Not Actually a Drunkpost....

Aug 22, 2011 02:28

... but I love you guys! *Sloppy hug*In the past month of exploration of new and exciting social media I've seen more rampant, nasty, and clueless bigotry than you'd find if you took an escalator upskirt photographer and bred him with a crazed weasel, and then bred the resultant progeny to that dude on who thought that the black clerics ( Read more... )

people, rant

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Comments 18

mizkit August 22 2011, 10:22:28 UTC
We love you too. *beams* :)

Also, the idea that WoW could be less cesspittery than other places is just, well, wow. O.O


flit August 22 2011, 10:43:19 UTC
I knowwwww. Wow!



bryant August 22 2011, 11:11:27 UTC
The new generation is doing better than ours. Not perfect, but better.


flit August 22 2011, 17:47:49 UTC
True! Though some things are still the same. And sexism has actually gotten worse on some comics/gaming boards than it was Back In My Day. Though Brad's opinion is that it's not that it's worse, it's that it's more visible -- those same people were just saying those things behind my back then.


immlass August 22 2011, 13:01:34 UTC
G+ is really making me appreciate my quiet little livejournal as well.


rfrancis August 22 2011, 15:56:33 UTC
I know, and people go on about the vastly improved civility of G+. Well, when all you have to compare it to is Facebook, I guess...


flit August 22 2011, 17:46:00 UTC
Yeah, uh, I am really not seeing it. Down to a thread where someone else posted about jellyfish and a nasty drive-by guy talked about... ugh, I don't want to repeat it, but it made me try to figure out how the heck to report him, and it wasn't even directed at me.


flit August 22 2011, 17:46:44 UTC
I know, huh? I feel like I haven't been hugging LJ enough.


cdk August 22 2011, 13:22:39 UTC
You know, just last night I was thinking about how happy it makes me when you've got the energy to be around on livejournal. And I spent a few moments trying to decide if/where I should post a comment somewhere to that effect. And then I fell asleep. So! I am quite pleased to be a part of this dream world!


flit August 22 2011, 17:46:28 UTC
D'awww. Thank you for being part of my dream world! :)


jayfurr August 22 2011, 17:47:59 UTC
This is why I prefer the big blue room to hanging out online. My unwashed Usenet days of the 1990s gave me all I needed in terms of anonymous sociopaths. :)


flit August 22 2011, 17:52:45 UTC
Sadly... there are anonymous sociopaths in the big blue room, too, if you happen to look female. (Though it really isn't as much as online, granted.)


jayfurr August 22 2011, 18:46:45 UTC
That's true. I'm generally somewhat startled when I meet solo female hikers on trails in Vermont. Not that Vermont is full of ravening psychopaths, but there're more than a few stories each year along the Appalachian Trail and similar trails of women getting assaulted/raped/murdered. Sigh.


flit August 22 2011, 19:12:06 UTC
Yeah -- stranger rape/murder is not nearly as common as from those the woman knows, but it's still a real factor. Not to mention all of the catcalls and shouts out of cars, etc. I've had guys try to follow me in their cars when I was walking home late at night. O.o (Note to them: creeping after a woman in your car, then offering her a ride? Not chivalrous, not cute, not even slightly enticing ( ... )


tamago August 22 2011, 23:21:34 UTC
*big sloppy hug right back*

The only way g+ seems tolerable to me is to have everything I post locked down to friends only. LJ, for all its faults, doesn't demand that same lockdown. Maybe it's just the self selected audience of "people willing to read more than a paragraph at a time" or just that it's a limited audience by choice, I dunno.

But, really, any where you've got spoons to post, I'll be following you. In a nice way. Totally not a stalkerish way.

In other news, would you like some lemon syrup or candied lemon peel? Ingredients: lemons from my MIL's tree, C&H "organic" sugar and water (from the tap.)


flit August 22 2011, 23:53:02 UTC
Yeah, I may end up staying on those terms, or leaving, or I dunno yet. Still figuring it out. Whereas LJ just has a much nicer culture. I'm sure there are terrible corners of LJ, but I don't have to interact with them even if I'm advocating for something. (Which, granted, I haven't really; maybe I should have gotten involved in the breastfeeding-icon kerfuffle.)

Lemon tree, very pretty: Oh my goodness! Yes please! I have been too out of it to candy any citrus this year.


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