legally just making the deal with Pierce would be enough to bring her up on the charges, the fact the runt went through with it just compounds the crime. If it was anyone other than Newt she would be brought up on charges of rape. According to the law, you're not even old enough to consent. The courts don't take crimes against demon children lightly. Or at least they didn't and of course all the old laws still stand, it's even most of the same judges." He grinned at me happier than I had seen him in a long time - it was deeply disturbing.

"Not old enough to consent? What about your naked shenanigans, you've tried to corrupt me from the moment you met me!"

"Oh, Rachel, love; I haven't even begun to try and corrupt you and I can wait another ten years." He gave me the kind of leery look every man seems to be capable of and I rolled my eyes.

"Wait… I thought I thought I had to be 45?"

"Yes, before you're an adult but you can consent at 38." Blowing me a kiss Al disappeared.

Shocked and dazed, I looked at the books on the table and picked the first one up. 'Sexual Behaviour in the Human Female. By Dr Kinsey' there was a post it note stuck to the front of it. Yes, I know you're not human but really the man knew what he was talking about. I have highlighted the relevant passages. There were several leather bookmarks and picking one at randomly, I opened the book.

I felt me face light on fire as I read the title of the chapter 'instances of homosexuality in human females' slamming the book shut I looked around the empty library. Glancing back at the table I spread the other books out. A note had been in between them.

'Student, I hope that you appreciate that I went to the trouble of translating these. I expect you to read them all - consider it homework if you don't finish today. I'm your teacher, not your parent. I don't expect to teach you about the birds and the bees in anything less than a practical way. Claim your pet or not but I won't lose another lesson to this nonsense.'

I looked back at the books reading their titles.

Demon Development - what to expect as you're little devil grows up. By Noklighlaing

Vampires and Their Uses - Now with over 200 extra ways to manipulate them! By Mungatght

What to Do When Your Demon Becomes a Teenager. By Garbaremael

So You're Finding Yourself Attracted to Other Demons - The complete survival guide to puberty. By Cheraentkleon

Claiming and Keeping a Pet - How to legally claim your pet and keep them in tip top condition. By Agmandiers

Leaning back in my chair I stared in shock at the books, before slowly picking the first book back up and beginning to read.

Rachel POV.

Taking another tray of cookies out of the oven, I placed them on the island it was Tuesday and all I had done since I got back from the ever after was bake. If I kept this up, we were going to be overrun with cookies. But I couldn't help it, when I am nervous I bake. Ivy was meant to have taken a run this week tracking down a missing were. The girl had been missing for over a week and the IS weren't doing squat. Her pack feared she had been kidnapped because she was pregnant. Children are very important to the weres and a lot pressure was put on people to get knocked up and increase the were race.

For some reason Ivy had dropped the case. She had asked David to investigate it instead as a favour to her. David had phoned me, concerned about Ivy saying she wouldn't give him a reason for bailing on the job and had practically begged him.

Things were difficult between Ivy and me at the moment and I wasn't sure what to tell him, in the end I had told him I would make sure Ivy was alright. Truthfully, I wasn't sure how to handle it. I was worried that Ivy knew or at least suspected what had happened the night she got back from Rynn's. But she hadn't said anything or questioned me again and I wanted to keep it that way. I was dreaming about Ivy several times a night - hot, sticky dreams that woke me in the middle of the night but it was the dreams that promised me contentment and peace in her arms that worried me the most.

Ivy hadn't left the house, hell, she had barely left her room, emerging only for bathroom breaks and the meals I made her and I was grateful. The pheromones Ivy produced made my nipples hard enough to cut glass, made me want to throw myself at her. I had ended up fleeing the church half a dozen times so far. Scared of what I might do if I didn't leave.

The way she was making me feel, I wouldn't just let her bind me I would beg her to do it: scion, shadow, sex slave whatever she wanted just to let me feel those strong arms around me holding me safe. To be able to kiss those silky soft lips and snuggle closer to her at night. My own desires scared the crap out of me. I was afraid I would end sleepwalk to her one night. My body was officially a traitor at this point. I was straight except now I wasn't sure that stopped me from wanting Ivy. Damn Al and his damn books.

The soothing scent of incense played across my mind and I sighed contentedly, my fingers reaching up and squeezing my burning nipples, making twin lines of fire burn through my body. As I imagined leaning backwards into Ivy's supple body, her lips kissing my neck as I expose my scars to her. Nimble, long fingers run tenderly up from my hips, across the soft cotton over my stomach. Before gently pushing my fingers aside applying pressure much, much more firmly, almost painfully, to my nipples forcing me to feel things I wasn't sure I could admit to liking. One arm lovingly around my waist was holding me upright against her, my hands clinging to her arms as my legs refuse to hold my weight.

