Elemental Stamping Booth

Dec 28, 2011 11:26

Elemental Stamping Booth

Elemental systems are a major aspect of almost all Final Fantasy games. For this booth, fill out an application if you're curious which elemental affinity suits you the best!

Fill out a stamping application and have people vote which element fits you, and get stamped at the end of the event. Vote on other people's applications for points and gil.

Same as last time, there are two ways to post your application.

» Post your application as an entry in ivalice_rating. The comm has open posting, so you don't actually have to be a member in order to post. Please make your entry public so that participants in the event can read and vote on your application.

» Post your application in the comments of this entry. You can split your app amongst multiple comments if necessary, but keep it all within the same thread so that the application is easy to link to.

You're encouraged to watch ivalice_rating if you're interested in seeing the apps as they come in!

To vote, leave a reply (to the entry in ivalice_rating or to the comment application here) with your element choice and also your ff_land class (sigtags are fine). If you're not a member here, you can just write "Guest".

Only vote for one element, and bold your choice (e.g. "I think Fire works well for you.").

Points & Gil
Points: Voting on applications is worth 5 points per app.
Gil: 50 gil for posting an app; 50 gil per app you vote on. Gil for this booth is capped at 1000 gil per participant.

Copy and paste the contents of this textbox and fill in your answers to apply:

1) Five traits you feel are your most unique, distinctive, and/or prominent:

2) How would you describe your sense of humor?

3) Suppose you and a friend decide to go on a dream vacation/trip. Where do you go and how do you start planning for it?

4) Suppose you thought you would be busy all day, but suddenly plans got cancelled and you have the whole day free. How do you spend it?

5) When faced with a problem where it's possible that people's feelings might get hurt, do you prefer a blunt approach or a diplomatic approach?

6) Dichotomies
Cooperative [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] Competitive
Free-form [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] Structured
Even-tempered [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] Volatile
Idealistic [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] Realistic

7) Favorites (Feel free to expand on why)
Song/Genre of Music:

Stamping Options
For this stamping activity, there are eight possible stamps:


: Dark is a relatively uncommon element in the Final Fantasy games. Attacks with the Dark element sometimes come at a cost to the user's HP. It is also sometimes associated with Death or Doom spells, negative status effects such as poison and blindness, undead enemies, or gravity or outer space. Summons that deal Dark-elemental damage include Ark, Hades, and Zodiark.

: The opposite of Wind, there usually aren't very many Earth-elemental attacks and they show up later in the game, but the ones that exist are very powerful such as the Quake spell and the iconic Earth summon, Titan. Other summons associated with Earth are Brothers and Hecatoncheir. In Final Fantasy XI, Earth corresponds with the Vitality attribute, determining defense and hardiness.

: The Fire elemental is a staple of Final Fantasy games and tends to be one of the first spells you learn, if not THE first. The Fire/Fira/Firaga/Firaja spells make their appearance in many games, as does the main Fire summon, Ifrit. Other Fire summons include Belias, Brynhildr, Phoenix, and Salamander, and Bombs are a common enemy type that has entirely Fire-based attacks. In Final Fantasy XI, Fire corresponds with the Strength attribute, determining physical damage.

: While White Magic and healing spells (Cure/Cura/Curaga/Curaja) are sometimes associated with Holy, in general this element comes into play when talking about offensive attacks imbued with the Holy element such as Dia and Holy. The element also played a role in Final Fantasy VII as an important materia. The main summon associated with Holy is the fortress Alexander, although Ultima and Madeen are given this element as well. In Final Fantasy XI, Holy corresponds with the Charisma attribute, determining the success of bard-type abilities.

: Like Fire, Ice is a staple of the Final Fantasy series, and Blizzard is one of the first spells that Black Mages will learn (it is followed by the stronger versions Blizzara/Blizzaga/Blizzaja). The main Ice summon, Shiva, is also an iconic part of the series. Within the Ivalice universe, Mateus is the summon associated with Ice. In Final Fantasy XI, Ice corresponds with the Intelligence attribute, determining the strength of magical attacks.

: Lightning is the final part of the main magic trio formed with Fire and Ice. It is sometimes considered opposite to Water, when that element is available, and is highly effective against mechanical enemies. Thunder/Thundara/Thundaga/Thundaja are the main Lightning-elemental spells and lightning summons include Adrammelech, Ixion, Quetzalcoatl, Ramuh, and (in Final Fantasy XIII only) Odin. In Final Fantasy XI, Lightning corresponds with the Dexterity attribute, determining accuracy and critical hit rates.

: With the exception of Final Fantasy X, which promoted Water to a basic element alongside Fire/Ice/Lightning, Water is a relatively rare elemental and is sometimes lumped with Ice. However, it does have a common recurring summon in Leviathan and its Tsunami (Tidal Wave) attack. Other Water-elemental summons include Bismarck and Famfrit, and common Water abilities include Aqua Breath and Flood. In Final Fantasy XI, Water corresponds with the Mind attribute, determining the strength of supportive magic.

: Wind is another uncommon element, but it has a recurring spell Aero (with less common upgrades: Aerora/Aeroga/Aeroja), which does Wind-elemental damage. Aero is a bit odd in that its classification is variable -- it has been considered Black, White, and Blue Magic -- and in the Kingdom Hearts series, it has functioned at times as a protective spell. Summons associated with the Wind element include Chaos (Ivalice), Pandemona, and Sylph. In Final Fantasy XI, Wind corresponds to the Agility attribute, determining evasion.

Current Applications


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