Title: Love Games Characters: CJ Cregg, Danny Concannon Rating: Harmless Notes: Season 7; to whoever asked me to write about love. Disclaimer: All credit goes to Sorkin, Wells, & NBC/Warner Bros.
Title: Regrets Characters: CJ Cregg, Danny Concannon Rating: Harmless Notes: Ze Business Dinner 1.10 Disclaimer: All credit goes to Sorkin, Wells, & NBC/Warner Bros.
Title: Twist & Shout Characters: CJ Cregg, Danny Concannon Rating: Harmless Notes: Early Season 1, maybe pre-series. Response to a prompt from thatdork Disclaimer: All credit goes to Sorkin, Wells, & NBC/Warner Bros.
Title: Five Parts Alcohol Characters: CJ Cregg, Danny Concannon Rating: Teen? Sure. Notes: Season 4ish; response to 'If CJ gets drunk, Danny should, too' Disclaimer: All credit goes to Sorkin, Wells, & NBC/Warner Bros.
Title: Fences Make Great Neighbors Characters: CJ Cregg, Danny Concannon Rating: Harmless Notes: Post series; request was 'dialogue drabble, finding a place' Disclaimer: All credit goes to Sorkin, Wells, & NBC/Warner Bros.
Title: Kink & Keelhauling .1. Characters: CJ Cregg, Danny Concannon Rating: Matureish? Notes: This is for you, creepy person who keeps asking for pirate porn. Multi-part. Disclaimer: All credit goes to Sorkin, Wells, & NBC/Warner Bros.
Title: (Not) Sixteen & Pregnant Characters: CJ Cregg, Danny Concannon Rating: Harmless Notes: Post "Take Out the Trash Day" (Season 1); response to 'Dialogue, 16 & pregnant' Disclaimer: All credit goes to Sorkin, Wells, & NBC/Warner Bros.
Title: Lucky Seven Characters: CJ Cregg, Danny Concannon Rating: Teen-ish? Sandwich? Okay. Notes: Season 7, extension of the belly ring prompt. Disclaimer: All credit goes to Sorkin, Wells, & NBC/Warner Bros.
Title: Professional Characters: CJ Cregg, Danny Concannon Rating: Harmless Notes: Season 1. Response to a random email about hair. Disclaimer: All credit goes to Sorkin, Wells, & NBC/Warner Bros.
Title: Sugar Scrub Characters: CJ Cregg, Danny Concannon Rating: Harmless Notes: Post series. Disclaimer: All credit goes to Sorkin, Wells, & NBC/Warner Bros.