Novel-Length Fic: A Year of Worry and Hope

Jul 06, 2014 15:08

Title: A Year of Worry and Hope
Word Count: ~75,000 + and counting; 4262 for chapter fourteen
Rating: PG-13 (I *think* it stays PG-13 all the way through the story.)
Summary: Essentially, the events of "Deathly Hallows" from Percy Weasley's and Audrey Mitchell's points of view, including frequent cameos by Fred and George Weasley, and the Longbottoms, as well as other canon characters.

Author's Note: Some of the dialogue from this chapter is taken directly from DH. No copyright infringement is intended, and it will be obvious which dialogue belongs to JKR. ;)

Chapter 1: When Percy Met Audrey
Chapter 2: Going Out
Chapter 3: Weasley Wizard Wheezes
Chapter 3.5: Seeing Is Believing
Chapter 4: Muggle Weekend
Chapter 5: Loneliness Revisited
Chapter 6: Unusual Correspondence
Chapter 7: A Surprising Start to September
Chapter 8: More Surprises
Chapter 9: The Long Haul
Chapter 10: New Experiences
Chapter 11: Holidays
Chapter 12: Heading for the Last Roundup
Chapter 13: Shocking Conversations

Chapter 14:

After the hectic events of Neville's Easter hols, Percy was very thankful for a week and a half of boredom. Percy couldn't tolerate another week like the week of Easter hols-with Neville's being injured so badly, and Yaxley in his office three mornings in a row, and eating at Parkinson's Pub, Yaxley's making good on his offer to take him out for a pint . . . Percy's nervous system just couldn't handle that much stress. He had been surprised at Yaxley's depth of knowledge about the Ministry and the MLES. He was quite intelligent. For a Death Eater.

Percy was glad to be back to the usual mundanity of the Ministry. Even though he did not think he was being followed anymore, he had not dropped his guard. He had only been over to Aunt Gussie's three times since Neville returned to Hogwarts, and he Apparated from the loo each time. "Constant Vigilance!" as Aunt Gussie said.

He was looking forward to his dinner with Aunt Gussie this evening. It had been a long day and Percy rather fancied a good home-cooked meal.

Percy walked into his flat, put his things on the table, petted Twoey and Hermes, gave them each fresh food and water, and went into the loo to freshen up before Apparating to Aunt Gussie's for dinner. He was quite surprised to find a note attached to the bathroom mirror with his name on it. He took the note, opened it and read,

"Dear Percy,

I borrowed some hair from your hairbrush to charm this note so only you will be able to see it. Blood makes for a more effective charm, though, so you really ought to destroy it after you have read it.

The Carrows have finally had their fill of Neville, so he has had to go into hiding at Hogwarts. Don't worry; he is safe. Apparently, as the Death Eater's policy of kidnapping children to control their parents has proved effective, they decided to try the reverse. Auror Dawlish came to arrest me today. I'm insulted the Ministry would send such an incompetent imbecile to take me in! Honestly! Who do they think they are dealing with? And only one Auror? I could take out one Auror in my sleep. Dawlish will likely be at St Mungo's for a bit . . .

Don't worry, Percy, because I am fine. I will have to be on the run for a while, but I have sufficient resources to guarantee my safety. I Apparated here under a disillusionment charm as a precaution. I left more bottles of Muggle whisky in your liquor cupboard and a few meals in your cold cupboard. I am very sorry to have to postpone dinner indefinitely, but once You-Know-Who is defeated for good, we will celebrate.

If you have the opportunity and fancy getting out for a bit, I would recommend going to the Hogshead in Hogsmeade to talk to Abe. He may have insight into what is happening. Ask him about Phirewhisky.

Take care of yourself, Percy, and stay safe. I will see you soon.


Aunt G

Where was Neville hiding at Hogwarts? Why wasn't Aunt Gussie concerned? He was less concerned about Aunt Gussie than Neville, as she had taken down an Auror. And she managed to bring him food and whisky? Not that he didn't need it, but Aunt Gussie was certainly something else.

And that last bit about Abe. That had to be Aberforth Dumbledore, the proprietor of the Hogshead. "Phirewhisky" was a brand name. It was a rather cheap brand, usually what Hogwarts students smuggled in. The emblem on the bottle, though, was a phoenix. That must be some sort of password. Was Aberforth in the Order of the Phoenix? Possibly . . .

Percy reread the letter several more times until he had memorized it, and then destroyed it as Aunt Gussie had instructed. Since he obviously wasn't going to Aunt Gussie's for supper, he went to his cold cupboard to see what she had left him.


