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Comments 57

silhouetteatrox March 6 2007, 09:32:03 UTC
He was bored already.

Of course, Ciarán arrived quite fashionably late. This tactic, he had thought to himself, would kill two birds with one stone [he smiled at the thought--what juvenile jokes we have]. Firstly, as this was his first major appearance since his return to England, he had calculated that a late arrival would allow him to circumvent any potential mob scenes upon his inevitable recognition, and to slip in amongst the bustling throngs with a minimum of hindrances. Secondly, it insured that he would have to endure as little of the political posturing as possible. With any luck, he would be able to see the result of his work on the Granger project, and make an speedy--but appropriate--exit. Ciarán was still vaguely miffed that Hermione had chosen against the black dress, but he supposed she would look decent enough anyway. And he could not, at least, begrudge her a good time had ( ... )


silhouetteatrox March 6 2007, 09:33:10 UTC
His arm, suddenly and surreptitiously around Lila's waist, pulled her closer and into the shadows of one of the entrance hall's many nooks. Ciarán canted his jaw to whisper something too low to be heard in the tiny seashell curve of her ear. Nothing from his lips should have ever been heard, that clandestine sentence emerging just then most of all. It snaked like velvet ash from between his teeth as they stood beneath the curve of the grand staircase. She tilted her head back with maybe a little too much helplessness than was appropriate, smiling that irritatingly beautiful smile that comes of a joke one is not allowed to hear. She looked as though she was glinting with bits of abalone from the crystal lights. Ciarán splayed his fingers at the small of her back and subtly dropped a toothsome [and toothy] kiss at that maddening point of skin where Lila's jaw curved sharply and met her neck. He wanted to excavate there, but refrained. For now, he was content to elicit the prickling of invisible hairs along her spine instead. ( ... )


mostfalldown March 6 2007, 19:57:29 UTC
It had been quite some time in which Fern had the opportunity to dress herself up. At least, that’s how it felt as she had stared into her closet that afternoon. She breezed past the menagerie of bright colours and bulky sweaters to the back. Next to the silky suit she had pulled out just a few days ago for the banquet was a black dress. Though she had never been much for the colour, she had to have the dress the moment she saw it in a shoppe window in London. It wasn’t until today, however, that she had occasion to wear it ( ... )


silhouetteatrox March 8 2007, 08:25:05 UTC
There was a certain strangeness to being engulfed in a crowd of would-be admirers that inspired a sudden need for solitude. He felt the pull towards a private darkness most of the time, but the tendency towards modesty actually increased when his vanity was being polished by a crowded school of socialite goldfish. Internally, he shrugged, indifferent. C'est la vie; he wasn't one to argue with the inner void at this point ( ... )


mostfalldown March 12 2007, 19:03:45 UTC
Fern hadn't expected his smile ( ... )


5:30 gryffndean March 6 2007, 23:18:16 UTC
Dean had walked up the path to the great doors of Hogwarts with more than a little trepidation. He had not been here since the end of his 7th year, and he was not coming back to the same castle he had left. Too many things had changed. Still, entering the building brought a smile to his face- he had enough good memories of this place that some of his nervousness at being back was washed away.

He gaped a bit at the amazing decorations that adorned the entranceway, and, smoothing out the new tie he had bought to go with his best suit, Dean made his way over towards the bar (a drink would help him relax, he knew). He scanned the crowd carefully- he knew Harry would be there, for sure, and that Seamus was coming as well. Dean also searched for Professor McGonagall- after all, he needed to thank her for her recomendation for his new job.


Re: 5:30 callsmyname March 7 2007, 18:49:39 UTC
She had pinned her hair nicely earlier that evening, and then barely put on any makeup. Just a touch of gloss, really, and a few swabs of mascara. It suited her dress, which was simple and somehow still managed to make a statement. Quite honestly, it was a bit more than Susan could take. But it was a dress she had bought back in America, and it suited her needs nicely. (Of course, originally, the dress had been green; it was only charmed white to make it look new. Not that anyone had ever seen it on her before.) It was also largely cost effective; the wonderful price of free ( ... )


Re: 5:30 gryffndean March 8 2007, 05:12:50 UTC
After Dean had gotten his drink, most of his attention was focused on the many, many people flooding through Hogwarts' front doors. He was so focused, in fact, that he scarcely noticed the blonde girl that had come up to him until she spoke. His eyes shifted over to her quickly, as he couldn't immediately match the voice with a name.

