Fic: Moment # 3: Delay, Gwen/Arthur, G

Feb 25, 2009 12:53

Title: Moment # 3: Delay
Author: kepp0xy
Rating: G
Characters/Pairing: Gwen/Arthur, pre-ship
Warning: None
Summary: Arthur stops Gwen on her way to Morgana's side and Gwen cannot understand why.

Author's Notes: I have a series ficlets that are random A/G Moments that span from just after Le Morte to the night before Arthur rides to the battle of Camlann; since they were just sitting in my documents, I thought I'd start posting them. Because they're ficlets, they're unbeta'd so all mistakes are mine. I'll probably aim to post one every two weeks. # 1: Check Up; # 2: Counsel. Comments are ♥ & concrit appreciated!

"Guinevere, please." She looked up in surprise at the pleading tone the Prince addressed her with. There was no doubt that the situation was getting a bit tense, but the apprehensive look on his face was out of proportion.

Gwen looked across the hall to where Morgana was locked in a heated argument with one of the visiting dignitaries. Gwen had been on her way to her mistress's side when Arthur had caught her arm. "Sire, I cannot-

"You can and you will," he said forcefully. Gwen frowned at him. She was Morgana's maidservant, not his and as such followed Morgana's orders, not his. In any case, it was ridiculous for him to restrain her: there was no real danger to anyone and if there was, Arthur should have been escorting Morgana out.

Shaking her arm free of Arthur's grip, she marched across the hall to Morgana's side, heedless of the consequences of ignoring a direct command from the Crown Prince.

Next Moment...

series: moments (merlin), merlin: gwen, merlin: pairing - gwen/arthur, merlin: arthur, merlin, type: future!fic, type: het, length: ficlet

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