Novel-Length Fic: A Year of Worry and Hope

Dec 20, 2013 16:51

Title: A Year of Worry and Hope
Word Count: ~73,000 + and counting; 5211 for chapter seven
Rating: PG-13 (I *think* it stays PG-13 all the way through the story.)
Summary: Essentially, the events of "Deathly Hallows" from Percy Weasley's and Audrey Mitchell's points of view, including frequent cameos by Fred and George Weasley, and the Longbottoms, as well as other canon characters.

Chapter 1: When Percy Met Audrey
Chapter 2: Going Out
Chapter 3: Weasley Wizard Wheezes
Chapter 3.5: Seeing Is Believing
Chapter 4: Muggle Weekend
Chapter 5: Loneliness Revisited
Chapter 6: Unusual Correspondence

Chapter 7:

CHAPTER 7: A Surprising Start to September
Words: 5211

Percy felt very warm and comfortable and safe. He was curled up under the covers in bed with Audrey, cuddling back to back, as each of them had their arms wrapped around a small, red-headed child. Percy slowly opened his eyes, and saw sunlight streaming into the room. He was filled with happiness at being together with his family. He glanced at the clock on the bedside table. They still had hours before they had to be at The Burrow for Sunday dinner. Today was going to be a big celebration. Percy's parents and all of his siblings, their spouses, all of his nieces and nephews, Aunt Lucy and Uncle Ed, Audrey's parents, Aunt Gussie, Neville, assorted other members of the Weasleys' large "family by choice". Everyone would be there. They'd have Mum's delicious food, his dad would endlessly quiz Uncle Ed on all things Muggle, there'd probably be a Weasley Family Quidditch Tournament. Maybe Percy would even join in this year. The girls always liked it when he played, especially now they were getting old enough to understand the game. Maybe he could make a deal with Fred and George. He'd play in the family game if they promised not to prank him for at least a month. He'd have to word the deal correctly to close any loopholes. Last time they'd given Harry the Wheeze to use on him. He needed to make sure nobody else could prank him either. Then again, if it made his beautiful wife and daughters laugh, did he really care? With all of these pleasant thoughts, Percy closed his eyes again, cuddled more securely into the covers and fell back to sleep.

Percy sat straight up in bed with a gasp. He looked around frantically, as he tried to get his bearings. Shite. It was just the Patented Day Dream Charm. Percy had to admit the impressiveness of the Charm's magic, but he felt worse than ever. He was in the tiny bedroom of his flat. Alone. He had not seen Audrey for a month, and today was her birthday. He'd saved the Charm to cheer himself up, but it hadn't worked.

Percy had considered using the Patented Day Dream Charm on his own birthday, but had been too depressed to bother. Of course, he hadn't received any presents-he didn't expect to, but this year he hadn't received his usual post card from Charlie. Every year since Charlie left home, he sent Percy a picture of a dragon with "Happy Birthday, Perce! -Charlie" written on the back. Charlie wasn't much of a letter writer, but even that small note always made Percy smile. Now it was probably too dangerous even for that much contact. Or was Charlie angry Percy hadn't attended Bill's wedding?

He was certain most of his family was angry with him, and they had every right to be. He hadn't gone to visit Dad at St. Mungo's. He had checked with an acquaintance from Hogwarts who became a Healer to make sure Dad was going to be OK, but even Percy knew that wasn't the same thing. The last present he'd been given was the Christmas jumper from his mum which he'd sent back. Percy felt ashamed of himself and didn't know how he could have done something so horrible. He hoped he'd have the chance to apologize someday and maybe his parents would forgive him.

He didn't know if the future the Charm had created would happen, but he'd like it to. With bloody Voldemort running around, he didn't know if he'd ever see Audrey or his family again, assuming his family ever could forgive him for being such an awful git. And assuming they survived. Now he realized how important his family was to him, he hoped he'd have the chance to make it up to them.

