Novel-Length Fic: A Year of Worry and Hope

May 08, 2014 07:26

Title: A Year of Worry and Hope
Word Count: ~75,000 + and counting; 6932 for chapter thirteen
Rating: PG-13 (I *think* it stays PG-13 all the way through the story.)
Summary: Essentially, the events of "Deathly Hallows" from Percy Weasley's and Audrey Mitchell's points of view, including frequent cameos by Fred and George Weasley, and the Longbottoms, as well as other canon characters.

Chapter 1: When Percy Met Audrey
Chapter 2: Going Out
Chapter 3: Weasley Wizard Wheezes
Chapter 3.5: Seeing Is Believing
Chapter 4: Muggle Weekend
Chapter 5: Loneliness Revisited
Chapter 6: Unusual Correspondence
Chapter 7: A Surprising Start to September
Chapter 8: More Surprises
Chapter 9: The Long Haul
Chapter 10: New Experiences
Chapter 11: Holidays
Chapter 12: Heading for the Last Roundup

Chapter 13:

Audrey allowed herself a bit of a lie in, but still awoke far earlier than she usually would for a Saturday, especially considering it was the first Saturday of Spring Break, but she wanted to use the time away from classes to finish her project. Audrey's professor had not allowed her to drop the class as she had thought, and had been willing to put her in a different group. Her new group members were all in the other section and were serious about their studies. They had divided the project with each person completing one of the parts on their own. They would then meet together for editing and final touches. Audrey wanted to be certain she would be finished on time and do a good job. She didn't want to let anybody down.

What she had not expected was that her three previous group members were expelled. All of them had had one too many cases with the disciplinary committee, and this had been the last straw. Even though Audrey was shocked and thought the university was being extremely strict, she really couldn't muster up any sympathy for them. Especially since they had basically said they wished Percy would die.

Audrey had been talking to Sara about once a week or so now, but there hadn't been a Potterwatch episode in forever, and she really didn't have any news. Audrey could only hope that "no news was good news" since Percy's name had not been listed in The Daily Prophet so he had not been arrested. She didn't know how much longer she could stand the waiting and not knowing.

Since she couldn't seem to keep her mind on her project, Audrey went downstairs to see what Nanny and Uncle Ed were doing. She needed a break.

Nanny met her at the bottom of the stairs. "I was just coming to see if you wanted to come with us to the Botanical Gardens, Audrey."

"After that storm two nights ago, there are a lot of downed branches and twigs from the dogwood, and we're going to go pick them up," Uncle Ed added, putting down his newspaper.

"Can't they leave twigs on the ground?" Audrey asked.

"Of course. Local artisans use the wood from the dogwood to make jewelry and some other crafts."

"And since they'd never cut branches off the dogwood when they were on the tree, we pick them up for them."

Audrey wanted to ask why the artisans couldn't pick up the branches themselves, but before she could, Uncle Ed added, "We don't let anyone randomly come and gather branches since it wouldn't be fair. Any artisans who want the wood submit a request for what size pieces and how many, then we distribute them fairly. The gift shop sells what they make, so it seems like a good deal for everyone."

"Sure, I'll come. It will be good to get some fresh air."


Being at the Botanical Gardens with Nanny and Uncle Ed did Audrey a world of good. It was a beautiful spring day, she loved the gardens and all the flowers in bloom, and the two-hundred year old dogwood tree was spectacular. Picking up branches in the shade of the tree was easy and fun. Audrey enjoyed listening to Uncle Ed's gardening knowledge and jokes, and Nanny's funny stories about gardening mishaps and volunteering adventures.

When they returned home, Audrey was in such a good mood she was able to focus easily and had several hours of productive work on her project. She was considering taking another break when her cell phone rang.

Audrey answered the phone, but before she could say anything, Sara said, "Audrey, it's Sara. You need to get Lucy and Ed on the speaker phone. I have news from Potterwatch."

Audrey began walking as she spoke, "It's been forever since there was a Potterwatch! Hang on . . . Nanny! Uncle Ed! Sara has news!"

Audrey had barely finished speaking before Nanny and Uncle Ed met her at the bottom of the stairs, and she put the phone on speaker. "Sara, we're all here. Go ahead."

"OK. First off, Lee said there had not been a Potterwatch in quite some time because there were too many Death Eater raids, and they couldn't find a safe place to broadcast. Since it's been a while, there was quite a lot of information to share. Do you want the good news or the bad news first?"

