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arthurs_molly March 5 2007, 21:33:30 UTC
After the match, Molly was cursing the small amount of time she and Arthur had to get to ready for the ball, as they hadn't thought ahead and needed to go back to the Burrow to change into appropriate attire. Therefore, she was quite relieved when they made it back to Hogwarts for the ball with time to spare before they would have been considered as late arrivals.

It had taken a day or so of searching through her wardrobe, but she had found a green dress that had been tucked away and forgotten about years ago. After a few minor modifications to freshen it up and insure that it would fit her properly, Molly was pleased with the result. She was also pleased with the dress robes Arthur had dragged out of the attic for the occasion, and when she caught a glimpse of the two of them together in the mirror on their way back to Hogwarts, she thought that they complimented each other well ( ... )


5:45PM lioninthegarden March 11 2007, 22:58:09 UTC
Katie had spotted Molly Weasley looking lovely in a green frock that complemented her hair and skin tone. She'd come to this dance mainly for the social interaction, not having a date. She crossed the floor to greet Mrs. Weasley ( ... )


Re: 5:45PM arthurs_molly March 11 2007, 23:06:36 UTC
"Why thank you, Katie. I think that's the first compliment I've heard all day." Molly replied, after a second of trying to place the face before her to a name.

She glanced swiftly about the room for Arthur, who'd once again left her alone. Honestly, she'd have to have talk with that man, though to his credit, he was close enough for her to see him, and she sent him glare, as she hadn't received a compliment from him, but then again, she supposed it really wasn't necessary. She knew he thought she was beautiful, no matter what she was wearing.

"What I saw of it, yes."


Re: 5:45PM lioninthegarden March 11 2007, 23:28:35 UTC
"That's surely a lie. I'm sure your husband has gushed about you all evening. Just maybe not to you." she chuckled, seeing where Molly's eyes went. She had always liked the Weasleys. They were good people, no matter the fact that Katie had been teammates with them most of her school career. She liked them all a lot. Molly had raised a good brood of kids with the exception of that prat Percy, he'd always had a huge stick up his ass.

"This all looks exceptional, doesn't it?" she asked, looking around the ballroom. They never failed to outdo themselves.


Re: 5:45PM arthurs_molly March 11 2007, 23:35:02 UTC
Molly smiled at the younger woman, inclined to agree with her. "Maybe so, but its still nice to hear."

She briefly wondered why Katie hadn't asked her to elaborate on her comment about the quidditch match, as even though she had sat through the entire game, she hadn't necessary seen all of it. She had a horrible habit of napping when she got comfortable with Arthur, particularly at sporting events, as she had little interest in them.

"It does, and its a shame they never held events like this when I was in school."


Re: 5:45PM lioninthegarden March 11 2007, 23:43:54 UTC
She figured that Molly had been too busy conversing during the match and not paying attention. Katie wasn't silly enough to believe that everyone in the world was a quidditch fan. She assumed that when Molly said she'd only seen part of the match that her attention was elsewhere. She wouldn't assume that Molly had been bored enough to go to sleep.

Katie just gave her a small smile, "Its a shame that we have an occasion to have a ball such as this.... that we had to have a war to celebrate the end of." she said, a little somberly.


Re: 5:45PM arthurs_molly March 11 2007, 23:53:40 UTC
Molly nodded. It would have been nice to have a ball while she was in school for some happy occasion, if only to give her and Arthur an excuse to be together, and some excuse to sneak off like they used to. She briefly entertained the thought of sneaking off with him at one point during the evening, though she had no idea as to where they would go.

"It is, though I'm glad its finally over. There were a few times I was wondering if the stress and the worry was going to tear my marriage apart. It was bad enough we had lived through it once, with little ones to raise, but twice was just heartbreaking."


Re: 5:45PM lioninthegarden March 12 2007, 03:02:48 UTC
She nodded quietly, looking at the people assembling for a long moment, "It seems a strange thing to celebrate a victory that came at such a price, but I suppose that that is what is left to those of us that have survived it all, right?" she asked, glancing at Molly.