Percy was no longer thankful for boredom. After more than two weeks of not seeing Aunt Gussie, he was lonely and nervous. He had even become so desperate for non-work-related human companionship he had eaten at Parkinson's the previous evening. Yaxley had come in almost at the same time as Percy, so they had eaten together. It was companionship, but certainly not relaxing as Percy could never drop his guard. One false move and he'd end up in Azkaban like so many other people.

Percy settled himself at his desk and began the tedium of answering memos. It wasn't long before Yaxley appeared in the doorway to Percy's office.

"Good morning, Percy. I'm glad we had the chance to eat together last night. We should do that more often."

"That would be good, Yax." Percy wondered what Yaxley wanted this time. He thought the less time he spent with Death Eaters without being suspiciously unfriendly the less chance he would make some sort of slip-up.

"So I was wondering Percy . . ."

"Yaxley!" An Auror Percy did not know, came running up to Yaxley and grabbed his arm.

"What is it?" The Auror looked strangely at Percy, and whispered in Yaxley's ear.

"Smarmy little buggers," Yaxley grumbled. "What's crawled up their arse and died this time?" The Auror shrugged. "Fine. Send over Selwyn to deal with whatever it is." The Auror nodded and left.

Yaxley turned back to Percy. "Goblins." Yaxley rolled his eyes. "So as I was saying . . ."

Yaxley once again was interrupted, but this time it was not an Auror, but a klaxon-like alarm, different than last September’s, which Percy had never heard before.

"I'll have to talk to you later, Percy." Yaxley left abruptly.

Percy wondered what was happening. The alarm had sounded, but then stopped, unlike last September. He pulled his Ministry of Magic Policies and Procedures Manual from the shelf behind his desk, and turned to the section on alarms. Percy skimmed the section on what various alarm sounds indicated and what Ministry employees were supposed to do in each situation. When he found what he thought he had heard, Percy almost dropped the manual. It just couldn't be possible someone had broken into Gringotts and penetrated far enough to activate the Thieves' Downfall, could it?


Percy had been very curious all day about what was going on at Gringotts, but nobody at the Ministry had any more information than he did. Around mid-afternoon, Dawlish and another Auror arrived at Percy's office door.

"Mr Weasley, you will need to come with us."

"What's going on?" Percy stood up from his desk and began to gather his things.

"We just need you to come with us. Quickly please."

Percy thought it best to do as they asked. He followed the Aurors through the Ministry corridors in silence. They walked to a section of the Ministry where Percy had never been. Dawlish opened a door, and ushered Percy inside.

The room had two doors, but no windows. The only furniture was a table with a few very uncomfortable-looking chairs.

"Wait here, please, Mr Weasley."

With that Dawlish and the other Auror left Percy alone. He tried both doors, but they were locked. He didn't bother with trying an alohomora; he knew what would happen-nothing. Percy was fairly sure he was in an interrogation room, and he was terrified. He didn't know what they had found out or what he had let slip. He wondered if Aurors knew Legilimency. He sincerely hoped not.

Percy had only been waiting for about five minutes when yet another Auror whose name Percy did not know entered with a tray.

"So sorry to keep you waiting, Mr Weasley. I'm Frances Stumpton, and I've brought tea."

"Thank you very much, Auror Stumpton." Percy replied gratefully.

"I'll just leave this tray, and let you help yourself. We're so busy today, but I know someone will be with you just as soon as they can."

Percy nodded as Auror Stumpton left him alone again. He was quite relieved. If they were being kind to him and bringing him tea things, he must not be in any trouble. They probably just needed his advice on whatever it was that had happened at Gringotts. That must be it.

Percy helped himself to a sandwich and poured himself a cup of tea. Even though it was only mid-afternoon, he was already feeling peckish. He ate through the sandwiches on the platter, and finished the small pot of tea. He wondered when someone would check on him again. Auror Stumpton had said it wouldn't be long, and Percy was beginning to worry.

BLOODY HELL!! Percy could not believe how stupid he was! Aunt Gussie would be very disappointed in him. He had been drinking and eating things provided by a total stranger! They’d probably given him Veritaserum. Had he not learned a single thing from his lessons with Aunt Gussie? Apparently not, unfortunately. Could he resist Veritaserum? Probably not. Percy knew he was in a lot of trouble.

Percy waited even longer before Dawlish entered the interrogation room.

"So, Mr Weasley, where is your brother?"

"Which brother? I have five of them . . ."

"Your younger brother Ronald Weasley?" Dawlish cut off the long ramble Percy could feel himself starting.

"I have no idea."

"You have no idea?!"

"That's right. I have no idea."

Dawlish sighed. "Where is Harry Potter?"

"I don't know."

