Novel-Length Fic: A Year of Worry and Hope

Jul 26, 2014 18:38

Title: A Year of Worry and Hope
Word Count: ~80,000 + and counting; 8184 for chapter sixteen
Rating: PG-13 (I *think* it stays PG-13 all the way through the story.)
Summary: Essentially, the events of "Deathly Hallows" from Percy Weasley's and Audrey Mitchell's points of view, including frequent cameos by Fred and George Weasley, and the Longbottoms, as well as other canon characters.

Author's Note: The idea of "beating the hell out of a pond" belongs to katzpajamas and is used with her permission. I would recommend reading her wonderful story Not Over Yet.

Chapter 1: When Percy Met Audrey
Chapter 2: Going Out
Chapter 3: Weasley Wizard Wheezes
Chapter 3.5: Seeing Is Believing
Chapter 4: Muggle Weekend
Chapter 5: Loneliness Revisited
Chapter 6: Unusual Correspondence
Chapter 7: A Surprising Start to September
Chapter 8: More Surprises
Chapter 9: The Long Haul
Chapter 10: New Experiences
Chapter 11: Holidays
Chapter 12: Heading for the Last Roundup
Chapter 13: Shocking Conversations
Chapter 14: The Calm Before the Storm
Chapter 15: Fighting

Chapter 16:

Percy awoke to a grey dawn outside the window. It took him a few minutes to realize where he was, since it certainly wasn't his flat. After he stretched and rubbed the sleep out of his eyes, he remembered all of the Weasleys had decided to follow Professor McGonagall's advice and go to the dormitories to sleep rather than returning home, since they had no idea of the condition of the Burrow. Percy could have returned to his flat, but decided to stay with his family.

Percy looked next to his bed and found clean clothes waiting for him. The house elves must have been busy. He went to the loo, showered, and dressed quietly, and decided to take a walk on the grounds. He was so used to being alone almost all of the time it was strange to be with so many people. As he passed through the Gryffindor Common Room, he noticed plates of pastries and pots of coffee. Percy selected a few pastries, poured himself a large cup of coffee, and went outside for his breakfast.

When he left the castle, Percy still couldn't believe the destruction around him. He walked by the lake and went to what he considered "his spot". This was where he had always come to think when he was a student. There was a pile of large boulders on the edge of the lake, and the way they were positioned created a little nook where he could sit and be almost completely hidden from view. He could see most of the lake, but it was unlikely that anyone would see him. The lake had escaped the destruction of the rest of the grounds, so Percy watched the sunrise over the lake, while he ate his pastries, drank his coffee, and tried to process everything that had happened.

Percy sat there long enough to finish his breakfast, and was about to leave, when he saw Neville and Hannah sit on the shore of the lake. They were close enough he could see them clearly, but far enough away he couldn't hear what they were saying. Percy felt like he shouldn't be sitting there watching them, but he didn't want to get up and disturb them either.

Neville and Hannah talked for a while, and he saw Neville nod, and begin taking off his shoes and socks. Hannah was already barefoot. She stood up and offered Neville her hand to help him up. Then Hannah gave Neville a large stick. What in the world? They walked into the water. They talked for a few minutes while standing in the water, and then Percy was shocked when Neville started hitting the water with the stick.

Neville was screaming, crying and shouting obscenities Percy didn't know he knew. He couldn't make out all the words but knew the emotion well enough. This went on for quite a while. Percy didn't think he should watch, but there was no way for him to return to the castle without Neville and Hannah seeing him. And he was fascinated. When Neville had calmed down, he saw Hannah approach him and take his hands. She went on tiptoe aiming to kiss Neville's cheek, but Neville turned his head and kissed her on the lips. Go Neville. While happy for his friend, Percy's heart clenched at how terribly he missed Audrey.

Neville continued kissing Hannah, and Percy assumed they wouldn't notice now if he left. He began walking back to the castle as quietly as possible. The sun was fully up now, and he didn't know what to do next. He wondered if anyone else from his family was awake? He really needed to go back to his flat and check on Hermes and Twoey. He walked into the Entrance Hall, and decided to go see Fred again. Alone in the Great Hall, Percy had time to talk to Fred. He was thankful for the solitude, because he didn't want anyone else to hear his good-bye to his younger brother.

As Percy left the Great Hall to return to the Common Room, Neville was coming in from outside. He was soaking wet. Percy waved awkwardly. He really didn't know what to say. He knew why Neville was wet, but didn't know if Neville knew he knew, and wasn't sure he wanted to tell him. Fortunately, Neville spoke first.

"Gran went into Hogsmeade yesterday to owl Aunt Lucy and Uncle Ed, but all of the owls were gone. Gran's going to go to the village and telephone as soon as she can get some Muggle money, so Audrey hopefully will know fairly soon we won the war. I don't know how long it will take Gran to find Muggle money, though."

Percy had so much he wanted to say he didn't know where to start, so he settled for nodding.

Neville said, "You look like I felt this morning. If you feel like you have so many different emotions you're going to explode, I would recommend beating the hell out of a pond or a lake or whatever."

"I think the cute girl helped more than the lake." Percy blushed at what he admitted to witnessing.

Neville chuckled. "Probably. I thought I saw you over in the rocks, but I wasn't really paying much attention."

