Title: Kink & Keelhauling .1. Characters: CJ Cregg, Danny Concannon Rating: Matureish? Notes: This is for you, creepy person who keeps asking for pirate porn. Multi-part. Disclaimer: All credit goes to Sorkin, Wells, & NBC/Warner Bros.
Title: Whales & Weird Hair .1. Characters: CJ Cregg, Danny Concannon Rating: It's up there. Mature? Sure. Notes: Very AU, response to an anonymous prompt discussed in the post below. Disclaimer: All credit goes to Sorkin, Wells, & NBC/Warner Bros.
Title: Jumping Like Bunnies Characters: CJ Cregg, Danny Concannon Rating: R/Mature Notes: This didn't happen in the real run of the series...so AU Season 3? Disclaimer: All credit goes to Sorkin, Wells, & NBC/Warner Bros.