Fic: Barbed Wire, Dean-centric, PG13

Feb 27, 2009 17:57

Author: kepp0xy
Rating: PG13
Characters: Dean, Sam, Siren
Warning: Spoilers for Sex & Violence.
Summary/Author's Notes: Beta'd by nibzy, who I adore. All remaining mistakes are mine. While I adore Bobby, I was a bit disappointed that he showed up to save the day. This is basically what I was hoping would happen. Dean can see through the Siren's venom, and goes through it all just to find out the truth of what's up between he and Sam.

"Tell me again how weak I am, Sam," Dean bit out, staring harshly down at his brother, still prone and shocked on the floor.

He wasn't sure how he was managing to see through the haze of the Siren's venom, but he guessed maybe it had something to do with Castiel's hand print on his bicep. He also wasn't sure exactly how he'd managed to convince the son of a bitch that he was under its spell, acting as its next hand puppet, but convinced it he had and now he found himself here.

He damn well should have done the smart thing and just killed it in the car. But Dean had felt a twisted desire to have it out with Sam and not have to take the blame for it. He could tell what the Siren was planning, and so he went along with it.

Sam's words had burned him like a hot iron right down his core. His heart throbbed, bleeding the insult through his body until his bones ached with it. He had been terrified that Hell was the issue; that Sam had withdrawn because he viewed Dean as a monster, or worse, as pathetically weak.

But instead, it wasn't the acts he committed in Hell that caused Sam to pull away: it was that Dean felt bad about it, that it haunted him. The molten bile that was a constant companion to any thoughts of Hell turned quickly to ice cold fear at what that might mean about Sam.

Dean stared down, feeling broken; he raised the axe above his head and said, "how I hold you back!"

Sam stared up at him, Dean could see the venom working its way through his thoughts, controlling his mind. Sam didn't care at this moment what Dean said; he just wanted to beat him.

Dean bit back a sigh and swung down, nicking Sam's shoulder just deep enough so that his little brother shouted in agony before he wheeled the axe around and used the momentum to lodge it deep in the Siren's chest.

Then he sunk to the floor as it writhed, staring at itself vainly in the mirror, and Dean waited for the fallout, trying to look anywhere but at his brother.

supernatural, spn: sam, type: gen, length: oneshot, length: ficlet, spn: dean

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