Audrey didn't say anything as she considered Sara's question. Nanny said "Good news" at the same time as Uncle Ed said "Bad news."

Audrey decided. "I'm with Uncle Ed. Let's have the bad news first to get it over with, and then we'll be able to look forward to the good news."

Sara continued, "There was a Muggle family found dead, killed by the killing curse. Lee said Muggle killing is becoming a sport for the Death Eaters. I don't know if he said this explicitly, but it seems like there are a lot more Muggles who have been killed than Lee knows about. A goblin named Gornuk was killed, and so were Bathilda Bagshot, Ted Tonks, and Dirk Cresswell."

Nanny gasped, and started crying quietly. Uncle Ed put his arm around her.

"So what's the good news?" Audrey asked, looking worriedly at Nanny.

"When Ted Tonks and Gornuk were killed, Dean Thomas and another goblin were with them, and they escaped."

"That's good Dean's still alive! I know him, or at least I've met him, and seen him play Quidditch."

"More good news is that Hagrid held a 'Support Harry Potter' party, and he also escaped. He's on the run with, and I quote, 'his sixteen-foot high half-brother.'"

Audrey wasn't sure whether to laugh or cry, and the noise she made was half of each. "Leave it to Hagrid to do something so completely inappropriate, but so wonderful. I'm glad he got away."

"Me too. Ted, my brother Ted, I mean, not Mr Tonks, said Professor Lupin was really hopeful and funny and had faith that Harry was going to defeat You-Know-Who. He also said that he laughed out loud at either Fred or George. He couldn't tell which twin it was. You would be able to tell, so I hate that you can't hear these broadcasts."

"At least I get to hear the news through you."

"That's really all I know. We just talked two days ago, so I don't have any personal news. You?"

"I took a break from studying to go to the gardens with Nanny and Uncle Ed, and that was fun. I got loads done when I came home, too."

"Good for you! I'm always more productive after a break, too."

"You mean you actually take breaks?" Audrey asked in pretend shock.

"Oh stop. I'll talk to you soon."

"OK. Bye." As soon as Audrey hung up the phone, Nanny burst into sobs. "Nanny?"

Uncle Ed wrapped both arms around his wife and let her sob into his chest.

"I'm going to go make some tea," Audrey said uncertainly. When Uncle Ed nodded at her, she went to the kitchen. By the time she returned with mugs of tea for herself and Nanny, and a beer for Uncle Ed, Nanny had composed herself, and she and Uncle Ed were sitting on the sofa together.

Nanny patted the seat beside her and Audrey sat.

"I went to school with Dirk's father, Richard," Nanny took a sip of her tea. "Actually, my first date was with Richard, to the first Hogsmeade weekend in our third year. He was a Hufflepuff, too. It was a double date with our friends Bronwen and Archie. Bronwen and I plotted beforehand that we were going to have our first kisses to conclude our first dates, and we made a pact that if the boys didn't kiss us, we would kiss them. We were all only thirteen years old. I would have completely lost my nerve if not for Bronwen."

"So Richard Cresswell was your first boyfriend?" Audrey asked.

"No. Neither of us was ready for that. We shared a fun day in Hogsmeade and an extremely fast peck on the lips, and that was that. We were still good friends, but for the second Hogsmeade weekend, I went with Archie, and Bronwen went with Richard."

"Did you have the same pact?"

"No need. We'd gotten our first kisses out of the way. Besides, even if we had made the pact again, the boys ran off before we could have carried it out."

"Stupid boys," Uncle Ed chuckled.

Audrey giggled, too.

"Richard and I were always friends. He married a Muggle woman, and I became friends with her, too. Richard was a Pureblood, but he met a Muggleborn friend's cousin at a wedding, I think, oh maybe in our sixth year? Anyway, he asked me for advice about Muggle things, and I befriended Mary, too. I was a bridesmaid in their wedding, and we've always kept in touch. Ed and I attended Dirk's baptism. He was their first child. We usually had dinner with them at least once each time we returned to England. Mary died from cancer a couple of years ago, and Richard moved to Iceland to live near his daughter and her children. Dirk married, and they have two grown sons who are in university in different countries, but I forget exactly where. Oh my, I wonder with living in Iceland if Richard even knows about what happened to Dirk?"

"Do you have his phone number?" Uncle Ed asked.

"He doesn't have a phone. I'll have to write him." Nanny sighed.


