Heartbreaker Chapter 3

Nov 22, 2010 22:10

Disclaimer: I don't own Rachel and Ivy or the rest of the hollows - sad times. Also All hail the heartbreaker and its lyrics belong to the spill canvas.

A/N: My thanks go once again to Ag for her help with. Even when I let her down she is there for me.

Thank you to everyone who reviewed they always make me feel better. I am grateful for any and all comments so please let me know what you think.

Once again there are hints of bms and also now spoilers for some of the earlier books notably  the good the bad and the undead and ffdm. This is kind of half a chapter I felt the whole thing was too long so I have split it. on a positive note at least  I should be able to update sooner.

 Chapter One
Chapter Two

Chapter 3

The coffee was cold but it didn't matter, it was only for show. I leaned against the island, my eyes roaming over the vamp and ghoul lying unconscious on my kitchen floor. It hadn't taken long to get the name out of them. My hands were still shaking from trying to keep myself under control. The urge to rip into them, to tear their throats out and feast had almost been too strong. I directed my eyes upwards, staring at the bright light, trying to force my pupils to contract back to normal quicker. As I expected, it had been the living vampire whom had given me the name in the end.

Rynn was on his way here and could arrive anytime now. Jenks was back outside with the rest of his brood monitoring the perimeter. I should have been trying to figure out what Rynn was hoping to achieve by spying on me. But all I could think about was Rachel, she still wasn't answering her phone. I had tried ringing her on Jenks phone as well as mine, but it hadn't made any difference. The calls all went to voicemail. Picking up my phone, I tried her number again.

"Hi, leave a message after the beep or call (513) 751-6262 to reach the office of Vampiric Charms." I didn't have a clue what to say, I sighed as the beep sounded. "It's me again Rachel. Please be careful and keep an eye out for any more spies. These two have admitted to working for Rynn and he's on his way here. Come home safe." I hung up forcing myself to put the cell phone down carefully instead of throwing it against the wall. Just please come home Rachel, I love you, I need you. My body felt tense and everything in me was screaming I should be out there searching for Rachel.

The distinctive sound of pixy wings caught my attention, - one of the pixies was flying towards the house. "His limo just turned onto the street. You know how you're going to handle this, Ivy?" Jenks was looking at me with concern evident on his face.

I return his look with the most arrogant and haughty look I had. "Sure, Jenks." Snorting Jenks rolled his eyes.

"I still say we should have killed them."

And people thought vampires were the blood thirsty ones. If people knew just what was flying around in their back gardens they'd never go outside. I shook my head and sighed.

"Killing them would have just escalated this, whatever this is." Jenks looked like he was going to reply but the dinner bell we used in place of a doorbell rang. Knowing that Rynn would be able to hear everything we said once he got here. Jenks and I had agreed on some things in advance. I nodded at Jenks and, drawing his sword, he flew to escort the undead ex-president and current master of the city of Cincinnati to our back door.

Leaning forward nonchalantly against the island, I flicked open Rachel's witch magazine. Since her shunning, they had stopped delivering them. Now she only got a copy when Keasley managed to pick her one up. Pausing I began reading '15 ways to keep your familiar happy and healthy'. What was scary was it read an awful lot like an article I had seen last week on keeping your shadow happy. Especially with the hand written additions that could only have come from Al.

1.      Feeding - Just like you, your familiar is what he eats. Keep them happy and content with a healthy varied diet. - Food is an excellent means of gaining control and of reinforcing ownership. Strictly control what they can eat and when, don't forget to withhold food for misbehaviour.

2.      Exercise - Staying fit is vital, healthy familiars handle the ley line energy better. Try including them in your exercise routine and get a workout for the both of you! - Ensuring they know you are stronger than them is vital. Use a simple muscle strengthening curse on yourself and a weakening one on them. Do it right and they'll never know you used magic. Then just remember to alternate between hitting them with your left and right fist. Otherwise, one arm will gain extra muscles while the other will look weak and nerdy.

At one time, I had often wondered what it would be like to be Rachel's familiar. Nick had run from her because of it. The tie it created, that it involved sharing auras had fascinated me. It seemed close to the binding of a vampire and scion. The witch could draw ley line energy through the familiar’s aura just as a vampire could draw energy from a shadow or scion's aura. Nick had been scared of the things Rachel was capable of and he had run because of it. That wouldn't have been a problem for me, my dear heart scared me half to death she always had done. We were both predators and dangerous in our own way, I had finally found my equal and I would never run from her. Leaving so I wouldn’t rip her throat out was a different matter.