"You were otherwise occupied," Percy laughed. "I wasn't trying to spy on you or anything."

"I know." Neville shrugged. "The lake's a public place."

Just then, Hannah came inside, also quite wet and carrying two sets of shoes and socks. Neville beamed at her. Percy took his cue.

"I'll see you both later." Neville waved at him, and Percy returned to the Common Room.

When Percy arrived back at Gryffindor Tower, there were quite a few people who were up. He saw Ron and Hermione cuddled up on one sofa, Harry and Ginny were sitting near them on another sofa, not looking quite as cozy, but certainly comfortable enough. He started over to them, just as he saw George coming down the stairs. Percy waved to his siblings and their friends, and headed towards George.

As Percy approached, he realized George looked awful, as if he had not slept at all and had spent the entire night crying. Percy said quietly, "Are you all right, George?"

George bellowed, "NO! I AM NOT BLOODY ALL RIGHT!"

There was instant silence in the Common Room. Percy put his arm around George in an attempt to comfort his brother, but George pushed him away and continued screaming, "DON'T BLOODY TOUCH ME! YOU DIDN'T JUST LOSE YOUR TWIN!"

"No, but we both lost a brother . . ."


Percy heard Ginny gasp, but before he could say anything, George's fist connected with his face, and everything went black.


Percy started to wake up slowly. He was very comfortable, and his head was on something soft. It wasn't a pillow, though. A lap? He was pretty sure his head was in someone's lap. And someone's hand was smoothing his hair away from his forehead. Percy didn't open his eyes, but wondered if his voice would work. "Audrey?"

"No, Percy. It's just me. I'm sorry."

Percy opened his eyes and was looking up into the concerned face of his sister. "Ginny?"

"Are you okay?" Ginny put her hand on his forehead. Percy was struck how much she seemed like Mum.

"What happened?"

"George hit you. Harry fixed your nose, and your glasses, and the bump on your head. I tried to wake you up, but couldn't so we just made you comfortable. At least, I hope you're comfortable . . ." Ginny giggled nervously.

Percy sighed. He remembered now. George told him he wished he had died instead of Fred, and then hit him. Bloody Hell.

"Are you hurt anywhere else?"

He was brokenhearted George hated him but didn't blame him. After abandoning his family, he deserved to be punched and worse. Ginny looked worried about him, so Percy said, "No. I'm not hurt anywhere else. Thanks."

He tried to sit up since it was rather embarrassing to have his head in his sister's lap now he was aware of it. Ginny helped. Percy looked around, and was surprised to find they were alone in the common room. "Where is everyone?"

"Mum, Dad, and Charlie left before you came back to go see Fred again. I haven't seen Bill and Fleur this morning. Ron and Hermione went after George. Harry was here with us until Kingsley and Professor McGonagall came to talk to him about something."

Percy nodded. He looked down at his shirt, and realized he was covered in blood. His own, he imagined. "I'm sorry. Harry and I are both pants at cleaning charms, apparently. We couldn't get the blood out of your shirt."

"That's all right. I appreciate your skill in healing." Percy smiled at Ginny who returned it. "I'll just go home and change." Percy stood up. "Would you like to come?"

"Come to your flat with you? Yes!" Ginny stood up, too.

"I'll send Dad a Patronus so he and Mum won't worry." Ginny nodded.

Percy concentrated on the last time he had seen Audrey, and said, "Expecto Patronum!" His silver butterfly flew out of the tip of his wand. Percy thought the message he wanted relayed and sent the butterfly on its way.

"Percy, why is your Patronus a butterfly?" Ginny smirked at him.

Percy could feel himself blush. "Because Audrey likes butterflies. Before I was going out with Audrey, my Patronus was an owl." Percy and Ginny left through the portrait hole.

"Neville told me about you and Audrey. I'm happy for you. I like Audrey."

"That's right! You sat with her at the Yule Ball. Neville gave me pictures. I forgot you've met her."

"May I ask you something?" Percy looked at Ginny and nodded. "Are you in love with her?"

Percy didn't hesitate. "Yes." He reached into his pocket, removed the ring box, and handed it to Ginny. "I could use a woman's opinion. What do you think?"

Ginny gasped as Percy handed her the small velvet box. She opened it and squealed, "Percy! It's just perfect! She'll love it!" Ginny was beaming as she returned the box to her brother. "How long have you had the ring?"

"For nine months. I bought it right after the last time I saw Audrey. Then the Ministry went to hell, and Audrey had to go into hiding . . ."

"I'm sorry, Percy. You must really miss her."

"I do." Percy and Ginny walked in silence for several minutes. Percy wondered if he could confess his greatest fear to his sister. "I've kept telling myself over all these months I had to keep going so when Voldemort was defeated, Audrey and I could be together. I guess I thought she'd Apparate in front of me the second Voldemort lost. I didn't realize it would take time for word to get to her, then she'd have to travel back . . . What if she . . .what if she doesn't feel the same way anymore?" Percy ended in a whisper.

Percy couldn't look at Ginny. She was quiet for a bit. They arrived at the castle doors and walked out into the sunshine. As they began to cross the grounds, Ginny asked quietly, "Did you tell her you love her?"


"Did she tell you?"