For the rest of the afternoon, Audrey and Uncle Ed helped Nanny compose the letter to Richard Cresswell. Nanny shared more stories from her school days and her friendship with the Cresswells, Uncle Ed remembered Richard's cousin getting drunk at Richard and Mary's wedding and dancing on one of the tables in the reception hall. Audrey didn't want to think what Fred and George might do at her and Percy's wedding. She knew she loved Percy and wanted to spend the rest of her life with him. She expected he felt the same way, especially since Aunt Gussie had even mentioned Percy's feelings in her letter. But this was the first time she had contemplated a wedding . . . and the thought that Fred and George (as well as several others) would be her crazy brothers-in-law. That was a bit of an overwhelming thought for an only child.

"You appear deep in thought, Audrey," Uncle Ed brought her out of her reverie.

Audrey could feel herself blushing and shrugged. "I was just, er, contemplating dinner. I think I'll go cook something." Audrey left the room hurriedly. With the look Uncle Ed gave her, she knew he didn't believe her for a second, but was thankfully kind enough not to make any further comment.


Audrey went to the Palm Sunday services with Nanny and Uncle Ed the next morning. She almost always went to church with them, but this morning was rather special since the handbell choir was playing. The music was beautiful, the children waving palms were adorable, and Audrey enjoyed going to The Great Wall with The Lunch Bunch.

She had left her cell phone at home, and when she checked it in the mid-afternoon, she had a message from Sara asking her to call immediately, and to make sure Nanny and Uncle Ed were on the line with her.

Audrey found Nanny and Uncle Ed in the kitchen, and they all sat at the table while she put the phone on speaker to make the call.

"Hi Sara. We're all here. What's happened?"

"I don't know any details, but a number of people were rescued from Death Eater captivity, several of whom who had just been captured that night."

"Percy?!" Audrey squeaked.

"No. Keep in mind everyone was rescued and is now safe. Dean, Harry, Ron, Hermione, and a goblin named Griphook were all rescued the same evening they were captured, and Luna Lovegood and Mr Ollivander were also rescued. A house elf named Dobby saved them all, but he didn't survive." Sara's voice choked up with tears.

"So if Ron was captured, then they know . . ."

"He's not at home with spattergroit, yes. Ron Weasley has been listed as Undesirable #3 and is thought to be the one who impersonated Mr Cattermole when the Ministry got broken into last September. They said Arthur Weasley, and Bill and Fleur Weasley had not shown up for work, and nobody was at the Weasleys' home, so they are presumed to be in hiding. Since it's the Easter hols, Ginny was with them and not at Hogwarts, so she should be fine."

"No mention of Percy?" Audrey's voice cracked.

"No, but if anything happened to him, he'd be listed in The Daily Prophet as an Undesirable or on the list of those who had been arrested. Remember our mantra: No news is good news."

"I know," Audrey whispered.

"How are all the people who were rescued," Nanny asked. "Are they OK?"

"Mr Ollivander was in pretty bad shape from being imprisoned for so long, Luna was fine, Griphook's legs were broken, but he'll be OK, Hermione . . ." Sara trailed off.

"Hermione what?" Audrey pressed.

"Hermione will be OK, but she was tortured."

Nanny gasped, Audrey's eyes filled with tears, and Uncle Ed shook his head muttering about torturing children.

"Are you still there?" Sara asked.

"Yes." Audrey managed.

"They are all going to be fine," Sara repeated. "Seven people were rescued from the Death Eaters. This is really good news. All of them are going to make it."

"Dobby won't make it. You said he died!" Audrey sobbed. Nanny hugged her.

"Did you know Dobby?" Sara asked kindly.

Audrey shook her head, unable to speak, so Uncle Ed took the phone from her, and said, "She's shaking her head no."

When Audrey could speak, she said, "There's just been too many deaths, and it's all too much and I miss Percy and I'm worried, and poor Dobby! I don't have to know him to know he's a hero, but probably only the people who listen to Potterwatch will ever know, because he's a House Elf, and it's not fair!" Audrey's sobs were getting harder again, and she choked out, "I'm going to throw up!" and ran from the room into the bathroom, slammed the door and locked it.


When Audrey emerged some time later after having thrown up, cried until she had no tears left, and thrown up again, Uncle Ed and Nanny were there immediately to hug her.

"I made tea. Would you like some?"

Audrey nodded. After she had finished her first cup of tea and poured herself another, she sighed. "Thanks."

"Of course, love," Nanny said, patting Audrey's hand.

"War is hell for the families of the soldiers, just like it is for the soldiers. Different sort of hell, maybe, but hell is hell."