Percy sighed. Not only did he feel like shite, but he was going to need a cold shower. Audrey would have had a present for his birthday, just like he'd had one for her. He hoped she liked her necklace, although he was sure she would. He wondered what she would have given him? He wondered even more what they would have been doing . . . He couldn't keep his mind from straying to what caused two small red-headed children to be in bed with him and Audrey. Maybe he should have gotten the Adult Patented Daydream Charm. It might have at least given him ideas for when he saw Audrey next . . .

At Aunt Gussie's yesterday, he kept most of his thoughts at bay. They were too angry to get nostalgic. No wonder The Daily Prophet had come out so late! He was over at Aunt Gussie's for dinner before he even saw it. Snape was Headmaster, attendance at Hogwarts was mandatory, and Blood Status had to be proven before matriculation. There would be no Muggleborn students this year.

Percy had always loved school and even after he left, September 1 brought back fond memories of learning new things and being praised by professors. This year, though, September 1 brought worries. Were his siblings safe? Was Neville safe? Even though he missed her like mad, he was fairly sure Audrey was safe. He would have liked to give her the butterfly necklace in person, but he thought she would like it. But what about all the other Muggleborns?

Hermione had been listed along with Audrey in The Daily Prophet as one of the Muggleborns who had not appeared for her hearing. There was a warrant out for her arrest like there was for Audrey, too. Percy hoped Hermione had the sense to leave the country with her parents. He didn't know where she was, but she would not be going to Hogwarts. Percy knew Hermione would be crushed. She was a lot like he was-she cared about her studies and wanted to excel. If it weren't for all the mess in the Wizarding world, Hermione would have been a cert for Head Girl.

Percy remembered back to the first time he really talked to Hermione. Of course, since he was a Prefect, he met her right off. One night, about a week into his fifth year, Percy was coming back to Gryffindor Tower after studying in the library. He wanted to put his things away and have some time to relax before he began his rounds. As he came around the corner into the corridor leading to the tower, Percy heard crying coming from behind a statue. He really wanted to get one of the female prefects, but part of his duty was to help younger students. He was very nervous as he peeked around the statue and saw Hermione sitting on the floor with her knees pulled tightly to her chest and her face buried in them, sobbing. Merlin! It would have to be a crying girl. What if it was a girl problem? Percy put his hand lightly on Hermione's head and said, "Hermione, what's wrong?"

Hermione gave a gasp and jumped. She scrambled to her feet and said in a shaky voice, "Am I in trouble?" And then began sobbing again.

"No! You aren't in trouble! There are no rules against crying behind statues, and it's still an hour to curfew. You are NOT in any trouble. Prefects aren't only here to enforce rules but also to help the younger students." Percy knew he was babbling and being rather loud, but he just wanted her to stop crying! He finally remembered he had a clean handkerchief with him and handed it to Hermione.

Hermione mopped at her eyes, blew her nose, and then said in a tiny voice, "Thank you."

Percy asked as gently as he could, "Will you tell me what's wrong?"

Hermione stood there biting her lip and wringing his handkerchief in her hands for a moment, then whispered, "The first flying lesson is tomorrow."

Percy was confused and really didn't know how to respond. His confusion must have been apparent, because Hermione continued, still in a whisper, "I'm afraid of heights, and since I'm Muggleborn, I don't even know how a broom works. The books I read didn't say how to make it go, and I didn't have anyone to help me, and my family doesn't own one, so I haven't been on one before . . ."

Hermione's voice cracked, and Percy thought she might start crying again, so he said quickly, "Don't worry. I'll help you. Come with me." Percy held out his hand to her. Hermione looked up at him with shining eyes, and took his hand. As they walked down to the broom shed, Percy told Hermione about the first time he had been on a broom. Now that he thought about it, Hermione was the only person he'd ever told, funnily enough.