The door opened just as I read the last line Al had written at the bottom of the page. 'Really itchy witch you need to get better control of your pet vampire and elf familiar'. I tried to ignore the embarrassing effect that being called Rachel's pet was having on me. Not acknowledging Rynn, I turned the page '50 ways to win your witch's heart'. Now here was something I could use. Reluctantly I raised my eyes to meet Rynn's. His dead eyes sparkled at me as he smiled amiably, looking as distinguished as ever in a charcoal coloured three piece suit. His salon created salt and pepper hair completed the image of wise statesman he was no doubt aiming for.

"I think the trash on my floor belongs to you?" My voice was steady and slightly bored, I sounded like I was talking about the weather rather than two men bleeding and unconscious on my kitchen floor.

Rynn's eyes flickered down to stare at them for a second. "Yes they're mine. Michael, come here." A solidly built six-foot vampire in a suit that was far too tight appeared just behind Rynn.

Rynn's eyes never left mine as he smiled again and gestured at the vampires on the floor. "Take them back to mine will you. See that Mai deals with their wounds please."

"Yes, Mr. Cormel." Shifting forwards like the lackey he was. Michael grabbed the ghoul and threw him carelessly over his shoulder before grabbing one of the living vamps legs and dragged him carelessly behind. The vampire's skull made a horrible sound as it smashed into the back step. The whole time I was careful not to blink or lose eye contact with Rynn.

The silence stretched between us as we listened to Michael loading the car and driving off. Jenks stayed silent on top of the fridge, as we had agreed.

"Well Ivy, now that we are alone shall we begin? I brought you a present I thought you might appreciate." A predator's smile adorned his face but he was the one to break eye contact. He placed a small flat box a little bigger than an A4 pad of paper on the island. Ignoring it, I leaned forward slightly.

"I want to know why you felt you could spy on me." I made it a statement rather than a question.

Rynn's eyes flashed darkly at me. "Well, I am your master, keeping an eye on my subjects is well within my rights."

Straightening up again, the cold coffee mug still held tight in my hand, as if I was gaining some non-existent warmth from it. I tried to calculate how to deal with him. My fingers tightened their grip on the mug as Piscary's voice whispered in my mind. "Be careful Ivy girl do not hurt his ego but you must remind him of the balance of power between you."

I'd had to get use to Piscary's voice showing up now and then. A scion outliving their master, especially one as old as Piscary, was very rare and I hadn't been able to find any reference to surviving scions still hearing their master's voice. But then like me, maybe they kept it quiet, admitting to hearing voices was never a good idea.

"You are the undead master vampire of this city but it is not that simple when it comes to me." I cocked my hip waiting for his answer.

"I am only acting in your best interests." It was the same justification he had used a few weeks ago when he stopped me from returning to help Rachel get the coven off her back. Rynn had knocked me out and kept me locked unconscious in one of his rooms at Piscary's old restaurant. The fact I owned the place had just made the insult all the more galling. But he had been careful to ensure no one else knew what he had done, stopping me from losing face but preventing me from retaliating at the same time. Like the sex, it was just one more dance in our private struggle.

"My dear Ivy there is no need to take offence. Our agreement has been amicable and benefited us both has it not? Why would I do something to upset that deal?" He tilted his head at me as if puzzled.

Piscary's laughter inside my head said it all. If he could do away with the agreement between us and seize full control of the camarilla then he would do it in a heartbeat. Smiling lightly I regarded Rynn thoughtfully as I responded.

"The agreement between us is unique and perhaps you have come to regret accepting it?" I shrugged apologetically as if I didn't believe it but was forced to say it. His smile was as false as mine.

"Not at all, Ivy. I have never had a camarilla before and I am more than satisfied with the situation. I can imagine that many of my counter parts would not be satisfied with merely being a regent waiting for the day you die your first death, and rise to take their place. But I am used to the cruelty of politics and I as I have said before, the experience will stand me in good stead to form my own camarilla. Especially once you’ve given me the access to the spell to save vampires' souls."

Normally when the master of the city died, his named successor took over. However, I was still alive and insisted on staying that way. There had been a movement within the camarilla to force the issue and kill me so that I could take my rightful place. The fear of reprisals from my undead self mostly kept them from acting on the idea. In the end, the compromise of a steward had been agreed. Many had backed naming my mother despite her reclusive tendencies, arguing that keeping it within the family would reduce the friction and problems. My mother's views on my relationship with Rachel had me wanting to refuse her the position but the only alternative was to die my first death. I had been on the brink of naming my mother when Rynn approached me. He, like a growing number of vampires saw Rachel as the next step in our races development. Extensive negotiations had followed but in the end, we had reached an agreement.