Audrey almost snorted her tea. "You two always do know how to make me feel better."

"Why don't you come with us tomorrow? We're going to the first of the Community Holy Week Services . . ."

"I can't tomorrow," Audrey interrupted. "My group is meeting to work on our project and we scheduled the entire day, and possibly Tuesday, too, if we need it. We'll eat lunch, but we'll grab something on campus, so I won't be able to get all the way back here." Audrey sighed. "I'd like to go, though. You always talk about those services, but I've never been here for one."

"There will be four of them, so if not tomorrow, maybe one or two of the other days."

"And make sure to come Friday to the Stations of the Cross," Uncle Ed added. "We're doing one of the stations together, so we need moral support."

"Oh Ed," Nanny laughed. "It will be fun."


Audrey was surprised when all of her group members wanted to take a break and go to the service and lunch with her.

"Free food? I'm in!" Jill said. And the other group members agreed with her.


Audrey knew the Community Holy Week services were short to allow anyone who wanted to come to both worship and eat lunch within an hour. She had expected only people Nanny and Uncle Ed's age, but there were several younger people there. There were even several middle aged men and women in business suits who had obviously come on their lunch hour. Audrey was prepared for a serious, quiet service followed by a free lunch that would make it worth it.

Audrey was pleasantly surprised by how much fun she had, and how funny the preacher was. Everyone was really friendly at lunch, too. Nanny seemed to know everyone, and they were all glad to meet Audrey.


Friday arrived. Audrey's group project was finished, even with her entire group attending worship and lunch every day. She also had been fairly well distracted throughout the week and had not cried even once since her melt-down on Sunday. She had come to the Stations of the Cross early since Nanny and Uncle Ed had to be early and had helped with the set-up.

Audrey joined the first group and followed as the leader directed them to the first station and read the liturgy. Audrey responded with the rest of the group at the appropriate times indicated in the booklet she had been given.

Those at the first station read and acted out a scripture, then the whole group moved on to the next station to repeat the process again.

Many of those reciting the scripture had memorized it, and most were in costume, or at least wearing black like Nanny was. Every station had people who acted out the scripture or provided sound effects or both. About half-way through, Audrey saw two women at the station wearing flowered dresses and brightly colored sun hats. Audrey could barely contain her giggle. They must have missed the memo on what they were supposed to be doing.

Nanny and Uncle Ed's station was towards the end. Nanny read the crucifixion scripture out of a black folder, and although Audrey could not see Uncle Ed, she knew the sounds of nails being hammered into the cross were provided by him.

Audrey thought they both did an excellent job, but she didn't get a chance to talk to them as she moved on with her group to finish the stations. When they were finished, Audrey decided since she was still waiting for Uncle Ed and Nanny that she would go through again. Never having done it before, she was sure she would hear things the second time that she had missed the first.

Audrey found the experience meaningful both times, but on her second stop to see Nanny and Uncle Ed, it looked like Nanny was trying really hard not to laugh out loud. Her cheeks were pink, her eyes were shining, and she seemed to be almost vibrating with excitement. She was reading the crucifixion scripture, so it certainly wasn't funny. Audrey had no idea. She finished the course again, and then walked back to join Nanny and Uncle Ed who had just finished their last round when Audrey arrived.

As soon as Nanny saw Audrey she ran to her and hugged her and started to laugh while tears streamed down her face.

"Nanny, what's the matter?" Nanny waved her hand in front of her face and spluttered, but couldn't manage a sentence.

Uncle Ed took over for her. "After each group went through, she would tell me who was in the group that we know, since I couldn't see being behind the hill. She knows everyone."

"Oh, Ed! I don't know everyone." Nanny took a deep breath. "I'm just so emotional . . . There's a girl in our church who has a rare vascular disease. I can't even begin to tell you what it is. Her mom could, but it just goes over my head. Two years ago, I walked through the Stations of the Cross pushing Lauren's wheelchair because her mom had a broken wrist. She walked with us, but couldn't push. In the second group through, I almost started to laugh when I looked up from my paper and Lauren was there, walking!" Nanny began to laugh and cry at the same time.

Uncle Ed added, "The doctors told her parents that she would never walk again, and this is the first time we've seen her. We didn't know she could walk." He surreptitiously wiped a tear from his eye.

"No wonder you're laughing through the crucifixion scripture, that's amazing!" Audrey hugged Nanny.

"Yes! When I saw Lauren it was like Easter on Good Friday. She brought joy into sadness and light into darkness. I've hardly ever been happier."