She realized the somber tone did nothing but make things uncomfortable, "Well.... enough of that.... I should go find Beverley." she said, quickly, "It was nice talking to you, Mrs. Weasley."


Re: 5:45PM arthurs_molly March 12 2007, 08:15:46 UTC
"It is strange, but I think we should celebrate the fact that we triumphed over him, our world would be very bleak otherwise."

After glancing back over at her husband and beckoning him over to her, she turned back to Katie to acknowledge her last comment.

"It was nice talking to you too, dear. I certainly appreciate the company when someone decides I can fend for myself at these things."


Re: 5:45PM fire_n_freckles March 12 2007, 16:04:11 UTC
The moment Ginny walked in, she saw her mum talking to- who was that? Katie Bell. Yes, Katie Bell. It had been a few months, but Ginny remembered the other woman well enough.

She dragged Harry in her mum's direction, figuring she owed a hello to her mum and dad. How many Weasleys would be there that night, anyways?

"Mum," she called, reaching her destination with her hand safely tucked into Harry's. She placed a kiss on Molly's cheek, a sort of affectionate hello. "Where's dad? Getting lost without you, no doubt."


Re: 5:45PM arthurs_molly March 12 2007, 18:47:54 UTC
"Hello, Ginny, Harry." Molly said, acknowledging her daughter and Harry. She gestured with her head to where Arthur was standing, talking to someone, who though, she could only guess.

"Your father's over there, and I gestured for him to get over her a minute ago, but as you can see, he's not making much of an effort to come over here."


Re: 5:45PM fire_n_freckles March 13 2007, 21:10:43 UTC
She smiled at the thought of her mum scolding her dad. It seemed to be a common occurrence, but only because without Molly, Arthur would run free. He needed his wife, to keep him in control and acting like a wizard his age as opposed to another of her many brothers.

"Let him have his fun, mum. How often does he get out of the house for something like this?"

She was really one to talk. Ginny was already dragging Harry around and had made all these plans to stay near each other so they wouldn't get separated. Like mother, like daughter, she supposed.

"Been here long? I haven't seen you until now, obviously."


Re: 5:45PM arthurs_molly March 13 2007, 21:17:36 UTC
"It's not that I don't want him to have fun, dear. I just want to be having fun with him, considering we don't get out often."

Molly sighed and smoothed out her dress unnecessarily, she loved her husband, which was why she wanted to be near him.

"I think we've been here almost an hour. We had to go home to change after the match, and we were cutting it close to be on time."


Re: 5:45PM boywhoisharryjp March 14 2007, 05:30:57 UTC
Harry grinned. He was watching Mrs Weasley with Mr Weasley, noticing how Ginny was holding onto his hand the way Mrs Weasley was trying to get Mr Weasley to return to her. Like mother, like daughter. It amused him.

"How are you doing, Mrs Weasley?" Harry asked.

Harry was wearing the same tuxedo that he had worn on Valentine's day. He had brought his clothing with him, knowing he wouldn't have time to go home and shower and change after the match.


Re: 5:45PM arthurs_molly March 14 2007, 12:28:33 UTC
"I'm all right Harry, but I would be much better if my escort decided that I'm fun to be around as well. What about yourself?"

Molly inhaled deeply to try and ease her frustration with her husband, but it didn't help. Why did he have to be so...so inconsiderate? She sat through the entire Quidditch match with him, didn't she? Surely that qualified her for more attention than she was getting now.


Re: 5:45PM fire_n_freckles March 17 2007, 03:31:17 UTC
She smiled sympathetically at her mum. Ginny understood what it was like to feel left out. Still, she felt for her dad, too. He hardly got to see most of these people here.

Though she had half a mind to go collect her father just for her mum's sanity.

She kissed Molly's cheek again, this time more for comfort than affection. After, she slid into Harry's arms, pulling him close to her.


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