Moment # 1: Check Up, Arthur/Gwen, G

Jan 21, 2009 10:13

Title: Moment 1: Check Up
Author: kepp0xy
Rating: G, humour/mild fluff
Characters/Pairing: Arthur/Gwen
Warning: Very vague reference to Le Morte D'Arthur.
Summary: Arthur catches Gwen checking up on him.

Author's Notes: I have a series ficlets that are random A/G Moments that span from just after Le Morte to the night before Arthur rides to the battle of Camlann; since they were just sitting in my documents, I thought I'd start posting them. Since they're ficlets, they're unbeta'd so mistakes are mine. I'll probably aim to post one every two weeks.

"Are you checking up on me?"

Gwen froze and closed her eyes, summoning patience. It had been a stupid impulse to follow, she had known it the instant she allowed her feet to lead her in this direction. And that knowledge was confirmed by the prince's stupid smug tones.

Gwen turned to face Arthur, pasting a smile on her face. "No, sire, I was simply on my way to the laundry," she said calmly, lifting the linen basket as evidence.

Arthur looked at her speculatively, amusement dancing in every facet of his expression. "But the laundry is on the other side of the castle."

"Yes, but --

"Come now, Guinevere," he interrupted, smirk broadening with each word he spoke and taking a few steps closer to her. "Tell the truth. You were checking up on me."

Gwen took a step back into the passageway, shifting the basket from its place on her hip to being held before her like a shield. "Your chambers were merely the same way I was going."

Arthur chuckled, a from-the-stomach type sound that made Gwen want to smile genuinely in response. Stupid, she thought to herself, forcing her face to remain neutral. "All right, I'll pretend I believe you." He held her gaze for a moment longer before turning back to his chambers.

Gwen let out a sigh of relief and turned to be on her way when Arthur called out to her retreating form, "I'm fine, by the way!"

And for the second time in a fortnight, Gwen found herself almost scurrying away from the prince's chambers like a juvenile. One day, Gwen thought fervently, I will face him down, and he will be the one who squirms.

Next Moment...

series: moments (merlin), merlin: gwen, type: het, merlin: pairing - gwen/arthur, length: ficlet, merlin: arthur, merlin

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