Bill was over at a friend's house, and Percy begged Charlie to take him flying. Charlie gave in easily. Without Bill around, Charlie was bored, and could spare time for his baby brother. Percy felt safe sitting on the broom in front of his big brother, who was already a good flyer at only age seven. Percy had a wonderful time flying with Charlie . . . until Mum caught them. She was very pregnant with the twins and not in a good mood. She put Percy straight to bed for a nap and spanked Charlie for "taking the baby up on a broom, of all things!" Charlie never told her Percy had begged to go, but he also didn't take Percy flying again without getting permission from Mum or Dad first.

Percy omitted the part about Mum in relaying the story to Hermione. He just mentioned having fun flying with his big brother. He wanted to put her at ease, not make her worry about getting in trouble again. Hermione told him she didn't have any brothers or sisters, and Percy had offered to be an honorary big brother. Hermione beamed at him. He took her flying, just so she could know what it felt like. They actually had fun, and he managed to make her laugh. When they dismounted the broom, Hermione hugged him. It was probably his best moment as a Prefect.

Hermione acted a bit embarrassed around him for a few days after that, but after she passed her flying test a few weeks later, Percy received a very formal thank you note from Hermione via school owl. He knew he still had it somewhere. From that point on, Hermione would always give Percy a little wave or a head nod when she saw him across the Common Room. He really hoped she was safe.

Neville and Ron would be starting their first day of seventh year today. And Ginny would be starting her sixth year. He had never thought he would think this about Hogwarts students, but he really hoped they were safe, too.


Percy arrived at his office and began to look over the stack of memos on his desk. Near the top was "Dirk Cresswell Sent to Azkaban for Faking Family Tree." Damn! Dirk Cresswell was the only Muggleborn who was not sent to Azkaban when Percy took the minutes for those stupid hearings. Now every Muggleborn that day had gone to Azkaban. Percy wondered if every Muggleborn who had shown up for their hearing had gone to Azkaban. He felt sick thinking the answer was probably yes. He read the rest of the memo. Runcorn had turned in Dirk Cresswell and received a Certificate of Commendation for his efforts. This would probably all be in the Prophet, too. Now Percy really felt sick.

There was a knock at his door and Percy called out, "Come in!"


Merlin! Today was definitely Monday. "How may I help you, Yaxley?"

"You may help me, Weasley, by telling me where your brother is? He never showed up at Hogwarts."

That answered which brother at least. "I have no idea, Sir. You know I don't speak to my family. I can't imagine why Ronald wouldn't be in school."

"Maybe your parents kept him at home for some reason?"

"I have never seen my mum angrier than when Fred and George didn't finish their seventh year." This was an exaggeration, but Percy didn't care. "My parents would never willingly let one of their children miss school. Have you asked my father?"

"Your father said Ronald has spattergroit."

"Then I am sure he does."

"I am going to your parents' house now to check, Weasley."

"Yes, Sir."

Yaxley left without saying good-bye. Not that Percy was surprised. Merlin! Ron's having spattergroit was really serious! Percy hoped he would be ok.


Percy was reading as he walked to his meeting and was barely looking where he was going. He stepped onto the lift, looked up, saw his father and Albert Runcorn, and quickly looked back down at his folder again. He was sure he was blushing, and probably making his father angry, but he just could not greet him in front of Albert Runcorn, especially after Runcorn gave evidence about Dirk Cresswell. Maybe Percy shouldn't have told The Sorting Hat to put him in Gryffindor. He certainly wasn't acting like a Gryffindor. As soon as the lift doors opened, Percy hurried off.


Of course, Percy's meeting took much longer than it was supposed to. Didn't all meetings? Why did they have to hold staff meeting on a Monday anyway? Couldn't they give a bloke a day to ease into the week? Percy knew he was just in a bad mood. He missed Audrey even more than usual since today was her birthday, and seeing both Yaxley and Runcorn hadn't helped.