"You don't know?!" Dawlish seemed rather agitated.

"No. I don't know."

Dawlish sighed loudly. "Where is Hermione Granger?"

"I don't know."

"Where is your family hiding?"

"I don't know. I haven't had contact with my family for several . . ."

"Where might your family hide?"

"I don't know. Like I said . . ."

"Is your brother with Harry Potter?"

"Possibly. They are best mates . . ."

"But you don't know."

"No. I don't know."

"Do you know anything Weasley?"

"Yes, I know quite a lot, actually! I was an excellent student. I know the Goblin Rebellion of . . ."


"But I was just telling you what I know."

Dawlish made a motion as if he were about to pull his hair out. "Do you know the whereabouts of any of your family, Weasley?"

"Yes. My elder brother Charlie works at a Dragon Reserve in Romania. I can get you the address if you like . . ."

"That will not be necessary, Weasley." Dawlish promptly left the room.

Percy breathed a sigh of relief. He was sure his tea had been spiked with Veritaserum. Dawlish really was an incompetent imbecile like Aunt Gussie said if he still couldn't get any information from him. Percy rather hoped Dawlish would not be back, but he hoped even more he wouldn't send in someone smarter . . .

Dawlish returned. "Weasley, why would your brother Ronald break into Gringotts with Harry Potter and Hermione Granger?"

"Ron, Harry, and Hermione broke into Gringotts?! I have no idea why they would do such a thing!"

Dawlish sighed again. "Yes, Weasley. Those three broke into Gringotts this morning, and escaped on the back of one of the dragons. You have no idea why they would do that?"

"Absolutely not! Hermione especially. She always followed the rules, and she's very intelligent. I can't see why she would ever break the law. Everyone knows you can't break into Gringotts and survive. Was anyone hurt?"

"Yaxley and several others were hit by debris when the dragon broke through the front doors of Gringotts. They are being treated at St Mungo's, but they are fine. You may leave, Weasley."

"Thank you."

Percy could not believe his luck. He also couldn't believe any Auror would be so incredibly stupid. He was thankful for Dawlish's stupidity, since it worked in his favor. But Ron, Harry, and Hermione breaking into Gringotts? Something big must be happening. He couldn't see Hermione breaking the law unless it meant bringing an end to Voldemort's reign. And, come to think of it, Ron and Harry were rule breakers, not law breakers. Percy had not yet been to the Hogshead, but he thought now was the time to go.

When Percy got home, he played with Hermes and Twoey for a bit, ate a sandwich and drank some pumpkin juice. He knew there was some kind of curfew on Hogsmeade, so he didn't know whether or not he could safely Apparate there. He left out quite a bit of extra food and water for Twoey and Hermes, put on the shield cloak he had purchased from Fred and George's shop, and Apparated directly to the Hogshead.


Percy arrived in the Hogshead with a small pop. He was surprised it was empty except for Aberforth behind the bar, idly wiping a glass with a dirty rag. Percy had to wonder if he ever had changed that rag.

"You're one of the Weasleys, aren't you? What do you want?"

"Yes, Sir. I'm Percy Weasley." Percy continued to look around in a distracted manner.

"What are you looking for, boy?"

"I'm just surprised at how empty your pub is. I've never seen it without anyone here."

"It's that damnable curfew. Bloody well could put me out of business," Aberforth grumbled.

Percy took a deep breath and decided he better quit wasting time and state the reason he had come. "Augusta Longbottom told me I should stop by."

"She did, did she?"

"Yes, Sir. She told me I should ask you about the Phirewhisky. The kind with a "ph" not an "f"" . . . Percy trailed off as he knew he was babbling.

"Well, why didn't you say so? Come on, lad. Follow me." Aberforth's abrupt change of demeanor rather startled Percy, but he hastened to follow. As Aberforth climbed the stairs, he continued talking, "They're making a go of it at Hogwarts. Harry Potter has come back, and they are preparing to fight the Death Eaters. I'm sure they'll need all the help they can get." Aberforth opened a door and ushered Percy through. He pointed to the fireplace and said, "Up you go."

"Up I go, where?"

"Climb on the mantle, and go through the secret passage behind the portrait of my sister. It leads to the Room of Requirement at Hogwarts. I've been smuggling food in to Longbottom and some other kids through there for weeks." Aberforth glared at Percy. "Well! What are you waiting for, lad?"

Percy nodded, and did as he was told. He had never heard of any Room of Requirement, but was glad Aberforth was taking care of Neville. Neville's still being alive was definitely good news.