"Then you have nothing to worry about. I waited for Harry for all this time, and we've never even told each other. There's no way she'd tell you she loved you and not really, really mean it."

"Thanks, Ginny." Percy put his arm around her as they walked towards the gates. He realized he'd never actually apologized to Ginny. She apparently forgave him already, but still. "I'm sorry I've been such an awful big brother."

"You haven't been an awful big brother. You were a very good big brother for the first fourteen years of my life. I'll forgive the last few when you weren't."

"Thank you."

"And I'm sorry for throwing mashed parsnips at you." Ginny laughed.

"So that was you? I never knew for certain if it was you or one of the twins." Percy nudged her playfully. They both laughed together.

They had reached the gates, and Percy said, "Okay. I'll side-along Apparate with you to my flat." Ginny nodded. Percy took her arm and Apparated.

They arrived in Percy's flat to hooting and excited peeping. Hermes and Twoey were both on Hermes' perch together and seemed very happy to see Percy and Ginny. Ginny glanced around as Percy went over to pet Hermes and Twoey. Thankfully they still had food and water left, so he had put enough out before the battle started. He opened the window to let Hermes go hunt if he wanted to.

"You have a Pygmy Puff?" Ginny sounded like she couldn't believe her eyes.

Percy blushed again. "Yes. His name is Twoey, and you remember Hermes. I'll just go change."

Percy left his sister with his pets, and went to his bedroom to change his shirt. When he returned, Hermes had flown off to hunt, and Twoey was sitting on Ginny's shoulder peeping excitedly.

"Can we take Twoey to meet my Pygmy Puff Arnold?"

"Of course. Let's go."


Percy didn't know what to do with himself. It had been a week since "The Battle of Hogwarts" as it was now being called, and he still hadn't seen or heard from Audrey. Aunt Gussie had managed to find Muggle money and telephoned Audrey’s Aunt Lucy and Uncle Ed, but the only answer was a machine. She left a message, but would Audrey hear it? Were those Muggle contraptions even reliable? Percy realized his pacing was going to wear out the rug, so he sat down.

He had already used his Voice Activated Perpetual Parchment to "tell" Audrey everything about the battle, and Neville and Hannah, and his conversation with Ginny, and Fred's funeral, and how his family had forgiven him . . . Well, most of his family, anyway. Everyone except George. He and George had not spoken since George had punched him. Percy reached to the table in front of him and poured himself a shot of the Muggle whisky Aunt Gussie had given him. Good stuff-nice and smooth with a kick, but not so much of a kick it burned your throat like Firewhisky. Drinking himself into a stupor wasn't going to help anything, though. Percy stood up again and resumed his pacing.

He knew the rift between himself and George was causing his family even more pain, but he had no idea what to do about it. Except for Fred's actual funeral, Percy and George had not been in the same space at the same time. George left the room whenever Percy showed up at The Burrow. Percy had taken to alternating days between The Burrow and Aunt Gussie's and making sure his plans were well-known, so George wouldn't spend all of his time alone in his room. From what Ginny had told him, it was quite a struggle to get him to come out of his room anyway. Maybe Audrey would have an idea when she came back . . .

Percy sat down again. What if Audrey didn't come back? No. Percy wasn't going to let himself think like that. Kingsley said there was a lengthy waiting list for portkeys. So many people had fled from Voldemort, or had been in hiding, and were looking for their children or immediate family members. Percy was fairly certain Audrey was safe, and most people did not have that reassurance. He knew this logically. He had seen what a complete mess the Ministry was in when he tried helping for a day. He had left, though, with Kingsley's blessing, when the temptation to bypass protocols and contact Audrey was too great. He'd always followed the rules. They were logical and made sense and kept order. He just didn't feel like being logical about Audrey. He poured himself another shot of whiskey and sighed. He couldn't even play with Twoey, since the little traitor had decided to stay with Ginny and Arnold at the Burrow. Percy felt betrayed by his Pygmy Puff. How pathetic was that! He got up and headed to bed.


Percy watched as a wall exploded into Fred, leaving him staring up, a ghost of a last smile on his face. Percy shook his little brother, begging him to wake up. Huge spiders came through the wall, and before Percy could do anything one of them bit Ron, who went into a violent spasm, and then was still. As Percy switched from shaking Fred to shaking Ron, Hermione, who was screaming and crying, slipped in a puddle of blood and fell out of the hole in the side of the building. Harry grabbed Percy and dragged him away before another spider could bite him.

Percy was battling eight Death Eaters with Aunt Gussie, and one of the Death Eaters cast Avada Kedavra at Aunt Gussie. Percy conjured a mirror, but he was a second late, and Aunt Gussie hit the floor, dead.

Percy and his Dad were dueling Thicknesse, and his shield wasn't strong enough, Thicknesse's spell got through, and Dad was torn in half.

Mum was fighting Bellatrix LeStrange, but Bellatrix was the better dueler and killed his mother while Percy watched.

Percy was in the Great Hall after the battle, looking at rows of bodies in the middle of the floor. His Mum, Dad, Fred, Ron, Hermione, and Harry, were in front of him. No one had found Bill, Fleur, Charlie, George, or Ginny. Percy was sobbing. They'd beaten Voldemort, but he didn't feel happy. All of his family was dead or missing. Then Neville walked in carrying a body, tears running down his face. Percy went to comfort his friend and saw the body Neville was carrying-Audrey.