With a sigh, Percy began going through the pile of memos that had accumulated while he was in staff meeting. Not much of importance other than a note from Yaxley confirming that Ron did, in fact, have spattergroit. Percy didn't know whether to be relieved Ron wasn't faking and getting his family in even more trouble than they were in already, or worried because spattergroit could be serious. The note said nothing about how Ron was doing, so Percy put it aside and began working on some memos he needed to write. Would his life ever amount to more than a stack of memos?

Percy only completed one memo before he needed a break. He removed his glasses and pinched the bridge of his nose. That didn't help, so he started rubbing his temples. He couldn't help thinking it was a lot more effective when Audrey did it. Percy sighed again and took the engagement ring out of his pocket to examine it for the millionth time. If it weren't for Voldemort, he'd already be engaged . . .

Percy dropped the ring and jumped out of his chair at the sound of a shrill, piercing noise. Merlin! He thought he had a headache before. Percy scrambled around on the floor to get Audrey's ring back into his pocket with the usual sticking and concealment charms, and then ran out into the hallway. What in Merlin's name was that noise?

"The intruder alarm is going off!" screamed Roland, as he ran by. Well, at least that question was answered. Percy followed the crowd to the balcony overlooking the atrium. He couldn't hear the alarm anymore-it must only ring in the office section.

Percy saw Runcorn herding people to the fireplaces as his big voice boomed, "Their blood is pure!" Strange. And even stranger were the people standing with Runcorn-Reg Cattermole and Mafalda Hopkirk. That was certainly an unusual little group. And then someone came running into the atrium-Reg Cattermole. What the . . .? If Percy hadn't seen it with his own eyes, he wouldn't have believed it. There were two Reg Cattermoles standing in the atrium! One of them swore loudly. People started yelling, Runcorn punched some wizard whose name Percy couldn't remember, Reg grabbed a woman and got in a fireplace, and then Runcorn grabbed Mafalda and got into a fireplace with Yaxley and the other Reg closely following. What was going on?!

No one seemed to know what was happening, but the Ministry was in a complete uproar. Everyone stopped working and milled about in the hallways, talking about what on earth could have happened. After Yaxley and one of the Reg's went through the fireplace, the Minister appeared, and through a Sonorous charm, demanded the fireplaces be sealed, and no one leave until they were interviewed. He sent everyone back to their offices and said they were to remain there until they were excused by a member of the Senior Staff.

Great. Just great. Percy was already getting hungry, and he was sure there was no way he would be out in time for lunch. Maybe he had a candy bar hiding somewhere? Success! He found a Three Musketeers left in his drawer from the Muggle stash Audrey had given him.

The Minister came and interviewed Percy himself. He asked him to describe what he had seen and heard to the best of his ability. Percy did, and then he was sent home, and told not to return until he was called in. The Ministry would be performing a formal investigation of the premises and would call upon employees as needed. That was just fine with Percy, especially since he hadn't really wanted to come to work anyway.


When Percy was finally excused, an Auror escorted him to the main entrance, and allowed him to leave without having to use the fireplace. Percy decided to take advantage of the Ministry's confusion. He could probably get away with it today. He looked around, and then Apparated into an alley. He quickly transfigured his robes into Muggle clothes and went first to Starbucks, and then to Wodehouse Fish 'n' Chips. They had Wizarding fish and chip places, but Wodehouse was better. He bought a rather large order, returned to the alley, and Apparated to his flat. Percy was fairly sure his excursion into the Muggle world had not been seen by any other Wizards. He greatly enjoyed his Mocha Frappaccino and fish 'n' chips. He even shared some with Hermes and Twoey.

After lunch, Percy used the VAPP to record everything that happened. Even though it was expensive, he thought it was the best money he had ever spent. For now, it was the closest he could come to talking to Audrey.


Audrey was naked in bed with Percy, as he held himself over her, kissing her neck and working his way lower. Percy moved upwards and kissed Audrey's mouth their tongues dancing together. Percy began to make a sound like a siren. Audrey thought that was unusual but didn't much care . . .