Audrey was almost in tears herself. If a girl who was told she would never walk again, was walking a mile and a half through the Stations of the Cross, maybe Percy and his family could survive the war. Audrey felt more hopeful than she had in a long time.


Percy had a bit of a lie in, and was consequently running late to work. He didn't glance at The Daily Prophet, or take time for breakfast, although he did give Twoey and Hermes fresh food. He Apparated to just outside the Disgusting Entrance, as he'd taken to calling it in his own head, flushed himself in, ran to the cafeteria for a scone and a coffee, and made it back to his office at nine o'clock on the dot. Percy took a deep breath as he sat down at his desk. He used to love his job, but with more arrests reported every day, now Percy just worried and hoped he would not be next. Come to think of it, not taking time to read the paper may not have been such a great idea. He didn't know who had been arrested in the past 24 hours. After all, he didn't want to send a memo to someone who was in Azkaban.

Percy had only just finished his scone and coffee when he heard, "Weasley."

Bloody hell. Yaxley. "Good morning, Sir."

"Don't you 'Good morning' me, you Blood Traitor scum!"

Percy felt the blood drain from his face. He had never seen Yaxley look quite so furious. Percy had no clue how to respond, so he kept quiet.

"Well?!" Yaxley thundered, leaning both hands on Percy's desk and glaring at him.

"Well, what? Sir?"

"You can't tell me you don't know why I'm here."

"But I don't know why you are here, Sir."

"I'm here because your brother does not have spattergroit."

"Oh, so Ron got better?" Percy had a sinking feeling Ron had never had spattergroit, but he certainly wasn't going to admit that to Yaxley.

"Don't play dumb with me, Weasley! Your brother Ronald was captured by snatchers last night in the company of Harry Potter and Hermione Granger. Ronald Weasley is now Undesirable #3, and I want you to tell me where he is!"

"I have no idea where my brother is, Sir. You know I have not spoken with any of my family in quite some time . . ."

"You may not have spoken to them, but you share their Blood Traitor ideas, Weasley! Don't even try to deny it! We saw you in that Muggle shop." Yaxley spat the word 'Muggle' as if it were a despicable curse word.

Bloody hell! They'd seen him go into Wodehouse's? Of course, it wasn't technically illegal to enter a Muggle shop, but this wasn't good. Percy kept quiet and looked Yaxley in the eye, trying to appear politely interested rather than terrified.

"Well?! What do you have to say for yourself, Weasley?!" Yaxley was bent over Percy's desk screeching into his face.

"I fancied some fish and chips, Sir."

"From a Muggle shop!?"

"Yes, Sir." Percy's brain finally began to function, and he started inventing wildly. "When I was at Hogwarts, and for a bit after, I went out with Penelope Clearwater. She was Half-blood and had grown up eating at Wodehouse's. We went there several times, and I became rather fond of the place."

"Penelope Clearwater, you say?" Yaxley was writing her name down on some parchment he pulled from his robes.

"Yes, Sir." Percy was worried. He had no idea where Penelope was-he hadn't spoken with her since she ditched him. He didn't think she would purposely hand him over to Death Eaters, but she also wouldn't lie for him to the authorities, especially when she didn't even know he needed her to. Percy could only hope she had left the country with her Muggle mum . . .

"You were carrying a lot of food with you Weasley-not the amount for one person."

How closely had they been watching, anyway? "Well Sir, it's such an inconvenience to enter Muggle areas, that on the very rare occasions I patronize Wodehouse's, I get enough food for several meals. I keep it fresh with preservation charms." Percy hoped Yaxley would believe that. It had to have been luck that they saw him enter Wodehouse's. They couldn't track where he was Apparating unless they grabbed hold of him.

"I recommend Parkinson's Pub. They make the best fish and chips there are."

"I'll have to try there, Sir." Percy wrote down the name on some parchment. "Where are they located?"

Yaxley stared at Percy as if he were quite thick, as he replied, "Parkinson's is at the corner of Diagon and Knockturn Alleys."

Percy wrote that down. "Yes, Sir."

"So Weasley, are you seeing anyone currently?"

"No, Sir."


He couldn't possibly know about Audrey, could he? If he did . . . "No, Sir."

"When was it you and Penelope Clearwater broke up?"

"A bit over three years ago, Sir."

"No girlfriend in three years?"

"No, Sir."

"Or no appropriate girlfriend you will admit to having?"

