Novel-Length Fic: A Year of Worry and Hope

Aug 22, 2014 07:22

Title: A Year of Worry and Hope
Word Count: ~80,000 + and counting; 1872 for chapter seventeen
Rating: PG-13
Summary: Essentially, the events of "Deathly Hallows" from Percy Weasley's and Audrey Mitchell's points of view, including frequent cameos by Fred and George Weasley, and the Longbottoms, as well as other canon characters.

Chapter 1: When Percy Met Audrey
Chapter 2: Going Out
Chapter 3: Weasley Wizard Wheezes
Chapter 3.5: Seeing Is Believing
Chapter 4: Muggle Weekend
Chapter 5: Loneliness Revisited
Chapter 6: Unusual Correspondence
Chapter 7: A Surprising Start to September
Chapter 8: More Surprises
Chapter 9: The Long Haul
Chapter 10: New Experiences
Chapter 11: Holidays
Chapter 12: Heading for the Last Roundup
Chapter 13: Shocking Conversations
Chapter 14: The Calm Before the Storm
Chapter 15: Fighting
Chapter 16: Aftermath

Chapter 17:

Chapter 17: Together

As soon as Percy reached the door to the shop, he heard a high voice shriek, "Percy!"

Percy crossed the room in two steps and before he knew it, Audrey was in his arms, and he was kissing her.

His worries had been completely unfounded. Audrey obviously still felt the same way about him, and he thought his chest would burst from joy. He was going to keep kissing Audrey forever. They had nine months apart to make up for, after all. Percy's hands were beginning to wander, as were Audrey's, when Percy heard a deafening shout right in his ear.


Percy and Audrey both jumped, and Audrey buried her head in his chest. Percy glanced around at most of his family. George was standing about a foot away from them, just removing the Sonorous charm from himself. Ginny and Hermione were giggling, Charlie was smirking and giving Percy a thumbs up, Harry looked like he wanted to be anywhere else, and Mum was trying to look disapproving but couldn't quite hide the twinkle in her eye.

Percy grinned at George, and said, "Brilliant idea, George!" He grasped Audrey more tightly and Apparated.

Percy and Audrey landed in his flat, and Audrey let out a nervous giggle into his chest. "I was hoping your mum would like me."

"What in Merlin's name would make you think my mum won't like you?"

"Because I threw myself at you without even meeting her properly. And we were snogging rather inappropriately considering we weren't alone."

"I think my mum will understand. And besides, we're alone now." Percy kissed her again.

Moments later, they paused to breathe, and Audrey said, "Your Mum is going to think I'm a scarlet woman."

Percy thought Audrey was worrying too much, but he was struck with inspiration. He smiled at her. "Well then, I'll just have to make an honest woman out of you, won't I?"

Audrey's eyes widened as Percy took her hand and got down on one knee. "Audrey Anne Mitchell, I love you, and I want to spend the rest of my life with you. Will you make me the happiest wizard in the world and be my wife?"

"Yes!" Audrey flung her arms around Percy and kissed him, both of them ending up on their knees clinging to each other. "I love you, too."

Percy beamed at Audrey. "You'll need this, then." Percy reached into his pocket and pulled out the box. He opened it so Audrey could see her ring.

"Oh Percy! It's perfect! Put it on me?"

Percy slid the ring onto Audrey's finger. She smiled widely, admiring the ring on her hand, and kissed him. "When do you want to get married?"

"Tomorrow?" Percy asked hopefully.

"Tomorrow?!" Audrey laughed. "How long have you had the ring?"

"I bought it on my way to the Ministry after the last time I saw you. At the same time I bought your birthday present, which I see you're wearing." Percy smiled.

Audrey fingered her necklace. "I haven't ever taken it off."

"I've been carrying your ring in my pocket with sticking and disillusionment charms since I bought it. If it weren't for Voldemort we would have been married months ago."

"I don't want to wait any longer either, Percy, but Nanny and Uncle Ed and my friend Sally B. aren't going to be here by tomorrow. And I'm not sure about Sara . . ." She ran her hand over his cheek. "How about as soon as we can once they arrive?"

"Sounds good." Percy kissed her, and this time they were alone and did not need to stop.


Percy woke up slowly, and for some reason couldn't feel his arm, and something was tickling his nose. He opened his eyes and saw hair. Audrey was asleep on his arm with her hair in his face, and he didn't care one bit. He didn't want to move, but he needed the loo badly, so he carefully slipped his arm out from under Audrey, grimacing at the awful pins and needles feeling and hurried to the loo. When he returned, Audrey appeared to still be asleep, but he was sure he heard someone calling his name. He listened. Someone was Flooing him! He scrambled into his pants and jeans and grabbed his shirt off the floor as he left the bedroom as quietly as possible, closing the door behind him to not disturb Audrey.

"I'm coming!" Percy whispered loudly, as he hurried to his fireplace pulling on and attempting to button his shirt as he went. He looked over to see his sister's head in the fire. He wasn't doing well getting his shirt buttoned, and thought it must be because his arm and hand were still partially asleep.

"Sorry to interrupt. Mum wants to make sure the two of you will be coming for tea." Ginny smirked at him.

Percy looked at Ginny in confusion, and ran a hand over his face. "What time is it?"

"Nearly three." Ginny was still smirking and looked like she was trying not to laugh out loud.

When Percy looked down at himself, he was embarrassed as he realized why Ginny was smirking. The shirt he had been trying to button all this time was not his.

