Fic: Of Gifts Taken and Given, Arthur/Gwen, PG

Mar 22, 2009 10:52

Title: Of Gifts Taken and Given
Author: kepp0xy
Rating: PG
Characters/Pairing: Arthur/Gwen, mentions of Morgana
Warning: Nope, it's a shameless flirt fic pretty much XD
Summary: Gwen searches Arthur's chambers for something as Arthur looks on. He does not make her search easy.

Author's Notes: I have a series ficlets that are random A/G Moments that span from just after Le Morte to the night before Arthur rides to the battle of Camlann; since they were just sitting in my documents, I thought I'd start posting them. Because they're ficlets, they're unbeta'd so all mistakes are mine. I'll probably aim to post one every two weeks. #1: Check Up; # 2: Counsel; # 3: Delay; # 4: Tea. Comments are ♥ & concrit appreciated.

Arthur watches as Gwen sweeps through his chambers, watchful eyes darting everywhere as she searches. Finally she turns to him, puts her hands to her hips and narrows her gaze. "Was this really necessary? Morgana cannot dine with the King tonight unless she has the necklace he gave to her."

A smirk springs to his lips. "I will return the necklace when Morgana returns my sword."

Gwen throws her hands in the air in frustration. "Really, Arthur, I insist that Morgana does not have your blasted sword - Oh!" Gwen's eyes widen and her hands rise to cover her mouth in shock. "I'm sorry, Sire. I shouldn't have said that. I didn't mean... Of course your sword is very important. I just. Oh..." Gwen shakes her head and quickly resumes the search, cheeks burning a dusty red.

Arthur laughs and walks over to her, standing in front of her, forcing her to stop her harried looking. "Guinevere," he says softly, amusement evident in his entirety. "You really do have a truly unbelievable skill for tripping over your words." His amusement heightens as her lips purse and her brow furrows slightly. He inclines his head to her. "Is there something else you'd like to say?"

Her mouth opens and then snaps shut. Gwen takes a step back from him and shakes her head. "No, Sire." She watches him shrewdly for a moment and as she lowers her gaze, something catches her eye. "For the love of Camelot," she says, tones dangerously close to a whine and Arthur feels a strange thrill that he'd managed to bring her to that point. "You're wearing Morgana's necklace!"

"The perfect hiding place," he says and knows that the arrogance in his voice is unbefitting of a prince, but he doesn't care.

"Isn't it just," she murmurs offhandedly, focus now on studying his neckline. Arthur represses a second thrill that shocks through his body in response to the intensity of her stare. He licks his lips, instinctively trying to quell the twist in his stomach. "If I could just..." Her eyes rise to meet his, the pleading in their warm browns quickly turning to surprise. "M... My Lord?" she asks, taking a step back.

Arthur swallows, suddenly annoyed with himself for displaying such a lack of composure. "You can tell Morgana," he says, turning away from her to stride to his dining table. "That if she wants her necklace back, she can collect it herself. Upon the return of my sword."

Gwen heaves a sigh behind him and he's not sure if it's more relieved or frustrated.

Next moment...

series: moments (merlin), merlin: gwen, merlin: pairing - gwen/arthur, merlin: arthur, merlin, type: future!fic, type: het, length: ficlet

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