What element am I? :D

Dec 29, 2011 19:16

1) Five traits you feel are your most unique, distinctive, and/or prominent:
1. Impulsive
2. Brash
3. Emotional
4. Enthusiastic
5. Cheerful

2) How would you describe your sense of humor?
ENTIRELY FULL OF CAPSLOCK *cough* Well, uh, I have one, at least. That's good? Yes? I'd say it can get quite dirty at times (all of the topping Ari jokes that I've made, oh my).

3) Suppose you and a friend decide to go on a dream vacation/trip. Where do you go and how do you start planning for it?
JAPAN! I'd plan for it from the start. I do like to plan things, and sometimes I do get upset if it doesn't go well, but I'm prone to improvising on the spot anyway.

4) Suppose you thought you would be busy all day, but suddenly plans got cancelled and you have the whole day free. How do you spend it?
Being sad and lonely :( Going on ff_land *tumbleweed blows by*, reading fanfiction. Generally on the computer haha.

5) When faced with a problem where it's possible that people's feelings might get hurt, do you prefer a blunt approach or a diplomatic approach?
A mix of both, actually. I'd go with diplomatic at first, but if that person still persists on being stubborn or at least.. not being reasonable, I'd go with bluntness after. I'd also round up the session with bluntness (with a bit of humor) to kind of lighten the mood.

6) Dichotomies
Cooperative [ ] [ ] [x] [ ] [ ] Competitive
Explain: In the middle! I'm competitive on certain things, attention being the number one thing. Otherwise, though, I co-operate easily enough? :D?
Free-form [ ] [ ] [x] [ ] [ ] Structured
Explain: This was a bit difficult, because I do like structure and rules and I get annoyed when people bend rules for themselves too often (without thinking about the inconvenience of others), but otherwise, I can be pretty flexible as long as it's within reason.
Even-tempered [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [x] Volatile
Explain: I'm slightly bipolar. Lol. I say slightly because it's never gotten very bad yet, but I'm sure it will. It kind of does run in the family. Either way, my temper is never even :D
Idealistic [ ] [x] [ ] [ ] [ ] Realistic
Explain: I tend not to think about these kinds of things? So I don't actually know. I've been told my views are quite the opposite of a realist though, so I'm just gonna mark it as that xD

7) Favorites (Feel free to expand on why)
Song/Genre of Music: Hmm, I like listening to X-Japan. Their songs put me into a frenzy xD I like powerful songs. With powerful chords and stuff. Songs that make me dance, but not techno or hip hop ... I LIKE A BIT OF EVERYTHING, IT'S HARD TO EXPLAIN.
Animal: I used to really, really like cats, and then I started living with one lol. I mostly like all animals, I'm happy when I'm in a zoo observing them :D
Season: Fall!

stamped: element: fire

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