Audrey awoke with a start, her alarm blaring. Shite! It was just a dream. And now she was all hot and bothered and missed Percy even more. As Audrey became aware of her surroundings and the fuzziness began to fade, she realized it was her birthday. She sighed, and finally turned off the alarm. Damn it! If not for bloody Voldemort that dream would have been reality by now . . .

There was a knock on Audrey's bedroom door, and Uncle Ed called out, "Are you decent?"

"Yes," she called.

"OK. Light it."

Audrey's door swung open and Uncle Ed and Nanny stood there holding a birthday cake with a brightly burning candle shaped like a two.

"Happy Birthday to you! Happy Birthday to you! Happy Birthday dear Audrey! Happy Birthday to you!"

By the time they finished singing, Uncle Ed was standing over the bed holding the cake in front of Audrey, while Nanny stood next to him with a can of Diet Mountain Dew, paper plates, a knife, and plastic forks.

"Well, make a wish and blow out your candle!" Uncle Ed encouraged.

Audrey did. In lieu of clapping, since her hands were full, Nanny fluttered the paper plates at her. Audrey smiled.

"So, I have to ask . . . why am I two-years-old this year?"

"That two is the only number the store had! Their shipment didn't come in for some reason, so they were down to only one remaining two."

Audrey burst out laughing. "Their shipment of number candles didn't come in!? And you know this because . . ."

"I asked, of course! The kid said he'd never seen anything like it."

Audrey shook her head chuckling. "Well, at least you have the right decade."

"That's what I thought."

"Do you want breakfast or presents first?" Nanny asked.

"I'll take my Diet Dew please."

Nanny handed her the can which Audrey opened and took a long swig.

"That stuff can't be good for you . . ."

"Ed, it's her birthday! Leave the poor girl alone."

After downing close to half the can, Audrey pulled her glasses off the nightstand, put them on, and said, "We can have cake now."

"Lovely!" Nanny enthused, sitting on the bed by Audrey. Uncle Ed took the desk chair. Nanny cut three slices of cake, giving Audrey the biggest. "I know you usually like lemon cake, but I bought chocolate this year since Percy's not around to . . . you know."

"Nanny!" Audrey groaned.

"Lucy!" Uncle Ed scolded simultaneously.

"What?! Everyone here knows how these things work. It's not easy to be away from the man you love. How do you think I survived the War without you, Ed? Chocolate, that's how!"

Audrey just shook her head laughing, but took a bite of her cake. "Wow! This is great!"

"See? Studies now say that chocolate releases the same type of endorphins in your brain that sex does, so it should help. Of course, I knew chocolate was helpful before I ever knew what endorphins were."

"Nanny . . ." Audrey stuck more cake in her mouth certain her face was bright red. Uncle Ed just shook his head.

After they had all eaten a few more bites of cake in silence, Audrey took a bracing sip of her Diet Mountain Dew and asked, "So other than chocolate, how did you survive being separated during the War?"

"I was in battle-I was too busy trying to stay alive to think much about it. And we could write letters."

"The letters definitely helped. I sometimes received two weeks' worth at once, but Ed wrote me almost every day. I held onto those letters, but even more I held onto my faith."

"It helped knowing I was doing the right thing. I enlisted the very day I was old enough and never regretted it. Your Percy doesn't really have a choice, does he? This Voldemort fellow is committing genocide more than starting a war."

"That's true." Audrey nodded thoughtfully.

"We are becoming way too maudlin for a birthday conversation. Percy will survive just like Ed did, and you'll get through this." Nanny patted Audrey's knee affectionately. All of them knew not everyone had survived like Uncle Ed did.

Audrey finished her cake and her Diet Dew. "You said something about presents?"

"Yes, I almost forgot!" Nanny bustled out of the room and returned quickly carrying a larger stack than Audrey expected.