"Tell Mum my fiancé and I will be glad to come to tea."

"Your . . ." Ginny paused and then squealed. "I'm going to have a sister! That's brilliant!"

Percy said, "You have a sister-Fleur. You'll now have another sister."

"I know, but I like Audrey better." Ginny winked. “I won’t tell anyone. I’ll just let Mum know you’ll both be there." Ginny giggled. "Congratulations to both of you. I'll see you later." Ginny's head vanished from the fire.

Struck with inspiration, Percy sent off a Patronus. As his stomach rumbled, he decided he should probably make some food and went into the kitchen to see what he could scrounge up.


Audrey felt Percy's arm slip from under her head, but she knew he was trying not to wake her, so she pretended to be asleep. She really wasn't ready to get up anyway. Jet lag was horrible! And she was rather hopeful that Percy would come back to bed. Audrey was truly happy. Percy loved her, and they were getting married. She’d be Mrs Percy Weasley. Audrey Weasley. Audrey Anne Weasley. She liked the sound of any of the combinations. She giggled to herself.

She heard Percy talking quietly, she thought to Ginny, but couldn't really make out what they were saying. Maybe he'd come back to bed after the Floo call . . . Audrey knew she would have to call her parents, let them know she was in England, and tell them about her engagement, but she was going to put that off at least until her jet lag went away. She wanted some time by themselves to enjoy the moment and catch up on the last nine months before craziness from their families started. She did want to see Aunt Gussie and Neville, though. Maybe tomorrow.

Audrey must have dozed off again, because she woke up and smelled something . . . BACON! Percy was cooking bacon. She fell in love with him a little more, as her stomach rumbled. Audrey reluctantly got out of bed and went to the loo. Not seeing her own shirt, she picked up Percy's and put it on. He was so tall it fell down to her thighs.

She stood in the doorway and stared at Percy's back in his small kitchen, his jeans hanging low on his hips as the muscles of his bare back showed as he expertly moved the pan around. Her mouth started to water . . . and not just from the smell of bacon.


“So, are you ready to go?”

“No,” Audrey answered.

“You look ready. What do you still need to do?” Audrey saw Percy examine her from head to toe. She had showered and was dressed.

“I mean, I’m scared. I’ve only met Ginny and the twins before, and you have a big family.”

“Neville and Aunt Gussie will be there, too.”

“They will?”

“I thought you’d want them there when we tell them we’re engaged.”

Audrey kissed Percy deeply. “That was very thoughtful, as was letting me send Hermes to my parents.”

“Anything for you, love.” Percy kissed Audrey, and continued kissing her. When his hand wandered to her bum, Audrey pulled away reluctantly.

“If we get started again, we will never get to The Burrow.”

“All right, then. I’ll side along Apparate you. Ready?”

“As ready as I’m going to get.”


Percy and Audrey arrived in the garden of The Burrow and made their way to the house. Audrey stopped Percy on the porch.

“What’s wrong, love?”

“I’m just nervous. I need a minute.”

“Everyone’s going to love you. I love you. Keep in mind, this is the family who welcomed me back with open arms even after I basically disowned them for three years. You have nothing to worry about.”

Audrey nodded and kissed Percy. And continued kissing Percy, until she heard a muffled giggle and then a throat clearing.

Audrey pulled away from Percy and hid in his chest. Again. How could this happen twice in one day? Because she hadn’t seen her boyfriend-fiancé-in nine months, that’s how! Audrey removed her head from Percy’s chest and looked into the smiling face of Ginny. She smiled back.

Ginny whispered, “You lot are welcome to stay out here and snog. I won’t tell anyone. I didn’t tell anyone the other thing either,” Ginny giggled, “but you might want to come in and meet everyone before tea, Audrey.”

Audrey nodded, clasped Percy’s hand firmly, and followed Ginny into the house. A broad shouldered, stocky redhead approached her, offering his hand. “I’m Percy’s older brother Charlie.”

“Audrey Mitchell. It’s a pleasure to meet you,” Audrey answered, shaking Charlie’s hand with her right, while still firmly grasping Percy’s hand with her left.

“The pleasure is all mine,” Charlie answered, winking at each of them in turn. “Actually, more likely the pleasure’s all Percy’s with someone as lovely as you are. And judging by the glow around him, or should I say afterglow . . .”

“Charles Beauregard Weasley! That's no way to speak to my fiancé!” Percy declared loudly.

The room became instantly silent. Audrey could feel her face getting hot as every eye in the room focused on her.

Mrs Weasley approached and asked kindly, “Did I hear correctly, dear, that you and Percy are engaged?”

“Yes, Mrs Weasley. Percy proposed this afternoon.” Mrs Weasley abruptly pulled Audrey into a hug as the room erupted into cheers.

Over Mrs Weasley's shoulder, Audrey was shocked to see Sara come running towards her followed closely by Neville.

Percy’s back was slapped, Audrey was hugged by everyone, and was thrilled to see Sara, extremely touched that Percy had asked Neville to find her and bring her. Drinks were shoved into their hands, many toasts were given. It was utter chaos. But Audrey, feeling completely welcome and accepted, surprisingly loved every minute of it.

Epilogue: Nineteen Years Later

*mollywheezy, novel-length, neville/hannah, harry/ginny, augusta longbottom, percy/audrey, 2014, a year of worry and hope

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