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Comments 57

thelastgranger March 4 2007, 07:58:12 UTC
The dress was the single most beautiful thing she'd ever seen. The red material fit her in a way that showed it had clearly been made for her. The design was flawless and Hermione gazed into the mirror for longer than she'd probably ever looked at herself at one time. She hardly looked like the same person. First she left her hair down, then she put it up and then down and then up and then she gave up on the hair and did her make-up. She wasn't nervous, no... Not at all ( ... )


smallbruises March 5 2007, 06:00:54 UTC
As requested in the letter he'd received just the day before, Conall waited in the entrance hall of the grand castle. His arrival had been no easy thing at all. Those he'd managed to catch in Diagon Alley only cast odd looks at him rather than give him directions to the Wizard's school. His accent, apparently, accounted for nothing. It was a little girl who told him how to arrive at the castle. It is simple, she said, sissy does it all the time. A darling little girl she had been.

Idly he tugged at the sleeves of his tux jacket as his eyes traveled over the decorations of entrance - the ivy and crystals - instead of the people who moved around him as he waited. He was well aware that the traditional attire of such an event were dress robes, but he wore his tuxedo anyways. It had been a well made suit in Italy. The lines of his jacket and pants crisp and straight. Underneath the jacket was his vest made of soft, shiny pressed satin. His shirt was a bright white, the wing collar flared above his bow tie, and had black onyx buttons to ( ... )


thelastgranger March 5 2007, 06:37:20 UTC
Dress robes, tuxedo, it didn't matter to her, not in the slightest. But he looked astounding, like something from a magazine, or a film, not someone who should be meeting her with such a look on his face. Students were wandering around and other people were waiting in the entrance but it was hard to see anyone besides him ( ... )


smallbruises March 7 2007, 04:23:06 UTC
Like any proper gentleman, Conall bowed - a shallow bow at the waist - in response to her curtsey. He'd practiced it so many times when he was a young boy, his mother teaching him to waltz. One hand behind his back, the other across his stomach holding his jacket and vest in place. He'd noticed over the years that not many men extended such a greeting anymore. Then again, not many people waltzed. It made the gesture all the more important to him. Something left of his parents.

"Ma petite chère," he said softly, taking the hand from his bow tie in his own. He surrounded her small hand with his two. He placed a soft kiss to the back of her hand as he guided her away from the stairwell. "You are but a butterfly." As he walked, he kept her hand in one of his, the other hand rested in the small of her back.

"At first I did, oui." Conall responded, leaning in so he could speak softly against her ear. "But a little girl named Luce helped me. Apparently, she is eagarly awaiting her letter."


5:30PM lioninthegarden March 5 2007, 01:28:12 UTC
With only a short amount of time between the game and the ball, Katie had been left to her own devices after the game. Her team had lost, but that was alright, it wasn't about winning or losing this time. It was more about presenting the right comraderee. Still she would have liked to win. Katie was an exceptionally competitive person. But it had been Harry's day to shine.

She'd had a limited amout of time to wash and get gorgeous for the ball. She was running behind schedule, but shower, hair, make-up, dress, shoes, jewelry.... it all took time, damn it. She was pleased with the final result though, she had chosen a dress in her alumni colors, despite the fact that she worked in Slytherin. She was a Lion through and through. She added a shawl, it wasn't the daring dress from the opening, but it wasn't a time to be daring. Her dress was classic and lovely. Even her manager had approved of the outfit, telling her she looked beautiful in it when she had purchased it a few weeks ago. It had been a present to herself after Slytherin had ( ... )


6:00PM boutwellbeauty March 5 2007, 02:07:35 UTC
Beverley had less time then Katie to get ready. She had forgotten her shoes at her London flat and had to go home to fetch them. Thankfully, Katie had let her use her place to get ready, though Conchobar had been a pain in the ass. He was so excited to see her after so long that he'd kept rubbing dog hair all over her dress. The game had left her tired, but she lived! Unlike the last game, their team had won, thanks to a brilliant catch by Harry Potter.

After shooing Conchobar into the bedroom and locking him in, Beverley had spent the better part of an hour getting dressed. The dress was bright. She had tried to go for bright and flashy, yet classy. She thought she had achieved it with the lovely dress from a little known American designer. It had reminded her a little of the ocean. She was content to be pretty, she liked dressing up and usually did it very well ( ... )


birdwotcher March 5 2007, 16:58:15 UTC
Tonks had arrived relatively on time for the ball, a feat for her, given she was chronically late. While she wasn't officially working during the ball, there had been a sort of dialogue between her and Minerva, where Minerva had expressed her wishes that Tonks at least keep an eye on things to make sure everything went all right. While Tonks couldn't really, in her official capacity as Auror for the Minitry for Magic, work, as it could be considered a conflict of interests among other things, she did intend on not drinking too much and keeping an eye out for any suspicious behaviour.