Percy screamed. He was drenched with sweat, tangled in the sheet, and crying. He thrashed frantically to untangle himself, fell on the floor, scrambled to his feet, and grabbed his wand. He knew the images weren't true. Except for Fred. Fred was really dead. And Percy still hadn't seen or heard from Audrey. He felt like his chest was going to explode. Percy Apparated.

He arrived in the garden at The Burrow, near the pond. He didn't bother finding a stick, but ran into the water, crying and beating it with his fists, and screaming about every injustice in the world interspersed with every bit of profanity he knew. His vocabulary of profanity was actually quite extensive. He was related to Charlie and the twins, after all.

Percy continued to scream and cry and beat the pond. He was sopping wet, cold, and completely unconcerned. He kept screaming.

"Damn it, Fred! Why did you die?! We're never going to be a whole family again! And we're even less complete since I buggered things up so badly George hates me!"

"I don't hate you."

Percy whirled around so quickly, he lost his footing and landed with a splash on the muddy bottom of the pond. Sitting in the muck, Percy looked up into the tear-streaked face of George.

"You don't hate me?"

George shook his head, but didn't say anything else. Percy really wasn't surprised since this was the only time George had spoken to him since he'd hit him.

"How long have you been standing there?"

"Quite a while. I couldn't sleep and was on the porch. I heard someone Apparate and came to check. I cast Muffliato on the house when I saw it was you."

"Thank you."

George shrugged. "What are you doing?"

Percy knew he was blushing, but figured the truth was best. "Er . . . I was beating the hell out of the pond."

George stared at him, until he finally said, "What did the pond ever do to you?"

Percy started to laugh. George was looking at him as if he were crazy, which just made him laugh harder. When Percy could finally stop laughing, he realized George wasn't laughing and hadn't said anything. Percy didn't know what to say. He hadn't planned for the first conversation he had with George to take place while he was sitting in the pond in his underwear in the middle of the night. Thankfully, George finally spoke.

"Percy, I'm really sorry. I know what I said is completely unforgivable, and I don't expect you to ever forgive me, but I want you to know I didn't mean it." George's voice cracked.

Percy had to think for a moment what George meant. "It's fine, George. It was just one comment. Of course, I forgive you."

George still looked anguished. "But what I said . . ."

"I said you're forgiven. Look George, I abandoned our family for three years. I didn't even go visit Dad when he was hospitalized, and everyone forgave me. You said something you didn't mean. You've apologized, and I forgive you."

George looked a bit better. "I guess Weasleys are in the business of forgiving the unforgivable."

Percy smiled. "Yeah, I guess we are."

George smiled back and reached out a hand to help Percy out of the pond. Percy had no idea what possessed him, but he yanked and pulled George into the pond with him.

"Bloody hell!" George shrieked as he hit the cold water. Percy started laughing again, and George pushed him under. Percy came up spluttering and got his revenge. Soon Percy and George were splashing around in the pond trying to dunk each other just like when they were children.

After they were both muddy, cold, and breathless with laughter, they finally helped each other out of the pond.

"I could use a drink. How about you, Perce?"

"Sounds good." Percy followed George back to the house. After going inside, George went straight to the cupboard where Dad kept the Firewhisky. George opened it, looked around, closed the door, glanced in the bin, and sighed. "Someone finished off the Firewhisky," he whispered.

"We can go to my flat. I don't think I have any Firewhisky left either, but I know I have Muggle whisky. Just leave Mum a note."

George shuffled in a drawer for parchment and a quill and scrawled a quick note. Percy took his arm and Apparated both of them to his flat.


"Percy? Perce, wake up!"

"Wha . . .?" Percy half-opened one eye.

"Come on, Perce. Mum's about to have kittens. Wake up!"

Percy opened both eyes, but found he really didn't want to, so he squinted at the red head standing over him. "Are you Ron?"

"Yes, I'm Ron, and you're Percy. Now that’s sorted, have you seen George?"

Percy nodded, and gestured vaguely at the other end of his sofa, where George had fallen asleep after they had polished off a bottle of whisky together. "Right there."

"Perce. George is not right there."

Percy sat up at looked at the other end of the sofa, then around his flat. "Where's George?!"

Ron sighed. "He left a note for Mum, which Ginny managed to decipher, saying he was here. Mum's having a fit because she thinks George might hurt you or hurt himself or something. I don't know."

Percy's head was still a bit fuzzy, but he was starting to wake up. "George and I are fine. Nothing to worry about. I'm not sure where he went, but he was sitting right there when we both dozed off."

Ron gestured to the empty whisky bottle on the floor. "More like passed out, I'd guess."

Percy snorted. "Maybe."

With a pop, George appeared. "Here you go, Perce, hangover potion. Oh, hi Ron." George handed Percy a flask of potion which he drank. His head immediately cleared, and he felt fully awake.


"No problem."

Ron stared at Percy and George with his mouth hanging open. "Who are you two, and what did you do with my brothers?"

Percy looked at Ron in confusion. "What do you mean?"

"The Percy I know would never take something from George without having seen him make it." Ron looked at George. "And the George I know wouldn't be willingly trying to help Percy."