"Mine." The silk grey proclamation spends shivers of pleasure down my spine and I know she's about to make it true, about to mark me and claim me.

"Tink's diaphragm what the hell is wrong with you Rache?" my eyes opened, showing me the four inch pixy in front of me. Dressed in a blue and green jumpsuit, Jenks was hovering near the open window. Movement caught my eye and I turned to see the vampire standing in the doorway, a curtain of dark soft hair blocking my view of her face. A black silk shirt clung to her, the neck line plunging and I licked my lips. The leather pants looked like they had been painted on, they seemed to flow and change seamlessly into high heeled black boots. All she need was to be straddling her bike and she could be the cover of any motorcycle magazine. My fingers, still on my breasts, twitched and liquid fire shot through me. A sound somewhere between a growl and a whimper escaped Ivy along with a rush of pheromones. God damn it, she had gotten me again! One whiff of her scent and I turn into a horny teenager. No, make that a basket case, I was fantasising in broad daylight, surrounded by cookies in the kitchen. Now I couldn't even trust my traitorous imagination during the day, even awake I couldn't stop wanting and wishing her hands on me.

"I've got to go out, we need more eggs." My legs shook as I scrambled to get to the back door.

"Rache, turn take it we have to talk about this. You have to tell us what happened. Just sit down, you're wearing slippers for Tink's sake."

I didn't even slow down as I shook my head. I had to get away, I had to get away from Ivy and think. I gave a half strangled sob as I tried to open the back door, it wouldn't budge. Strong lean arms reached around me and jerked the door open. I yelped as our fingers touched and electricity ran through me, seeming to touch my very soul. I had to run away before I did something very stupid that I would regret for the rest of my life.

I stumbled forwards out the door and into the fresh cold late Cincy evening. Gratefully I dragged in great lungful's of clean crisp air free from any pheromones or scent. I just needed fresh air that was all it was.

Straightening up, I began to run, letting the side gate slam behind me, cutting off Jenks cursing. I ran faster feeling the cold air stinging my face. I wished I still had my car. I could have blown even the memory of her scent away. Something rebelled inside me at that thought and scared of what it meant, of what everything that had happened meant. I ran faster.

Ivy's POV

"God damn it, Ivy. What are you thinking letting her leave? You two need to talk about this, you need to get her to admit what happened. It's gone on long enough." The agitated pixy flew to face me stopping me from staring out the door after Rachel.

"She doesn't want to talk to me Jenks, I'm a monster." I dropped my eyes to the floor. I really didn't want to talk about this.

"Tink's a Disney whore. Ivy we have been through this, you're not a monster. Now you need to go after Rachel."

"I raped her Jenks. I raped my best friend. How can I be anything but a monster?"

The pitch of his wings dropped and his voice was soft and gentle now. "We don't know what happened, and that's why you have to go after her. She needs you right now, she's vulnerable and anything could happen to her."

"I don't want her to leave and she's not mine to protect, she doesn't want to be mine." I nearly choked as I forced the last words out.

"You've bitten her and like it or not she's yours to protect."

Rachel's POV.

My feet kept moving one in front of the other. Maybe that was the key to my life just not to stop moving. Perhaps proto demons were like sharks, we stop moving and we die? My mind raked over the conversation with Al and the books now buried under my bed. Was sexuality really that fluid; was it just a case of accepting I liked girls and getting on with it? What would happen if things went wrong between Ivy and me? I didn't want to be alone and without her. I just needed to get myself under control.

But what would it be like to spend my nights wrapped safely in Ivy's arms, hearing her heart beat. What would it be like to come back from a run, jump in to the shower and have Ivy join me? I should … I stopped, jerking my head up I had heard something. Paying attention to my surroundings for the first time in a long while I realised I was in deep trouble.

I was on a quiet road a large factory wall loomed over me ominously warehouse some looking empty and abandoned lined the other side of the street. It was full night now the sky a deep inky black and all but one of the street lights was broken. To make matters worse, I was on the out skirts of the hollows near to the river. This was where the vampires came to hunt and humans looking for a thrill came to party. The vamp elders knew the younger ones needed to let off steam and the humans felt it was better to have one area where everyone knew the risks. So these few blocks where a haven of sorts for all the seedier aspects of inderlander life. And I was wandering around in bunny slippers. I may as well have put a bow round my neck and started ringing a dinner bell.