"So you’re still satisfied and committed to our arrangement?" I asked, as if he would say anything other than yes.

"Yes although I would like to see more progress. Also I would like you to release some extra funds for me."

"Of course, just email me the details." I chose to ignore his comment about progress.

"So why did you have vampires watching me, Rynn?"

"It was in your best interests, dear. I kept an ear on you myself last night. I was worried after I found you had left the party to return here. Don't worry I left as soon as I was sure you would both be safe. But I thought it might be prudent to have some vampires here today to protect you and the witch while you both recovered." He smiled genially at me but his eyes held cruel amusement. Only the years spent with Piscary stopped the horror I was feeling from showing.

"The two of you make an excellent couple and don't worry, I took care of the witch from the party."

Some of the shock and horror I was feeling must have been evident in my scent, it was the hardest to control and I hadn't been engaging in as many situations where I needed to control it. Rynn's smile was as hard as diamond, as he flashed his fangs at me. He knew he’d won. Tapping the box in front of him, Rynn delivered a parting shot, "please enjoy the gift."

Frozen, I watched as Rynn left the church, whistling as he walked down the side passage to the curb. A few seconds later, the limo arrived to pick him up.

"Tink's titties, Ivy! What the hell was he talking about?" Jenks had landed on the box Rynn had brought but he quickly took flight again as I reached for it. Tearing the lid off revealed an exquisite dress. The material was oddly familiar and I had a flash of a dark cupboard, questing fingers and warm blood. The dress smelled strongly of blood and sex. I remembered my own dress so thoroughly cleaned.

Shaking, I dropped the dress. Rynn had implied something had happened between Rachel and me. If it had, there would be evidence. Running to the sanctuary, I began to search. I tore the cushions from the sofa. I climbed onto the recently re-felted pool table and sniffed every inch. I checked the entrance where Rachel said I had fallen, but there was nothing.

"Ivy, listen to me you have to calm down. You're going to hurt yourself you stupid lunker. Just calm down and we'll talk to Rachel when she gets back." I shook my head, ebony hair casting a curtain against the world, I wasn't sure Rachel was coming back.

"What if she doesn't come back?" My voice was soft and worried.

"She will come back Ivy, she'll be home soon." Despite his words, he was worried as he flew beside me, light blue dust trailing behind him like a comets tail.

I was in the corridor now and my hand rested on the handle to Rachel's room I knew this was the most likely place for me to find my answer, all I had to do was push open the door. My heart was racing madly in my chest, as I stood there unable to make myself open the door. Did I really want to know? Which would be worse finding out something did happen or that nothing happened? If something had happened and I knew, would Rachel be able to stay or would she run if she was forced to confront the truth? I knew the answer to that, running was what my dear heart did best. But could I live here not knowing what had happened last night? I nearly jumped as Jenks light weight landed on my shoulder.

"It's ok Ivy." His voice was sad and I didn't know if was telling me to open the door or not. I wanted to plead with him to tell me what I should do but as my mother would say that wouldn't be fitting behaviour for a Tamwood vampire.

"I have to know, Jenks, one way or another I have to know." My voice was shaking almost as much as my hands as I turned the handle and pushed open her door. I didn't even have to step into her room. She had sprayed some of the lemon perfume I had brought her last week, but the blood and sex were easy to smell. Jenks cursed loudly, succeeding in making me jump this time, and causing him to have to take flight. My knees felt so weak when I entered her room.

I walked to her bed and breathed deeply, it wasn't right, it wasn't the source of our mixed scents. But at the wall opposite the end of her bed I stopped. My fingers reached out gently for the wall. Here, I had bitten and fucked her here, too much of an animal to even taking her to bed. Realising what I had done, my knees collapsed under me. And I fell to the floor leaning against the wall where I had raped my best friend. My hands were tight fists, finger nails digging into my palms, making them cry tears of blood to match the watery ones running down my face. How? How could I have done this to her?

"I should leave before she gets back she shouldn't have to live with a monster like me."

"No!" I didn't realise I had spoken aloud until Jenks shouted. He landed back on my shoulder patting my ear soothingly.

"You have to stay, Ivy. She needs you, she didn't leave and she had plenty of time to do it if that's what she had wanted to do. She loves you, Ivy, its ok; she'll be back soon." I couldn't stop crying. I wanted to blame someone, I wanted to kill someone but there was no one to blame but me. Jenks just kept repeating that last sentence and for the first time in months, I prayed, begging any god that would listen to let Jenks be right.

Continued - http://frogscookie.livejournal.com/1714.html

heartbreaker, fanfic, ivy and rachel

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