"You wound me, little brother." George flung his hand over his heart.

Ron rolled his eyes. "Whatever." Ron paused and then seemed to have a sudden realization. He pointed to George, "I didn't know you supported the Cannons!"

"I don't. These are Percy's pajamas."

Ron looked between George and Percy several times before settling on Percy. "I don't even want to know why George is wearing your pajamas. Just get dressed and come to the Burrow for breakfast. I'll go tell Mum you're on the way." With that, Ron Apparated.

George burst out laughing, and Percy joined him. "Have I really been that awful, George?"

"Yeah, but so have I. None of that matters now. We've started over."

"Good. I don't know what people would do who didn't have access to a pond."

George laughed, but then abruptly stopped. "Percy! You're brilliant! We can make Portable Ponds! I've got to get dressed, I've got to get to the shop, I guess I should eat first, see you at the Burrow . . ." George Apparated.

Percy shook his head. His entire family was crazy, but he was glad to have them back.


After a wonderful breakfast, full of more laughter than Percy had heard in years, Ginny whispered to him, "I'm sure you want to see Twoey, don't you?"

"Yes, that'd be nice."

"Twoey and Arnold have been having fun together. I'll be right back." Ginny winked at Percy, and ran off up the stairs.

When Ginny returned, Twoey and Arnold were sitting close together on one of Ginny's shoulders, and Ginny was holding something in her cupped hands.

Percy moved closer to look, and she appeared to be holding a handful of various colored cotton balls. He glanced at Ginny in confusion.

"Congratulations, Percy! You're a granddad!" Ginny giggled.

"What?!" Percy glanced at the colored cotton balls again and noticed they were moving. Twoey and Arnold were jumping up and down in excitement on Ginny's shoulder.

Percy pointed to the cotton balls. "Those are baby Pygmy Puffs?"

Ginny nodded and kept smiling. By this time Charlie and George had become interested in the conversation and wandered over.

"But how did that happen?!" At Percy's question, Ginny, Charlie, and George burst out laughing.

George collected himself first, "You see, Perce, when a boy Pygmy Puff and a girl Pygmy Puff fancy each other . . ."

"Arnold's a girl?!"

"No Percy. Twoey's a girl." Ginny said patiently.

"Twoey's a girl? But how do you know?" Percy could have sworn Twoey rolled his, er, her eyes at him.

Charlie ruffled Percy's hair and asked, "Did Dad forget to give you The Talk, little brother?"

Percy blushed, tried to smooth his hair, and decided to drop the subject and ignore his siblings. "Twoey, Arnold, you have a lovely family. I'm very happy for you." Twoey and Arnold bounced excitedly.

George chimed in, "Enough with the Pygmy Puffs. We need to get to work at the shop."

Ginny and Percy addressed Twoey and Arnold almost in unison, "He didn't mean that." The entire family started cleaning up from breakfast and getting ready to help George at Weasley Wizard Wheezes.


Mum and Hermione were assigned to brewing potions. Harry and Charlie were cleaning the shop, repairing damage, and organizing anything that had survived the Death Eater invasion. Ginny and George were working on the charms for various merchandise. Ron and Percy had been sent to sort out the flat over the shop.

"Ron, can I ask you something?" Ron nodded. "Why were you able to forgive me so easily? I probably hurt you more than any of our other siblings, and I was horrible to Harry . . ."

Ron turned to Percy, despair in his eyes. "I did the same thing."


"When Harry, Hermione, and I were searching for the horcruxes, I got angry and abandoned them. I went to Bill's. I didn't know if I'd ever see them again, but Dumbledore's deluminator got me back there, and they both forgave me."

"Well, Weasleys are in the business of forgiving the unforgivable."

"Harry and Hermione aren't Weasleys."

"Sure they are! Harry's been an honorary Weasley since he was 11, and I'm pretty sure Hermione will be a Weasley for real sometime in the not-too-distant future . . ."

Ron blushed and ran a hand through his hair. "Yeah, s'pose you're right . . ."


"I wonder what George wants."

"You better be careful, Perce. He's doing that sing-song thing that means he's up to something."

Percy nodded and shrugged. Ron returned to working as Percy made his way downstairs.


Leaving her parents at their hotel after her graduation ceremony and post-graduation lunch, Audrey, Nanny, and Uncle Ed came home. Audrey went straight to her room, kicked off her shoes, dropped her mortar board and diploma on her desk, and collapsed on her bed. She knew graduating from university was a huge accomplishment, but it didn't seem right for Percy not to be there. Audrey sniffed. She was not going to cry again. She sighed.

"Audrey! Come quickly!"

At Uncle Ed's yell Audrey leapt from the bed, sprinted out of her room, and flew down the stairs. She found Uncle Ed and Nanny, standing in the middle of the sitting room staring blankly at the answering machine.

"What's the matter?" Audrey panted.

"Listen." Uncle Ed pushed the play button.