Percy hurried through the tunnel, surprised that such a thing existed at Hogwarts. He reached the end and was climbing out when he lost his balance and fell with a great thump. He used a convenient chair to pull himself off the floor, and as he straightened his glasses and clothing, he said, "Am I too late? Has it started? I only just found out so I-I- . . ."

Percy's voice trailed off. As he looked around, he saw his whole family except for Charlie. He assumed the blond woman standing next to Bill was his new sister-in-law, Fleur. When Percy just stared without saying anything, Fleur began speaking to Remus Lupin to break the silence. Percy was trying desperately to gather his thoughts and say something, but his brain had completely abandoned him. Finally, Percy decided he couldn't just stand there and would spit out everything he had been thinking for months.

"I was a fool! I was an idiot, I was a pompous prat, I was a-a- . . ." He couldn't really think of words bad enough to describe the way he had treated his family.

"Ministry-loving, family-disowning, power-hungry moron," Fred supplied helpfully.

"Yes, I was!" Percy wondered if he still had some of the Veritaserum in his system. Oh, well. It was about time he was honest with his family.

"Well, you can't say fairer than that." Fred came over to Percy and shook his hand. Percy was so overcome with emotion he couldn't speak. He found it hard to believe he would be forgiven so easily, especially by Fred. His Mum burst into tears, ran towards him, pushed Fred out of the way, and almost tackled Percy in one of her signature hugs. Being in his mother's arms made Percy realize how much he had truly missed his family.

With his eyes tearing up, he looked over his Mum's shoulder and said, "I'm sorry, Dad." His Dad hurried over to hug him, too.

"What made you see sense, Perce?" George asked.

Percy cleaned off his tear-stained glasses on the edge of his shield cloak while he answered George, "It's been coming on for a while, but I had to find a way out and it's not so easy at the Ministry, they're imprisoning traitors all the time. I managed to make contact with Aberforth and he tipped me off ten minutes ago that Hogwarts was going to make a fight of it, so here I am."

"Well, we do look to our prefects to take a lead at times such as these." Percy snorted at George's rather spot on imitation of his most pompous voice. "Now let's get upstairs and fight, or all the good Death Eaters'll be taken." Percy laughed again and nodded. He, Fleur, Bill, and Fred followed George as he started up the stairs.

"So, you're my new sister-in-law now?" Percy asked Fleur. She nodded and shook hands with him.

Percy heard his Mum yelling at Ginny, but decided to continue on up the stairs. He wasn't going to get in the middle of any argument involving his Mum when he had just been welcomed back into the family. He knew he'd have time to ask Ginny to forgive him later.

Lee Jordan ran over to join their group. Punching Fred in the arm, he said, "Hey. Percy's here! We can finally settle our bet."

"That's right!" Fred replied. George rolled his eyes. Bill and Fleur looked confused, as Percy asked, "What bet?"

"Last July, did you come into our shop?"

Percy glanced at Bill whose eyebrows had risen drastically. Fred was eagerly awaiting his answer. Percy could feel himself blushing as he looked back at Fred, and stated simply, "Yes".

Fred whooped and jumped so high Percy was surprised he didn't fall down the stairs. "I knew it! That's 20 galleons you owe me Forge!"

"Me, too!" Piped up Lee.

Bill started laughing.

Before Percy could say anything, Fred said, "And were you snogging Audrey Mitchell in the middle of Diagon Alley?" Now Bill guffawed, and Percy could feel his blush deepening. He again answered simply, "Yes."

George snorted, "Snogging? They were practically shagging in the middle of the street!"

Percy retorted, "I was NOT practically shagging her in Diagon Alley!"

Arthur suddenly piped up from behind Percy at the bottom of the stairs, "Really? Who was it you were not shagging in Diagon Alley, son?" Percy blushed even more furiously if that were possible.

Fred added, "So where were you shagging her, then?" Percy heard a chuckle from Dad, and Mum's exasperated, "Fred!" only made Arthur chuckle more.

Molly hissed, "Don't encourage him, Arthur!" But Percy could see the twinkle in her eye and knew she was trying hard not to laugh herself. Percy couldn't believe he was thinking it, but he had even missed the twin's teasing.

Percy and his family continued laughing and joking together as they made their way to the Great Hall, and Percy was finally able to tell them about Audrey.


With a gasp, Audrey sat up in bed. What had awoken her? She heard a noise, but her mind was too fuzzy to place it . . .

The phone! Her cell phone was ringing! Audrey glanced at her clock. Five P.M. She couldn't believe she had taken a four hour nap. She really was exhausted from exams. She scrambled out of bed, barely avoiding landing in a heap on the floor, and answered her phone.


"Hi, Audrey. It's Sara. Did I wake you up? You sound groggy."