Audrey opened the biggest one first. It was a stack of journals from Uncle Ed. There were an assortment of colors but all of them had butterflies on them. When Audrey opened one, she found butterflies on every page, too. "These are beautiful! Thank you!"

"I knew all of that writing wasn't only for homework." Uncle Ed chuckled.

Audrey's gift from Nanny was several picture frames. "Thank you! Now I can stop flipping through the pictures in the envelope."

"That's what I was thinking, dear."

Audrey's parents sent a card with an enclosed check. She could tell her dad had written the check and signed the card, which meant Mum was annoyed with her. What else was new? At least the money would let her get coffee sometimes and not completely rely on Nanny and Uncle Ed for everything.

Audrey's last gift was from Percy. Even though he had already written a letter, there was a note attached to the top.

Happy Birthday, Audrey! I love you. Xxx . . . -Percy

Audrey opened it and pulled out a beautiful necklace of gold swirls. When she held it right-side up, she realized the swirls formed a butterfly. "Wow."

"Would you like me to put it on you?"

Audrey nodded, handed Nanny her necklace, and lifted her hair. Nanny clasped the necklace and Uncle Ed snapped a picture. "Hey! I haven't even brushed my hair yet!"

"Well, men don't buy jewelry like that if they aren't serious about a girl. Percy will see you before you've brushed your hair eventually. If he hasn't already." Uncle Ed muttered the last part under his breath, but Audrey still heard and glared at him. He took another picture.

"Happy Birthday, dear. We better go and let you get ready for school."

Audrey glanced at the clock and jumped out of bed. She hugged Nanny and Uncle Ed. "Thank you both for everything!"


When Audrey returned from her classes that afternoon, she had barely dropped her bag on her bed before the phone rang. She let it ring a few times, but it wasn't answered, so she guessed Nanny and Uncle Ed weren't home yet, and picked up the phone.

"Lucy and Ed's House," Audrey answered as she had been taught as a child. Uncle Ed said anybody who used their last name was a telemarketer.

"Happy Birthday, Audrey!" Sara called.

"Sara! It's so good to hear your voice!" Audrey felt herself beginning to choke up.

"It's good to hear your voice, too." Sara sounded a bit choked up herself, Audrey thought.

They paused in silence for a few moments until Audrey asked, "Where are you? I hear something in the background."

"In the lounge at the hospital. I thought it would be a good idea to call from a different location each time, just to be safe. I don't really think it's necessary, but we can't be too careful."

"Probably true, as long as you don't stop calling me!"


"So what's new with you?" Audrey asked.

"Classes are still great, I'm still not seeing anybody, and before you ask, yes, I do get out and go places with friends occasionally. I actually took last weekend off and went to France."

"Wow! That sounds great!"

"It was. One of my coworkers is from France, so we went to visit her family. We didn't really do the tourist thing, but we had wonderful food and I got to see part of a new country. I also mailed your birthday present while I was there, so I know it will be late, but at least it's coming."

"Thank you! I'll look forward to it then. I received several presents this morning, so it will be good to have one later."

"Too bad you can't have one from Percy . . ." Sara began.

"Actually I do! He sent me something with Aunt Gussie's neighbors when they came."

"What'd he give you?"

"A beautiful gold butterfly necklace."

"Sounds like he knows you pretty well."


"I'm sorry you can't be together."

"Me, too."

"This will sound like a stupid question, but how are you doing?"

"Most days, I'm actually OK. I miss Percy, and I worry about him, but I'm keeping myself busy enough that I don't have much time to think. I'm taking as many classes as I'm allowed, so have to study constantly. In my free time, I help Nanny clean and cook, help Uncle Ed in the garden or with his volunteering at the Botanical Gardens, Nanny's teaching me how to knit . . ."

"Any social life at all?"

"I go to church with Nanny and Uncle Ed-they both sing in the choir so it's nice to hear them, and we go to lunch afterwards with their friends at a Chinese buffet which I love. I've been to dance classes with them a few times . . ."