"I don't know what you mean, Sir. Penelope and I went our separate ways because I wanted to concentrate on my career. I didn't want to get married so young."

"Your career, hmmm?"

Percy knew Yaxley was fishing for information. If he knew about Audrey he'd have Percy in Azkaban already for harboring a fugitive or some such nonsense. "Yes, my career. I am the youngest Ministry worker to be appointed as Junior Undersecretary since Patrick O'Flaherty became Junior Undersecretary 87 years ago."

Yaxley stared at Percy, but did not comment.

"Where is your father, Weasley?"

"I don't know, Sir. Isn't he here?"

"No, Weasley, he isn't here, or I would not be asking you where he was."

"Maybe he's just late this morning."

"I thought so, too, and sent Aurors out to your parent's house to check. No one was there."

"Maybe they went on holiday?"

"Holiday!" Yaxley was leaning over Percy's desk and yelling again. "Do you think I'm stupid, Weasley!?"

"No, Sir!"

"No one is at your parent's house. No one is at your twin brothers' shop-it's been boarded up. Your father did not come to work today, and I checked with Gringotts, and neither did your eldest brother or his wife. Where does your eldest brother live, Weasley?"

"I have no idea, Sir."

"He invited you to the wedding, didn't he? And you don't know where he lives?"

"That's correct, Sir. I might know where he lives had I attended the ceremony, but since I didn't . . ."

Yaxley stopped leaning on Percy's desk, slightly placated. "Where is your second eldest brother, Charles?"

"He works with dragons in Romania." Percy was certain Yaxley already knew this, but he was writing it down anyway.

"Most of your family are now fugitives, Weasley, wanted by the Ministry for harboring Undesirables. If we find any of them, they will be sent to Azkaban immediately. So will you, Weasley, if I hear even a hint that you have contacted them or know where they are. Is that understood?"

"Yes, Sir."

"We're watching you, Weasley." Yaxley turned and left.

Percy breathed a sigh of relief. Merlin. Was it too early in the morning for a drink?


Thankfully, Percy survived his day at work without further confrontations with Death Eaters and without alcohol. At exactly five o'clock, Percy left his office, left the Ministry, Apparated to his flat, quickly put his things away, turned on a few lights to make it look like he was having an evening in (just in case anyone really were watching), briefly petted Twoey and Hermes, went into the loo (the only room without windows), and Apparated to Aunt Gussie's.

Percy arrived at the Longbottom's at seven minutes after five. He felt harried and out of breath but was very anxious to hear Aunt Gussie's and Neville's thoughts on his day. As soon as he arrived in the lounge, Aunt Gussie hurried out of the kitchen, and Neville could be heard making his way down the stairs.

"Percy! You're early! I wasn't expecting you until 6:30." She hugged him. "Nevertheless, it is always good to see you."

"Hi Percy." Neville arrived from upstairs.

"Hello." Percy returned Aunt Gussie's hug and nodded to Neville. "I came over early because something happened today that I need to discuss with both of you." Aunt Gussie gestured for Percy to sit down, and she and Neville followed him. As soon as he said what was wrong, Aunt Gussie gasped and poured each of them a whisky without his even asking. Percy relayed the entirety of his interrogation by Yaxley and said, "What am I going to do?"

"Well, for one, you are going to have dinner at Parkinson's Pub tomorrow night."

"What?!" Percy and Neville exclaimed together.

"Of course. Yaxley saw you write down his suggestion. He will probably be extremely surprised to see you follow through with it, but going to the pub would certainly lend credence to your story that you were only going to Wodehouse's for the fish and chips. You did tell Yaxley you would try Parkinson's, so if he sees you there, he will know you were telling the truth, about that at least. It might even make your story believable enough that Yaxley and his minions will forget about trying to find Penelope Clearwater. And before you ask, I don't know the Clearwaters and do not know whether or not she has left the country, but you do not want Yaxley to talk to her."

Percy nodded. That actually made a great deal of sense. "It's a plan then."


The rest of the evening passed quite enjoyably. A few more shots of whisky and Aunt Gussie's excellent cooking put Percy in a much better state of mind. Percy said goodnight and Apparated back to his flat into the loo. As he readied himself for bed, it was with a new determination to face the next day.


When Percy arrived at his office the next morning, Yaxley was already there waiting for him.


"Good Morning, Sir." Merlin’s pants! Yaxley two days in a row?

"I want to know, Weasley, why you spent two hours and forty-two minutes in the loo last night."