"Lucy? Lucy, can you hear me? You know I hate these things, but I couldn't find an owl . . . well, anyway . . .Andromeda" BEEP

"Merlin! Did I do something wrong? Poor Andromeda. She gave me some Muggle money she had left over from doing things with her in-laws, but now" BEEP

"Bloody contraption! Well, then. Voldemort's dead. So are many others from both sides . . . Neville and I are fine. Percy's alive and misses Audrey dreadfully. Come to England as soon" BEEP

Audrey, Nanny, and Uncle Ed stood there for a moment as the answering machine quit playing. Finally, Audrey moved, grabbed the pen and paper next to the phone and hit play again. After a few words, she hit stop, wrote the words down, and continued in that vein until she had transcribed the entirety of Aunt Gussie's message.

Nanny and Uncle Ed sat on the sofa, and Audrey sat on the floor in front of them holding the paper so all three of them could read it.

"I'm glad Andromeda gave Gussie money, but what happened to her?"

"She said she was fine!"

"Not Gussie, Andromeda! Gussie's message says 'Poor Andromeda.'"

Audrey interrupted. "I wonder why Aunt Gussie said she and Neville are fine, but Percy's 'alive.' That seems to imply Percy isn't fine."

"Audrey, it's war. It will be a very long time until anyone is 'fine' again."

"But she said she and Neville were . . ."

"Maybe she just didn't think she could speak for Percy. I know I wasn't fine for years after the war. You see things and have buddies killed . . ."

"Maybe Percy just hasn't had the opportunity to reconcile with his family yet. The entire family was involved in the fighting, weren't they?"

"Yes." Audrey stared at the note for another moment and exclaimed, "I need to get to England right now!"

"I'll check for flights." Uncle Ed left the room.

"We can't contact the portkey office until tomorrow. Everything in Redstone Alley is closed on Sunday. Why don't you go pack, and I'll call your parents and tell them what's happening?"

"Thanks, Nanny." Audrey hugged her, and ran to her room. Hopefully she would be seeing Percy extremely soon.


"I can't believe this!" Audrey screamed in frustration.

"I tried, Audrey. There's a blackout on all flights to England because of the recent terrorist activity. A ticket must be purchased one month in advance. I bought three tickets . . ."

"A month? I can't wait a month to see Percy! And I can't believe Mum or Dad wouldn't give me one of their tickets!"

"Love, neither of your parents can afford to miss a month of work."

"I know!" Audrey huffed as angry tears leaked from her eyes. "It's just not fair!"

"Nobody ever said life is fair, and war sure as hell isn't fair. At least you can contact Percy now, can't you?"

"He doesn't have a phone," Audrey sighed. "We talked about buying one for him, but didn't do it before I had to leave."

"We can go to the post office in Redstone Alley as soon as they open in the morning, and you can owl him. You can write the letter this evening."

"It's better than nothing," Audrey said glumly.

"I'll buy you an owl if that will help," Uncle Ed offered. "The fastest one they have."

"Thanks, Uncle Ed." Audrey hugged him.


The next morning, Audrey and Nanny were in front of the post office in Redstone Alley at 7:45. The post office didn't open until 8, but there was already a line. Once the doors opened, the line moved more swiftly than Audrey expected, but when her turn came, there were no international owls available, and there was a waiting list to get one. The postmaster said it would probably be three weeks. With a sigh, she added her name to the list, just in case.

Their next stop was the pet store, which was sold out of all owls, and wouldn't receive a new shipment for two months. The latest clutches of owlets had to have time to be weaned and trained.

Then they went to the Portkey Office, and Audrey put her name on a waiting list. They said they thought it would take two weeks before they called her in. She supposed two weeks was better than a month, but she was going to go crazy. She couldn't call Sara, because without an international plan, Sara had not taken her phone with her, and she was probably at Hogwarts, where it wouldn't work anyway. Aunt Gussie could use a telephone, but if Nanny were going to call Aunt Gussie they had to schedule a time by owl, so Aunt Gussie could be in the village to answer the public telephone. First thing when she saw Percy, Audrey was going to buy him a mobile phone. Well, maybe not the first thing . . .

Nanny took Audrey to lunch at a wonderful little café where they could drown their sorrows with fried green tomatoes, fried okra, fried catfish, and The Famous Triple Chocolate Gooey Surprise. They put a moratorium on talking about war, sadness, and travel woes during lunch, and Audrey shared some funny stories about Percy with Nanny. It really did make her feel better and more hopeful. It was frustrating to have to wait even longer to see him, but she was pretty sure they'd have the rest of their lives together. She could wait a bit more. Really, she could.


Uncle Ed was waiting in the kitchen when Nanny and Audrey arrived home. "Both of you need to sit down. I have lots of news."

"I'll just make some tea," Nanny offered.

"Sit down first. We might all need something stronger than tea."

"Just tell us, Uncle Ed. You're making me worry," Audrey said as she sat down at the table. Nanny nodded as she joined them.

"Shortly after you left, Gussie called again. And before you say anything, no, I couldn't call you from my cell phone and make her wait for you to Apparate back. There was a line for the public telephone, and she didn't have long. She actually ran out of both Muggle money and Andromeda's phone card as we were talking."

"What happened to Andromeda?" Nanny asked.

Uncle Ed scrubbed his hand over his face. "There's no gentle way to say this. Her husband was killed by Death Eaters while he was on the run-he left to protect Andromeda. And her daughter and son-in-law were killed in the battle. She's left to raise her infant grandson. And the worst of it is Andromeda's daughter was murdered by her sister."