Audrey yawned and shook her head to clear it. "I had my last exam this morning, then ate lunch and took a nap. I slept longer than I meant to."

"I have pretty big news. You'll probably want to get Uncle Ed and Aunt Lucy to hear this, too."

Audrey began walking as she talked. "Is it over?"

"Not yet, but something big's happening."

Audrey found Nanny and Uncle Ed in the kitchen. "Sara's on the phone and has news."

Nanny turned off the sink where she was washing vegetables and dried her hands, and Uncle Ed put all the silverware he was holding down on the table in a heap.

"They're here, Sara. I'm putting the phone on speaker."

"My supervisor just received an emergency Floo call from Madam Pomfrey asking her to gather as many Healers and Healer Apprentices as she could and come to Hogwarts. You-Know-Who is on his way there, they've evacuated the younger students and are preparing to defend the school. I volunteered to go, and I'm leaving with my supervisor and a few of my classmates soon."

"Why is he going to Hogwarts?" Audrey asked.

At the same time, Nanny said, "I thought Gussie said all communications from the school were monitored?"

"I don't know anything about You-Know-Who's motives. All Healers have access to a secure Floo for medical emergencies. I've seen the one in Madam Pomfrey's office. Since I volunteered with her to get some Healing experience, I asked her if I could use it once, and received the lecture about how the Hospital Wing Floo only activates in cases of extreme medical need."

"Hogwarts knows there's extreme medical need? That sounds like something really bad has already happened."

"Audrey," Uncle Ed cut in, "It's war. They are preparing for battle. Of course that's something really bad, and of course people are going to be injured. It's good she's getting prepared and calling in extra help."

"Exactly, Uncle Ed," Sara replied. "You know what I know now. I don't have any sort of international plan for my phone, so I don't know when I'll get to call again. Not that my phone would work at Hogwarts anyway. I don't know what's going to be happening, so I'm not sure if I could get to somewhere with a phone or not."

"Be safe, Sara," said Uncle Ed.

"I plan to be," Sara answered.

"Love you, Sara!" Audrey called, her voice cracking.

"Love you, too, Audrey. I'll call again as soon as I can."

"Thank you for letting us know, dear."

They all said good-bye, and Audrey hung up the phone and burst into tears. Nanny opened her arms, and Audrey sobbed on her shoulder.

Audrey eventually managed to compose herself and helped Nanny and Uncle Ed finish dinner. She ate only to avoid hurting Nanny's feelings, since she really didn't feel like it.

When they had finished dinner, struck by sudden inspiration, Audrey announced, "I have to get to England now."

"What?!" Nanny shrieked.

"Absolutely not!" Uncle Ed banged his fist on the table.

"What? Why? The battle's happening! I need to be there when it's over!"

"You will go to England only when Gussie lets us know it's safe," Uncle Ed declared. "Not a minute before."

"Audrey, dear, this isn't really something I want to think about, and I don't really think it will happen, but what if You-Know-Who won? You can't be in England then. You're Muggleborn."

"He's not going to win!" Audrey screamed. "He can't! And I NEED to be there to see Percy and to make sure he's all right!"

"Love, there's nothing you can do there! And from what Gussie says, Percy can look after himself."

"Speaking from experience in war, I can tell you Percy will fight better and be safer knowing that you are safe so he doesn't have to worry about protecting you."

"Percy wouldn't need to protect me! I'm perfectly capable of looking after myself."

"Of course you are, dear, but men show their love for us by wanting to take care of us."

"Exactly, which is why I'm making you stay here and not letting you go to England until we know it's safe, and the fighting is over. And that's final."

"Aargh!" Audrey shrieked. She glared at Nanny and Uncle Ed and Disapparated.

Audrey arrived in Sally B.'s flat-apartment, she mentally corrected herself-and called out to her. Everything was quiet. Audrey walked around briefly, and realized Sally B. was not home. As she thought back, she remembered Sally B. had asked her to go out after exams, and Audrey had said she'd call her if she decided to go. Sally B. had had an exam in the afternoon. Since Audrey had slept until five and forgotten to call, Sally B. had probably already gone out. Audrey looked at the clock. It was seven. Two hours since Sara had called. She knew deep down that Uncle Ed was right about her going to England, but she hated feeling trapped. She hated fighting with Nanny and Uncle Ed, but the not-knowing was killing her. Wondering if Sara and Percy were still alive, Audrey sat down on Sally B.'s couch and started to cry.

Chapter 15: Fighting

*mollywheezy, novel-length, augusta longbottom, percy weasley, percy/audrey, 2014, a year of worry and hope, neville longbottom

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