I heard a noise again. This time it came from behind me. Turning, I tapped a line. I couldn't see anything. I was considering the merits of setting a circle and waiting the night out. Arms grabbed me from the left, pushing me towards the factory wall. I started to spindle the line, preparing to throw one huge blast at my attacker. My back hit the wall hard, and a wave of pheromones swept over me. I lost my grip on the line and the accumulated ever after drained out of me as I moaned.

The wall was cold and rough, breasts pressed against me and I realised my attacker was female. Her face was sharp and angular, the dim light making her face seem wrapped in shadows. She was almost as tall as Ivy and her short bottle blonde hair tickled my face. I tried to pull away, but her body was tight against mine, one arm trapped between us while she held the other so tightly I knew I'd have bruises.

"Well now aren't you pretty?" Her voice was soft, the words sounding almost like a big cat purring. Sharp nails dragged down my cheek and slowly traced circles around where my scars should be on my neck. She couldn't see them but they were there under the skin and she played on them like a pro.

"And unclaimed too. Tell me, pretty, do you have scars anywhere else I should know about?" her hand was moving slowly down my chest inching towards my breasts.

I tried vainly to kick her and my pheromone addled brain realised my legs were no longer holding me upright. That job was instead being done by the blonde vamp in front of me.

"No, stop, get, away, from, me, bitch." My voice sounded just as breathless and needy as it had for Ivy but I felt sick to my stomach. Even as they turned me on her pheromones disgusted me, she smelled like ashes and rotten wood.

She chuckled in response, hard vice like fingers squeezed my left nipple, fire raced through me forcing an orgasm and I cried out. My tears felt cold against my flushed cheeks, I tried to turn my face away as her tongue flicked out snake quick and licked the salty water from my skin.

Pulling together my will, I managed to tap the line again. Her hands were still on me, touching me and I threw the current straight at her. The blonde vamp cried out and was flung backwards. I crashed to the floor, crying, I tried to get my legs under me, tried to make them work I had to get away.

Pushing myself up on my arms, I made it on to all fours and sobbed in horror as a new wave of pheromones set my scars alight again. My legs went watery and I sprawled on the floor again. It took everything I had to manage to tap the line again. Trembling I tried to ignore the pleasure and horror assaulting my body "rhom-" my head slammed into the ground and agony exploded across my face.

Talon like nails dug into my wrist and I felt a bracelet being locked on, I reached for a line but I couldn't feel it. My heart froze in my chest I as I tried desperately to get away, clawing at the pavement, my arms and legs seeming filled with jelly. The pain in my face was bad and I just knew my nose was broken from when she had slammed my face into the ground. The blood spilling from it was hot and thick as it mingled with my tears and ran down my face. Ignoring my attempts to flee blondie lifted me up as if I weighed nothing, slamming me into the brick wall so hard I blacked out for a moment. When I managed to open my eyes my vision swam and the blonde's expression was eager and cruel.

"I'm going to make you regret that. Your mine now and I'm going to make you spend the rest of your life at my feet." I was drowning in a sea of desperation and panic I wouldn't let her make her shadow I wouldn't. I tried to struggle my legs kicking her and my hands clawing at her arms. Laughing the vamp leaned in and leisurely licked my face not even bothering to stop me fighting her.

"Mmm delicious. I'm glad you like it rough." Pleasure from her pheromones was still there and I cried harder as she ripped my t-shirt down the middle, tearing the bra from my breasts. Now I was exposed to the world, my scars visible to her and aching for her touch, even though my mind loathed it.

"No, god no."

"Sorry, pretty but from now on I'm your god and you don't get to say no." Unable to fight back effectively I did the only thing I could think of, I spat in her face. The resulting slap had me seeing stars. Cold hands squeezed my breasts cruelly and I whimpered.

"You can't do this, you can't." She didn't even bother to answer me I could only think of one more thing that might save me. "I belong to Ivy Tamwood."

"Not anymore. Poor little witch don't you understand? If you belonged to Tamwood she would have claimed you by now. Instead you're just a cookie by the side of the road." There was a smile in her voice as she said it.

"No, you're wrong. She loves me, she'll save me. Ivy will eat you up and spit you out." But what if she didn't? Had she finally had enough of me? I didn't even see the hand moving before it hit me; the back of her hand hit my face like a brick. I heard something break in my face, I started to scream and had to choke it back down. Whatever the blonde bitch had broken, really didn't like me screaming. Those talon fingers slashed the flesh of my right breast and I screamed this time the pain of the deep cut too much to ignore.

