The No Rhyme or Reason Colin Morgan picspam

Jan 16, 2009 10:49

Too many random pictures of Colin Morgan. There's no rhyme or reason to it. Most images from One or two by potthead @ inadream_caps & the one, totally random & gratuitous Supernatural shot I don't know =( Other than that, colour & resizing by me and please do enjoy :D

You can thank tvheartache & skyebanshee for this crackery. i l u guys! ♥

You can't really start a 'spam of Colin off without one of his looks of glee. Seriously, how anyone can resist Merlin after seeing that smile I cannot fathom.

Dude! He was on Catherine Tate! I must discover this episode. I love how he's hiding beneath the covers *_* he can hide under my covers anytime.... Okay, I swear that'll be the last pervy comment. Well, I'll try to make it my last pervy comment. (eta: for those interested parties, tvheartache linked me to clips of Colin on the CT Show)

So shocked. teehee.

A warning: I may or may not have about a zillion pics of Jethro. Though, seriously, when that role involves Colin's arms & dramatic lighting that highlight his cheekbones & this great emo mop & tight t-shirts & ... sorry. Moving on.

All right, so first and foremost, I love that his arms are all here and bare. And then I love the drama of it.

Neck. Need I say more? .... NECK!

I really only included this because Supernatural has imbued me with a strange love for a man with a flashlight. In case evidence of that is needed, one teeny tiny Dean plant:

... guh. ........ moving on.

Funny faces! This scene makes me LOL every time.

This may or may not be mostly a gratuitous shot of the Doctor. Although Colin's slightly shocked/scared and out-of-focus face is lovely as well.

... He's not pleased I threw the Doctor into the mix. 0=D

Cheekbones. CHEEK. BONES.


Simply because Jethro and the Doctor are sharing the same air and like how you see his black fingernails. It's the little things in life, y'know?

ickly angsty.

From cop out, to hero. Merlin, I L U and your crazy magical saving skillz.

Big hands. Again, more needed? Didn't think so.

Dramatic lighting. Why is he so pretty in every kind of light? The blue makes him look great. Cheek bones *_*

I now commence a brief sub-picspam of wet!Colin

... that one, there's water there and I figure that's close enough. Thus ends the wet!Colin sub-picspam.

I really can't decide if I love or hate this picture. But it was Merlin & Mummy, so I figured it was a must include <3

I like the lighting here, all soft and warm. And I adore Gwen and Merlin's friendship. They're so sweet.

Nomnom. I'm not a shipper but damn this is a fantastic picture. Arthur, plz to be looking like that more often. And Merlin, your furrowed brow needs to make an appearance more often *_* pretty please?

I really, really, really love this picture. Don't ask me why, I couldn't tell you. But I like it a hell of a lot.

Full circle :]

other: picspam, merlin

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