Damn. Percy didn't think they were watching him that closely. Fortunately, inspiration came to him.

"Do you have siblings, Sir?"

"What does that have to do with anything, Weasley?"

"Well, Sir, I grew up as one of seven children. Seven children who shared one bathroom. We never had privacy or any time in the loo. I just like to take my time."

Yaxley stared at Percy. Percy suddenly realized what Yaxley must be thinking and quickly improvised, "I like to take baths, Sir, to relax after a hard day's work at the Ministry. I put a warming charm on the water and read in the tub, so I sometimes lose track of time."

Yaxley was giving Percy a very strange look. "You read in the tub?"

"Yes, Sir. Last night I was reading Wilbert Slinkhard's new release . . ."

Yaxley interrupted, "You're sure you weren't Apparating somewhere from the loo because it's the only room in your flat without windows?"

“Where would I Apparate, Sir?"

"I don't know, Weasley. Where would you Apparate?"

"Sir, do you honestly think I would invent spending three hours in the bathtub? I mean it is rather embarrassing . . ." Percy willed himself to blush. The damned Weasley blush-why couldn't it work on command?

"Hmmm . . ." Yaxley sounded as if he were growling, but without another word, he turned and walked away, leaving a nervous and befuddled Percy to enter his office.


Thankfully, the rest of the day passed quite uneventfully with no further interrogations and no arrests, at least none of which Percy was aware. He worked a little later than he had been, and as soon as he left the Ministry, he walked to Parkinson's Pub to implement Aunt Gussie's plan. He was well aware of the two people following him.

When he arrived, Percy was surprised the pub didn't actually look that bad, at least from the outside. Percy took a deep breath, opened the door, and entered the pub. He was pleasantly surprised inside as well. It was definitely cleaner and brighter than the Hog's Head, and there was a wonderful smell of fish and chips. Percy's stomach rumbled.

He made his way to the counter. It took a few minutes as Parkinson's was rather crowded. No one seemed to pay any attention to his being there, which was a good thing as far as Percy was concerned. He ordered the basic fish and chips meal for take-away, paid for it, and made his way back out of the pub. The two blokes who had followed him were standing on the street corner trying to look casual. Percy waved to them and Apparated to his flat.


Percy made sure he sat at his dining table in full view of the window to eat his fish and chips. He was shocked-everything was absolutely delicious! Yaxley was right; the fish and chips at Parkinson's were as good as the ones at Wodehouse's. Percy didn't think he should risk spending the evening at the Longbottom's, since he didn't want Yaxley and his ilk to wonder where he was going, but he did go into the loo and sent Aunt Gussie his Patronus to let her know. He passed the remainder of the evening playing with Twoey and Hermes, and catching up with writing to Audrey on his Voice Activated Perpetual Parchment. He had made sure before beginning using the VAPP the first time that all of the wards on his flat were still in place, especially the Anti-Eavesdropping Charm, but he checked again, just in case. He also took some notes for work which he left open on the off-chance Death Eaters ever entered his flat, he could show them something plausible to account for what he was doing.


After "writing" to Audrey, Percy went into his bedroom, changed into his pajamas, and walked into the bathroom when Aunt Gussie Apparated directly in front of him. He was so startled he leapt backwards into his bedroom. Aunt Gussie grabbed his arm as she whispered, "Potterwatch" and side-along Apparated with him.

When they arrived at the Longbottom residence, Neville was sitting on the sofa in front of the wireless. He waved to his Gran and Percy, but none of them said a word, joining Neville on the sofa as they heard Lee Jordan's voice on the wireless.

" . . . news from Potterwatch correspondent Royal."

"Thank you, River. We do not know the details of what has happened over the last several days, but we are in possession of several facts. First of all, and this is the best news we've had in a while, Oswald Ollivander, Luna Lovegood, Dean Thomas, Ronald Weasley, Hermione Granger, Harry Potter, and a goblin named Griphook were all rescued from Death Eater captivity by a house-elf named Dobby."

"Just to refresh the memory of our listeners, Mr Ollivander went missing last summer, and Luna Lovegood was kidnapped from the Hogwarts Express by Death Eaters shortly before Christmas."