So, for the first time in a very long time, she stood near the entranceway wearing a rather dramatic black dress. It'd been that or a bright pink one, but she didn't want to attract too much attention, so black it was. And heels. Heels. As if she were actually supposed to walk, let alone dance tonight. She'd considered a pair of heeled combat boots, but the whole point of black instead of pink had been not to stick out like a sore thumb. So much to her ( ... )


subtle_simmer March 9 2007, 19:43:39 UTC
Severus was the picture of icy composure, a feat all the more necessary and yet difficult considering the upcoming unveiling of the 'anonymous' memorial. As a representative of Hogwarts, he had taken unusual care with his appearance, having even taken the trouble to have a proper haircut again last weekend. It seemed only fitting, since it was Myron Wagtail who had all but forced him into the new 'look' all those months ago, that he should make the effort to maintain it, at least when likely to see the other man.

Wizarding robes were a light-weight, brushed velvet in his house colours, the outer-robe being a rich green trimmed in silver accents. (Not real silver, of course!) The tightly-buttoned waistcoat was black with similar accents on the buttons and wrists. Since December, he had taken to wearing his high-necked clothing open at the throat, in a silent protest of his Ministry device. The leather collar encircling his neck was clearly visible, though the tiny portkey studs were worn to the back so as to be concealed by his ( ... )


birdwotcher March 9 2007, 20:15:25 UTC
Tonks had just decided to brave the length of the hall, where she fully intended on taking advantage of whatever alcoholic beverage they were serving, when she heard an all-too-familiar voice. Not that she was complaining, really; at this point, even bad company was at least company. Then again, whether or not Severus Snape could be considered 'bad company' was really just a matter of opinion, she reminded herself. And how grumpy he was on that particular day ( ... )


subtle_simmer March 10 2007, 19:00:49 UTC
"It is called 'decorum' and 'modesty', girl. Two terms of which you are clearly ignorant," he replied dryly. He was equally unimpressed with the front of the dress, though it did, thankfully, offer slightly more concealment than the back.

"So I've been told," he admitted, glancing about the room and spotting Molly Weasley. He would have to make a point to stop and speak with her, since it had been she, so many months ago, who had told him to stop dressing like a... "Someone suggested to me that I ought to stop dressing like a Vicar.

"My estimate of an hour was more a compliment to your intelligence than your ability to stay on your feet - I assumed someone capable of becoming an Auror would know when prudence was the better part of valor and remain seated as long as possible. Then again, you were a Gryffindor, so this is likely another concept which escapes you ( ... )


arthurs_molly March 5 2007, 21:33:30 UTC
After the match, Molly was cursing the small amount of time she and Arthur had to get to ready for the ball, as they hadn't thought ahead and needed to go back to the Burrow to change into appropriate attire. Therefore, she was quite relieved when they made it back to Hogwarts for the ball with time to spare before they would have been considered as late arrivals.

It had taken a day or so of searching through her wardrobe, but she had found a green dress that had been tucked away and forgotten about years ago. After a few minor modifications to freshen it up and insure that it would fit her properly, Molly was pleased with the result. She was also pleased with the dress robes Arthur had dragged out of the attic for the occasion, and when she caught a glimpse of the two of them together in the mirror on their way back to Hogwarts, she thought that they complimented each other well ( ... )


5:45PM lioninthegarden March 11 2007, 22:58:09 UTC
Katie had spotted Molly Weasley looking lovely in a green frock that complemented her hair and skin tone. She'd come to this dance mainly for the social interaction, not having a date. She crossed the floor to greet Mrs. Weasley ( ... )


Re: 5:45PM arthurs_molly March 11 2007, 23:06:36 UTC
"Why thank you, Katie. I think that's the first compliment I've heard all day." Molly replied, after a second of trying to place the face before her to a name.

She glanced swiftly about the room for Arthur, who'd once again left her alone. Honestly, she'd have to have talk with that man, though to his credit, he was close enough for her to see him, and she sent him glare, as she hadn't received a compliment from him, but then again, she supposed it really wasn't necessary. She knew he thought she was beautiful, no matter what she was wearing.

"What I saw of it, yes."


Re: 5:45PM lioninthegarden March 11 2007, 23:28:35 UTC
"That's surely a lie. I'm sure your husband has gushed about you all evening. Just maybe not to you." she chuckled, seeing where Molly's eyes went. She had always liked the Weasleys. They were good people, no matter the fact that Katie had been teammates with them most of her school career. She liked them all a lot. Molly had raised a good brood of kids with the exception of that prat Percy, he'd always had a huge stick up his ass.

"This all looks exceptional, doesn't it?" she asked, looking around the ballroom. They never failed to outdo themselves.


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