Smiling, he faced the girl, and found that his mind was a total blank. Still, she obviously knew him, so he had to say something.

"Hello," he started, figuring it was better than nothing. "It's lovely to see you, too..." mind racing, Dean hurriedly tried to place the unknown girl. Not a Gryffindor, but she looks about my age... a Hufflepuff, perhaps? Oh, from the D.A.! Her name is... "...Susan." Dean finished, thankful he had remembered her before looking too stupid.


Re: 5:30 callsmyname March 8 2007, 23:06:48 UTC
She smiled at him, acknowledging the pause before her name only internally. Of course he'd have to search his memory for any memory of her; after all, they had only ever sparred together. Not exactly the foundation of a lasting relationship.

Still. It stung a little that less than two years ago they had classes together, and now he could barely remember her.

Oh well. That's life.

"How have you been?" she asked, now obligated to carry on a conversation.


5:30 safinnigan March 8 2007, 02:46:28 UTC
Seamus extended his elbow to lend Charlotte an extra support as they climbed up the front steps at Hogwarts. She looked amazing and he was glad to be here, even though he’d tried to convince her that they could be several hours late and still spend the night dancing after he’d seen the lass in that dress. She’d none of his persuasion, reminding him that he had wanted to attend this Memorial Ball. He’d reluctantly agreed after she’d kissed him with promises of more to come later.

It was good to be here and not heading for the Hogwarts Library for a change. It was good to be here with Charlotte on his arm. It was good to be here and have the chance to see old friends. It was good to be here.

The entryway was decorated and there were already more than a few people here. He turned to Charlotte in anticipation.

“Are you ready to go in, love?”


Re: 5:30 beautesolitaire March 8 2007, 03:46:59 UTC
Seamus was an incorrigable scamp now that they had decided to start a family when fate allowed for it to happen. If it happened before the wedding, it did, if it happened after, then it did. It didn't matter to her. She would give him a million babies if he wanted. Some now, some later. She would make a home and a family with him. She had had to gently remind him that they had social obligations and friends that were expecting them. With her position in the Order now as well, she had to make appearances at the public events, just for posterity.

Her dress was short and flirty, it clung down over her stomach and flared out at the hips to stop at the knee. He had loved it. It had pleased her that he'd liked it. She thought that it was perfect for dancing and was wonderfully flirty. This was their first official date after the engagement and she was excited to tell all her friends. She had already told Susan and her new employee had been so happy for them. She had even taken their engagement photos ( ... )


Re: 5:30 safinnigan March 18 2007, 15:10:49 UTC
“Aye, love,” he replied, glad of the feel of her hand on his arm. “Well then, ‘tis the time to be after telling our friends our good news then, right Sweetheart?” He smiled broadly and sweetly at the lass, delighted with the idea of announcing their engagement to their friends. The Commemorative Ball seemed the perfect time and place to be letting everyone know that they were getting on with their lives. There were still evil forces in their community, of that he was certain, but with the Order all but disbanded and the Ministry of Magic acting the part of an inept political ostrich, its head firmly covered with sand, there was naught to be done in aide of the greater good for the moment, and much to be done to further his own happiness ( ... )


Re: 5:30 beautesolitaire March 20 2007, 17:29:17 UTC
Charlotte had already told Fleur. They had had a squeaking time about it, though she could tell that her friend was faking her happiness. She squeezed his arm lightly with a smile just for him, "We can tell your friends, mon amour. Fleur is not 'ere tonight. She was not feeling well." she said with a nod, plus meeting his friends would be lovely.

They were here to enjoy themselves, not think of troubles of friends. She squeezed his arm again as they entered into the room to find his friends to share their glad news.


5:45 pm about_abbott March 10 2007, 02:57:21 UTC
Hannah wasn't much in the mood for celebration. Yet, she knew that staying away from the celebrations that were supposed to hallmark the end of the war would simply give creedence to whomever had destroyed her shop. Placing her hair into one long simple plait, Hannah slipped into a simple dress she'd fallen in love with at a Muggle consignment store.

Now she stood just inside the giant doors opening up into the greath hall. She glanced around at the splendor, not only on the walls but in the dress of each individual that graced the room with their presence. Her eyes scanned the room pausing momentarily on Seamus who was with a woman she recognized as the proprieter of the book store she'd patroned just before Christmas. A slight turn of her head brought Susan into her view along with a Gyffindor she vaguely remembered. Her eyes continued to scan the room, lighting momentarily on several others as she stepped to the side and tried to determine which direction to begin toward.


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