"That's right, River. And both have now been rescued after their long captivity. We also know Mr Thomas, Mr Weasley, Miss Granger, Mr Potter, and Griphook were rescued the very night they were captured, although we do not have the details of where or how they were captured. Mr Ollivander is in rather bad health from his long imprisonment, Miss Granger was tortured, and Griphook's legs were broken, but they are thankfully going to be fine. The rest of those rescued were not physically harmed. We do not know how Dobby knew of the capture, but he single-handedly rescued the lot of them. Sadly, Dobby was mortally wounded while carrying out his rescue mission, and did not survive. He was given a proper burial by Dean, Luna, Harry, Ron, and Hermione."

"I don't want to think about what would have happened if Dobby had not acted so selflessly. Harry Potter and his colleagues in the hands of The Dark Tosser . . . Let us all observe a moment of silence in honor of Dobby, the brave house-elf who sacrificed his life to rescue the Savior of the Wizarding world and his friends."

After a minute of absolute quiet, both on the wireless and in the Longbottom home, Lee continued, "Thank you, Dobby."

"Thank you, Dobby," Kingsley added.

"What other news do we have, Royal?"

"The Death Eaters are now well aware that Ronald Weasley is with Hermione Granger and Harry Potter, not at home potentially dying of spattergroit. Ronald Weasley has been named Undesirable # 3, and is hypothesized to be the impersonator of Reg Cattermole when the Ministry was infiltrated last September. The majority of the Weasley family has now presumably gone into hiding. At any rate, Bill and Fleur Weasley and Arthur Weasley did not show up for work and are not at their homes. Fortunately, since it is the Easter Holidays at Hogwarts, Ginny Weasley should have been home with her family. As far as I know, all of the Weasleys are safe."

"And we hope they, and all the rest of the Wizarding world, remain safe. That is all for tonight, Listeners. Please keep safe and keep the faith."

The wireless was silent once again. Percy, Aunt Gussie, and Neville, sat on the sofa staring at it. Percy spoke first.

"I knew something had happened after Yaxley's interrogation of me, but captured by Death Eaters?! And Hermione tortured?!"

Neville just nodded, as Aunt Gussie said, "The important thing is they are all safe now."

"True. I'm glad to hear my family is safe. I knew from Yaxley about Dad, Bill and Fleur not coming to work, and Ron's not having spattergroit. Thank goodness Ginny wasn’t at Hogwarts!"

"No kidding, Perce." Neville paused for a moment. "How many times does that make that Harry has escaped from You-Know-Who? You-Know-Who must be getting really angry by now." All of them laughed at Neville's comment.

During the conversational pause that followed, Percy happened to glance down at himself and gasped, "Aunt Gussie! You Apparated into my bathroom! What if I had been starkers?"

Neville burst out laughing, and Percy just glared at him. Aunt Gussie rolled her eyes at Percy, "You don’t have anything I haven’t seen before. I would have given you a blanket when we got here.”

Neville laughed harder as Percy spluttered.

“Did you want to miss Potterwatch?"

"Well, no, but . . ."

"Well, then." Aunt Gussie nodded decisively. Percy pouted, while Neville continued to laugh.


The next morning, Percy was reading his daily memos, when Yaxley arrived at his office. Percy was terrified. What if the people following him saw him Apparate out of his flat?! That must be why Yaxley was here. When Aunt Gussie startled him, he had jumped backwards. Maybe he could pass it off as being afraid of spiders . . .

"Are you busy?"

"Er . . . no, Sir."

"Oh, Percy. Is it all right for me to call you Percy?" Percy nodded in shock. "You can call me Yax. That's what my friends call me."

Percy felt as if someone had either confunded him or taken polyjuice potion to turn themselves into Yaxley.

"OK . . . Yax."

Yaxley smiled widely. "I want to apologize to you for all of the interrogations, Percy, but we can never be too careful. Can't have Undesirables in the Ministry, yeah?" Yaxley winked at him.

"Of course not."

"Well, now that I know you were telling the truth, I won't be having you followed anymore. Not enough manpower to follow people once it's proven unnecessary. I know no Blood Traitor would ever set foot in Parkinson's."

Percy made a non-committal noise. He was so relieved he dare not risk talking.

"I have to be honest with you, Percy. I really thought you were lying about everything. I was pleasantly surprised to find you were telling the truth."

Percy swallowed. "I always tell the truth."

"Good lad. We need more young people like you in the Ministry. I'll take you to Parkinson's for a pint sometime, and we can discuss your future with the Ministry."

"Thank you, Yax. I'd like that." Yaxley smiled again and left. Percy thought he was going to be sick.

Chapter 14: The Calm Before the Storm

*mollywheezy, augusta longbottom, novel-length, percy/audrey, percy weasley, 2014, neville longbottom

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