I'm Motivated, I'm Motivated!

Aug 05, 2005 02:24

Two appointments at the sleep center this week, which is kind of grumpy-making given all the driving, and also hard on Brad ( Read more... )

blah, thinks, fun, health

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Comments 6

dv_girl September 3 2005, 07:15:16 UTC

I was talking with Bruce about old times and he mentioned this was your journal. I'm Sammi (Keely's ex that used to game with you a cat's age ago) Just thought I'd say hi.


flit November 10 2005, 19:59:11 UTC
Hi, wow, long time no see. Awesome hair color. :) Sorry I'm soooo behind on replying.


aerowolf September 3 2005, 07:23:24 UTC
said alarming things about doing surgery to the inside of my nose (which is supposedly outpatient but I want to see how I do on the CPAP before I go about removing body parts)I have a friend who just went through that -- removal of adenoids and correction of a deviated septum. It /is/ outpatient; however, they give you percoset for the next month, and the first week thereafter is miserable ( ... )


flit November 10 2005, 20:38:33 UTC
Boy am I slow to respond to comments lately!

I'm trying the CPAP route now that I have a lowered prescription (uh, after I get the energy to take it in to get reset, blush) but keeping surgery in reserve. While flawed, I would like to keep the body parts that were issued to me at birth. :)

And yah; being light on sleep is HARD. I'm sorry about your sleep pattern disruptions -- I know for me it's easy to discount the impact poor sleep can have and get frustrated with myself for not doing well; I hope you're being good about taking care of yourself, especially when you're feeling emo. That can make a WORLD of difference, just getting into the habit of giving yourself some slack.


cdk September 26 2005, 05:07:23 UTC
Wow, it's been a very long time since you've posted. I hope everything is alright. Well, at least as alright as things normally are.


flit November 10 2005, 20:42:54 UTC
Things are all right! The combination of being extra tired and WoW has kept me pretty quiet on the lj front, is all. Damn these psychological addictions. Add RP to MMORPGs and it's basically like crack.


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