"Shh you know you want this you little vampire whore." Greedy lips pressed on the frayed skin before her tongue dug into the wound and she began to suck. Humiliation and pleasure mixed as the toxins transmuted the pain into pleasure making me moan just like a vampire whore would. I hated myself for the way my body reacted, she was raping me but she had already made me orgasm once and I was close again. I was whimpering and withering for her my body wasn't even trying to fight her anymore. I was such a worthless slut how could any part of me be getting pleasure from this? I knew I couldn't fight her off she was a vamp - a living one yes but still a vamp and I couldn't tap a line but I hated myself for letting this happen, for reacting to what she was doing.

Her fingers played with the edge of my jeans, running back and forth. She drew back from the wound, I was so relieved to have those lips off me I felt faint. She kissed just above the wound and two fingers broke the skin above my jeans. I gave another strangled cry at the pain which seemed to please here and the blonde vampire trailed kisses up my chest to my ear and her fingers walked up my stomach, fingernails breaking the skin as they went. I couldn't stop whimpering, I wanted her in me, I wanted her off me. My hands pushed uselessly against her shoulders, she breathed softly on the scars at my neck and my core throbbed in response.

"There's a good girl. I can be a kind mistress. I'll make this good for you, not that it'll be hard given how much of a slut you are I can tell you're about to come any second just like a $10 hooker. Don't worry slut I'll teach you some control and then you'll only come when I tell you to." Teeth sank into my neck as fingers trailed down my stomach, scraping every little half-moon shaped wound before plunging inside my jeans. It wasn't like Ivy's bite where I had to fight not to lose myself to the pleasure, her bite was pleasurable but it hurt at the same time almost as if she was burning me. My fingers clutched at her arms I didn't want her to touch me to know how wet my worthless body was for her. I could feel the toxins in her bite reacting to my resistance and beginning to paralyse me the tips of my fingers and toes going numb. I knew it would spread throughout my body thousands of years of evolution making sure vamps didn't have to put up with their meal moving around too much. Someone was begging her to stop and I realised it was me even as my body betrayed me and my hips canted towards her. Three fingers pushed hard and deep into me and she pulled my blood down hungrily. I felt the tug on my aura and I rebelled trying to hold onto it. I heard her growl despite her mouth never leaving my neck. Then I knew she was inside my mind. She was trying to bind me.

Now, I could sense her trying to sink her fingers into my mind as well as my body and I fought back. The feeling of her trying to bind me, trying to take my aura was repulsive. Trying to ignore what was being done to my body I focused on pushing the bitch out of my mind. And I remembered this was what had happened that night on Kisten's boat. I had felt Art trying to bind me and I had fought back in my mind. I had won then, he hadn't been able to bind me I could do this I wouldn't let this bitch make me her toy.

I thought I could hear sounds of a fight I wanted to call out for help. But god I didn't want anyone to see me like this, I didn't want anyone to know and fighting her in my mind was taking everything I had. Her fingers where deep inside me, the nails scraping and tearing tender flesh feeling good instead of painful. Her thumb worked my clit and those skilled fingers and pheromones dragged an orgasm from my body. Shame and disgust rose up inside me. How could I come like this? I was pathetic Ivy wouldn't want me anywhere near her after this.

Rage filled me. Rage at her and at myself for responding to it. My body had betrayed me. I could feel the anger rising up inside me, it felt almost physical and I pushed all my anger and shame outwards like a bubble. I felt the vamp being pushed out of my mind and aura. All I could see was blinding white light and I couldn't feel my body. I was being dragged down, drowning in white hot anger. I tried to hang on, tried to stay conscious but it was no use, the tidal wave of rage washed over me and I passed out.

The ground was cold and hard, I tried to move but everything hurt. Orange and ash incense reached my nose as I listened to the sounds of fighting and I knew Ivy had come for me. My vision was so grey and I sure I was going to pass back out but it was ok Ivy was here she would take care of me. But what if the blonde hurt her? I could hear snarls and hisses with loud thuds around and near me. What if she knew my body had responded to that bitch? Would Ivy think I was dirty and used now? It didn't matter as long as she was ok, I just wanted my Ivy to be alright.

"Ivy" my voice was weak and I blinked in surprise at least I tried to. My eyes wouldn't open and I was drowning in darkness this time but all I could think was please god let Ivy be ok.

Chapter 5
Ok will hopefully you wont all want to lynch me but you might in a moment. I was writting this for my own little heartbreaker - unfortuneatly they broke my heart lol and to be honest i just want to go hide under a rock till i feel less stupid and ugly so i dont know when or if i will update this. i hate leaving things unfinished and it is a crapy place to stop i know.

heartbreaker, fanfic, ivy and rachel

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