Title: Whales & Weird Hair .2.
Characters: CJ Cregg, Danny Concannon
Rating: It's up there. Mature? Sure.
Notes: Very AU. Follows
Whales & Weird Hair .1.Disclaimer: All credit goes to Sorkin, Wells, & NBC/Warner Bros.
It’d started like this:
CJ woke up at a dorm party, knowing instantly where she was, cause breathing in the reek of pot and booze and too many bodies shoved in too small a space felt like coming home to Berkley all over again. Thing was, she was also damn certain that she hadn’t been anywhere near either a dorm or a party when she’d gone to bed.
It had to be a prank. Some crazy Georgetown ‘go forth and kidnap a political figure and we shall grant you access to our esteemed frat, worthless pledge’ kinda deal. Only, she was pretty sure it wasn’t. Don’t ask her how she knew just then, cause her head was still spinning -whether from the smell in the air or the weird odor clinging to the futon she was sprawled on she couldn’t say -but something just was not right.
She sat up and knew what it was.
When she’d gone to bed, whenever that had been, she wasn’t wearing jeans. Or an embarrassingly tight sweater that’d been regulated to the back of her closet since its last pass through the dry cleaners. Or, well. Underwear.
So, two options:
1) Whoever’d kidnapped her had also taken the liberty of getting her dressed, intimates included, all without waking her up.
2) She was dreaming. Thank god.
Well. While in Rome.
CJ’s on the verge of heading over to befriend the clutch of kids passing a bong when a yell from across the room makes her blood run cold.
“Body shots!”
Yeah, it’s not the body shot thing. Been there, done that, got a hickey in a weird location. It’s the guy who’s doing the yelling, cause she’d know the voice anywhere, and even though she shouldn’t be freaked out -he’s made his fair share of appearances in her dreams, so it’s nothing new -she’s still, well, freaked out.
Cause it’s Danny, but it’s not. He’s young -so young -that she feels a little weird for being -she doesn’t want to say ‘perverted’ but it’s the only word that seems to sum up how badly she wants to grab him by his fluffy hair and shove his clean-shaven face right between her thi…arms.
So, yeah, perverted it is.
But oh my god, Baby Danny’s a looker. Who knew? Well, she did, cause his older self is damn studly when he wants to be, which is a lot more often than she’d like to admit, what with the on-and-off the record conflict going on. But there isn’t a conflict with this guy, is there? Nope. None. Because she’s asleep. And cradle robbing. But mostly asleep.
So she gives in, crosses the room, and gets ready to square off with the Boy Wonder.
This is going to be really, really good.