Sara interrupted, chuckling. "Any social life with people under 70?"

"Yes," Audrey grumped. "The after church lunch group, they call themselves "The Lunch Bunch" includes people of a variety of ages, and the dance classes have people from 13 to 80 and everything in between. It's not like I want a different boyfriend. I'm planning to be reunited with Percy as soon as possible."

"True, that's a good point. I just don't want you to be a hermit."

"There's the pot calling the cauldron . . ."

"I know, I know, but I went to France for a long weekend! That should get you off my back for at least a month."

"I'll give you that one," Audrey laughed. "Have you heard anything about what's happening in England?"

"Not a lot, but a couple of things . . . A couple of weeks ago, there was a warrant issued for your arrest since you didn't attend your hearing. Every British Muggleborn who didn't attend their hearing is on a list in The Daily Prophet with warrants issued for all of them. I'm having a subscription sent to me here, but I get everything about a week late, but my brother Ted Flooed me tonight, so I know a couple of current things. First of all, blood status has to be proven before attending Hogwarts so no Muggleborn students this year."


"Yes. Apparently Sunday's edition of The Daily Prophet came out really late, after the Hogwarts Express had already left. Professor Snape is Headmaster, and there are Death Eaters teaching at Hogwarts."

Audrey groaned, "Poor Neville! He's there with Death Eaters, and Percy's little brother and sister . . ."

"I know. But Professor Sprout is still there, and Professor Flitwick and Professor McGonagall . . . You know they'll do whatever they can to protect students."

"That's true. All of them stood up to Umbridge . . . I don't know which is worse, Death Eaters or Umbridge?"

"At least the Death Eaters are up front about supporting You-Know-Who and being evil. Umbitch was two-faced . . ."

Audrey burst out laughing. "Umbitch!"

Sara chuckled, too. "That's what my brother called her on the phone tonight. First time I'd heard it myself."

"Lee called her that, but I'd forgotten. That's what I'm calling her from now on."

"Good. She deserves it. The other thing just happened today, and I'm not sure what is really going on, but it's weird. Ted works at Gringotts Cairo and his best mate Trav works at Gringotts London-they couldn't get jobs in the same branch even though they tried. Anyway, Trav's cousin, I can't remember his name right now, works in Magical Maintenance at the Ministry, and there was a huge kerfuffle today. Trav's cousin Flooed him and he never Floos him, so Trav knew it was big, and Flooed Ted, who Flooed me."

"I don't care about every twist of the grapevine. Just tell me already!"

"The Intruder Alarm went off at the Ministry, and it was put in lock-down. Every employee had to be interviewed and excused before they were sent home early and told not to return unless they were called in. Since Magical Maintenance workers don't have their own offices to be sent to, they went to their break room. A friend told Trav's cousin that he'd seen two Reg Cattermoles in the atrium. Mr Cattermole was Trav's cousin's supervisor. Two of him! Someone had to have been using Polyjuice!"

"Wow. You think someone actually managed to break into the Ministry of Magic using Polyjuice?"

"I can't think of another explanation, assuming this, I think, fourth hand information is accurate."

"Wow. If you hear anything about that, don't make me wait a month, please."

"I won't. It'd probably be good if we staggered our calling times anyway. Patterns are always detectable."

"That's true, but do you think anyone is actually paying attention?"

"Probably not, but it can't hurt to be careful, Right?"

"Right. Aunt Gussie would certainly agree."

"It's about time for me to go to bed, but I'll talk to you again soon. Enjoy the rest of your birthday."

"I will. Thanks! Sleep well."

Audrey and Sara said their good-byes and hung up. Audrey always felt better after talking to Sara, even when there was disturbing news. And in spite of everything, she did have a good birthday.


Chapter 8: More Surprises

2013, *mollywheezy, novel-length, percy/audrey, a year of worry and hope

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