Audrey stared at Uncle Ed in horror. Aunt Gussie's, "Poor Andromeda" was really an understatement.

"Audrey, I think you knew Andromeda's son-in-law, Remus Lupin."

"Yes, I really liked him and hated to see him leave Hogwarts. I didn't know he'd gotten married and has a baby! But he and his wife are both dead . . ." Audrey's eyes filled with tears.

Uncle Ed sighed, "The other really horrible news is that Fred Weasley died in the battle."

"What?!" Audrey started sobbing, and Nanny wrapped her arms around her.

Uncle Ed gently rubbed Audrey's back, waiting until she collected herself a bit. "I can tell you a bit about what happened."

"OK." Audrey took a shuddering breath.

"Gussie said Percy reconciled with his family before the battle. Fred was the first one to welcome Percy back, and the two of them were fighting side by side when there was an explosion, which is what killed Fred. Gussie said he still had a smile on his face from a joke Percy had told."

"Percy was telling jokes while fighting Death Eaters?"

Uncle Ed shrugged. "You're the one who knows him. The Weasleys are handling Fred's death as well as can be expected, but Percy's been spending a lot of time with Gussie. After the battle, I'm not clear on the exact time frame here, Percy tried to comfort George, and George told him he should be dead instead of Fred and punched him. So Percy and George have not been in the same place at the same time except for Fred's funeral. Gussie said Percy prowls around her house muttering to himself since he can't figure out what to do with himself or how to fix things with George and misses you."

"What about Neville? I thought Neville and Percy were friends."

"They are. They've spent time together, too, but Neville has a girlfriend, now."

"Brilliant! Who?"

"I don't know. Gussie's money ran out. But there is more good news about Neville. His parents are themselves again."

"What?! How?!" Nanny and Audrey shrieked together.

"I don't know, exactly. They woke up, or whatever you want to call it, when Molly Weasley killed Bellatrix LeStrange."

"Mrs Weasley killed Bellatrix LeStrange?!"

"I don't know details. Gussie knew she didn't have much money, and was talking really quickly, and she was so choked up with emotion telling me about her son and daughter-in-law I could barely understand her anyway. They are very sick and weak from essentially fighting the Cruciatus Curse all this time. They remember Neville's and Gussie's visits as good times during a blur of pain. The Healers think they will recover, so that's hopeful."

"How wonderful!"

"Neville's a war hero."

"I knew the Sorting Hat put Neville in Gryffindor for a reason! What did he do?"

"He defied Voldemort to his face, broke out of the spells cast on him, beheaded a snake, and used plants against the Death Eaters."

"Why was there a snake in the battle?" Nanny asked.

"How do you fight Death Eaters with plants?" Audrey wondered.

"I don't know the answer to either of those questions. We'll have to wait until we talk to Neville in person."

"I HAVE to get to England!"

"We have tickets for about a month from now, so you will get to England. Get your stuff packed to go on short notice. I don't want to get your hopes up, but I might have a way to get you there sooner."

"Thank you, Uncle Ed!"


Audrey spent the next several days in a flurry of packing, alternating between joy at having an end to the long separation with Percy, happiness for Neville since he had his parents back and had a girlfriend now, and sadness and despair for all those who had died, especially Fred. When she wasn't packing, buying things she might need for the trip or immediately upon arrival, or going somewhere to spend time with Sally B., she was either crying or laughing hysterically. She spent a lot of time journaling in an attempt to keep her sanity, but it wasn't working. She had a glass or two of wine every evening, which was unusual for her, but did at least let her get to sleep. The one night she decided she shouldn't drink so much and refused Nanny's offer of wine, she saw Uncle Ed spiking her tea with whiskey. She pretended she didn't notice and slept through the night for the first time in a very long time.


When she woke up the next morning, Uncle Ed wasn't home which was unusual. Even more unusual was that Nanny said he was "running an errand" but wouldn't give more information. Nanny was brewing potions in the kitchen. Audrey could make potions when she had to, at least the easier ones, but what Nanny was doing looked complicated. Audrey grabbed a couple of Diet Mountain Dews from the refrigerator and went to shower so she wouldn't get recruited to help with the potions.

Audrey's plan worked, since by the time she returned, Nanny had put all the potion making supplies away. Audrey only felt a bit bad about not helping; she helped with everything else, but making potions really wasn't her thing. Audrey stared into the fridge for a few minutes, selected a bagel, cream cheese and another Diet Dew, and sat down at the table to eat. Nanny brought her tea over and sat with her.

When Audrey had finished eating, Nanny said, "I have something for you Audrey." She slid three potions vials across the table.

Audrey looked at the vials, and looked at Nanny who had a strange expression on her face. Audrey asked, "Is that what I think it is?"

"If you think it's contraceptive potion, then you're right. Each vial should last a week, although you really should use the charm, too, just in case."

"Nanny . . ." Audrey could feel her face getting hot.

"Audrey, I know what it's like to be apart from the man you love and the powerful emotions you both feel as soon as you see each other again. Your Uncle Ed and I eloped the very day he came back from the war. My mother was furious, but we were too happy to be together to care."

"I always wanted you and Uncle Ed to be at my wedding. You're telling me I should elope with Percy?"

