Fic: Camelot Enterprises 3/4: Disturbia, Gwen/Arthur Merlin/Morgana, PG, AU

Mar 24, 2009 22:36

Title: Camelot Enterprises 3/4: Disturbia
Author: kepp0xy
Rating: PG
Characters/Pairing: Gwen, Morgana, Arthur; talk of Gwen/Arthur, Merlin/Morgana
Warning: it's a cracktastic AU!
Summary: Morgana quizzes Gwen about her weekend.

Author's Notes: This is a cracky AU in which Camelot is a computer business owned by Uther Pendragon. Arthur Pendragon is a Junior Executive in the company, Merlin is his PA and a computer whizkid; Morgana Le Fay, Uther's neice, is in charge of Marketing and Gwen is her PA. This A/G fluff series is in 4 parts; 3 written by me and 1 by tater_mae. She and I have had fun playing in this 'verse, so there may be more fics forthcoming, but for the time being, we hope you enjoy these! Part 1; Part 2

"So, did you go home with Arthur on Friday?"

Gwen looked up in shock at Morgana. Talk about apropos of nothing; they had been discussing the marketing plan she would be presenting later that afternoon and out of nowhere... Gwen could feel her cheeks burning as she took in Morgana's sly smile. She cleared her throat and lowered her gaze, shuffling the papers on her lap. "No, definitely not."

"What?" Morgana yelped. "Didn't he ask?"

Gwen raised a hand to her hair, stroking imaginary stray pieces into place out of nervous habit. "He may have... implied something," she said finally, still looking anywhere but at Morgana.

"Guinevere Smith, I know you haven't admitted anything to me, but really, the look on your face when you see him-

"How was your evening with Merlin?" Gwen interrupted.

Morgana sighed and shook her head at Gwen's blatant topic change. "I'll have to work on his stamina," she finally said with an impish smile. After a beat, she continued, purring, "But he is very eager to please."

Gwen laughed and shook her head. "I'm beginning to think I shouldn't have asked. There are certain things I wouldn't want to know about him." She grinned though. "I'm pleased you want it to last more than the one night."

"Well, his proximity in the office will come in handy," Morgana said offhandedly, standing and walking to a filing cabinet. She rifled through the folders for a few moments and Gwen took that as a sign she was free from the discussion. She looked back down and searched through her package for the outline she'd been trying to find earlier.

"I would just think, you know, when I steal Merlin away for an afternoon quickie, well, you and Arthur could rattle some desk drawers at the same time."

"Morgana!" Gwen hissed, scandalised. "It's not all about sex, you know."

"Oh, no?" Morgana asked innocently. "So you want Arthur for more than his body?"

Gwen shifted in her chair, sitting up straight and crossing her ankles. "I don't want Arthur at all."

"Gwen, don't lie to me."

"I'm not lying," she said primly. Under Morgana's incredulous stare, she released a long, tired sigh. "I may think about him sometimes, but," she said as Morgana smiled brilliantly at her. "Nothing will ever happen, so why talk about it?"

Morgana pulled a document from the drawer with a flourish and sashayed back to her chair. "Dearest Gwen, I don't think you give Arthur enough credit."

"Arthur has enough to deal with under Uther's management without having to worry about some... personal assistant with a... girlish crush on him." Gwen looked away from Morgana to hide how much that sentiment upset her. She knew as well as Morgana that her feelings were more than that. He had proven himself time and again in the recent months, standing up to Uther on a few occasions - regardless that common opinion was that Arthur desperately sought his father's approval - and even assisted Merlin when his mother's hospice was facing closure where Uther had declined to offer help. He had earned Gwen's respect then and, through conversations recently, her affections. "And it could never work in any case. He's my boss."

"I'm your boss," Morgana responded irritably.

Gwen shrugged at that. She really wished he had remained the distant, imposing, arrogant prat of a boss he had been not ten months ago. It had been easier to roll her eyes as he walked away from some unnecessary scolding of a mail-room worker. Instead, she found herself lying awake at night, turning over their brief and stolen conversations, the lingering looks they shared that heated her cheeks, and those damned dances at the Avalon which her mind used to paint her detailed pictures as she dreamt.

Gwen suddenly looked up at Morgana suspiciously. "Was that why you kissed me on Friday?"

"Was what why?"

"To try and initiate something between Arthur and I?"

"Well, obviously Guinevere. What did you think? I suddenly expanded my sexual preferences?"

"I just assumed you were pissed out of your mind."

Morgana rolled her eyes, but her lips twitched in amusement. "I was that. But I had just been having a frustrating conversation about you with Arthur and -

The door to Morgana's office opened. "Morgana, my father wants to begin the meeting within the next half hour. Is that enough time for you?"

Gwen was always astounded at how quickly Morgana could shift gears. Upon Arthur's appearance, Morgana was entirely professional, expression serious as she considered his question. "I believe so. I'll just finish organising the final notes with Gwen and be down to the conference room in the next quarter hour or so." At mention of her name, Arthur had flicked Gwen a glance before meeting Morgana's gaze once more.

"I'll see you then." Arthur turned the full power of his attention on Gwen then, giving her a small, warm smile. "Guinevere," he said softly.

Gwen had to swallow before she could speak. "Sir," she responded quietly. He nodded, smile turning slightly sad as he left the office, shutting the door behind him.

She sighed heavily at his departure, body warm from his attention, stomach tight in distress. When Gwen looked at Morgana again, it was to find her boss frowning at her.

"Really, Gwen," was all she said before turning her focus back to the presentation.

merlin: gwen, merlin: pairing - morgana/merlin, merlin: pairing - gwen/arthur, merlin: arthur, type: au, merlin, series: camelot enterprises (merlin), type: het, length: ficlet, merlin: morgana

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