Nanny smiled. "No, I'm telling you it wouldn't be a good idea to get pregnant out of wedlock. I don't know the Weasleys, really, but I certainly have heard about them, and they are a very traditional family. And since your mother sells wedding invitations for a living she'd probably be angrier if you eloped than my mother was with me. Just . . . be careful."

"I will, Nanny. Thank you." Audrey pocketed the potion vials.

At that moment, Uncle Ed burst through the door and said simply, "Let's go!"


Audrey had never imagined she would be flying in the cockpit of an airplane. The pilot must have really owed Uncle Ed a huge favor. Andy, the pilot, was a squib, and one of Nanny and Uncle Ed's neighbors. They only found out about each other because Aunt Gussie had Flooed when Andy was at their house, and before they could obliviate him, he yelled, "I know what that is!"

Audrey had slept though most of the flight, but now that they were on the ground, she couldn't stop squirming in her seat. She knew she would have to be the last person off of the plane, just like she had been the first one on, so no one would know she was basically a stowaway, and disillusioned, too. She was worried her nervous twitching would be heard by the copilot.

To Audrey's surprise, Andy turned, feigned stretching, looked right at her and mouthed, "Apparate".

Audrey mouthed back, "Thank you." Although he probably couldn't see her thanking him, she had thanked him when she got on the plane, and she did as he suggested.

She Apparated directly to Percy's flat. "Percy? Percy, are you home?" There was no answer, but Audrey wandered around to make certain. He wasn't there. Where could he be? The Burrow was a likely possibility, but she couldn't Apparate there, since she had never been there. She could go ask Aunt Gussie, but she might get drawn into a long conversation, and she wanted to see Percy immediately. Besides, Aunt Gussie didn't even know she was in England, so she wouldn't be waiting for her.

Nanny and Uncle Ed were waiting for her to call them, though. She took her phone out of her bag, and turned it on, surprised she had reception. She dialed their number.


"Hi Nanny! I got here safely!"

"Wonderful dear! Where are you?"

"In Percy's flat, but he isn't here. I really don't know where he could be . . ."

"He'll have to come back eventually, dear . . ."

Nanny kept talking but Audrey quit listening. She watched in surprise as Hermes picked up a magazine off of Percy's desk and flew over to her, flapping at her until she took it.

" . . . We'll be there in a few weeks and see you then. Call again whenever you want to."

"I will, Nanny. I love you!"

"Love you too!"

Audrey clicked the off button on her phone. Hermes was perched on the back of the chair looking at her expectantly. She unrolled what Hermes had given her. It was the catalogue for Weasleys Wizard Wheezes.

"Is Percy at Weasleys Wizard Wheezes?"

Hermes hooted.

Audrey put down the catalogue and gave Hermes a head rub, cooing to him, "Who's the most clever owl ever?" Hermes looked as if he were smiling at her.

It was pretty amazing Hermes had brought her a catalogue. She knew owls were smart, but could Hermes really know that Percy was at Weasley Wizard Wheezes? She was just glad Hermes liked her. She doubted Percy would be there, but Fred or George-Audrey stopped herself mid thought-George might know where he was. Or if he hadn't talked to Percy yet, he could at least help her get to The Burrow. And she could always go to Aunt Gussie's later or come back to Percy's flat again.

Hermes finished with his head rub and flew back to his perch and hooted at her. "I'm going, just give me a minute." Audrey went into Percy's loo to freshen up, and when she emerged, Hermes was asleep. She checked Percy's cold cupboard. She could really use a Diet Dew. When she looked, Percy had several bottles of Diet Mountain Dew in his cold cupboard. She checked the dates on the bottles, hoping he hadn't had them for nine months. They were all fresh. Percy must have bought Diet Dew for her knowing she'd be coming back!

She uncapped a bottle, drank several large gulps, and Apparated to the Diagon Alley Apparation point nearest the shop. In seconds, she was at the door of Weasley Wizard wheezes. The windows were boarded up, and the shop was closed, but she knocked on the door in hope. She waited a minute and knocked again, harder. She heard an annoyed "I'm coming!" Then the door opened.

"George!" Audrey threw her arms around her friend. He was stiff with shock at first but gradually hugged her back. Audrey stepped back and talked quickly.

"George, I just got here, and I was trying to find Percy. Did you know I was going out with Percy?" George nodded. "Oh good, then Percy must have made it up you! I'm so glad! So I Apparated from the aeroplane to Percy's flat, but he wasn't there, and I don't know exactly where The Burrow is, but Hermes suggested here . . .

George looked at her as if she were completely crazy, and shook his head.

"Here I am babbling and I haven't even said . . . I'm SO sorry about Fred. Nanny and Uncle Ed put you on their church's prayer list." Audrey quit talking and gently put her arms around George. She kissed him on the cheek.

George snorted. "I think there's a different Weasley you'd rather be kissing. Let me get him . . ."

Audrey blushed and giggled. "Thank you," she whispered, as she followed after George.

Chapter 17: Together

*mollywheezy, andromeda, molly weasley, charlie weasley, fred weasley, percy weasley, dumbledore, andromeda/ted, neville longbottom, bill/fleur, novel-length, neville/hannah, harry/ginny, teddy lupin, ron/hermione, remus/tonks, augusta longbottom, percy/audrey, 2014, a year of worry and hope, george weasley, arthur weasley

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