1) Five traits you feel are your most unique, distinctive, and/or prominent:
1. Contradicting, in the sense that I can act very differently around different people/in different situations.
2. Independent
3. Self-critical
4. Analytical
5. Sarcastic, sometimes to the point of coming off as abrasive.
2) How would you describe your sense of humor?
Everything it shouldn't be. Dark, mocking, filthy... Humor is actually one of the traits people tend to point as a positive in me when it's not offending people, anyway XD, but there's a lot of humor I just don't get. For instance, I don't really understand sitcoms or most "comedy" movies. I think because it's usually "Here's some random potentially offensive material! It has nothing to do with anything and is just here... because! Don't make us put stock laughter in just so you know you should be laughing!" I think because I'm not easily offended and don't find a lot of the material in this category ~shocking~, I just don't get it. DX
3) Suppose you and a friend decide to go on a dream vacation/trip. Where do you go and how do you start planning for it?
Dream vacation? I want to go everywhere! It doesn't say I have to limit myself to one area, so "trip around the world" still counts as a trip, right? XD
... and since this is a dream vacation I don't need to plan. It's a dream, so we have all the money we need and can just do whatever. (Otherwise I'd be going through how much we could spend in each country et al, but screw that, I get a dream vacation!)
4) Suppose you thought you would be busy all day, but suddenly plans got cancelled and you have the whole day free. How do you spend it?
In my mind: Hurray, I'll do a [ton of awesome things]
In reality: SPENDS ALL DAY ON THE COMPUTER. ... and also probably has homework and a million other things to do anyway. *sighs*
5) When faced with a problem where it's possible that people's feelings might get hurt, do you prefer a blunt approach or a diplomatic approach?
Blunt. It's just how I roll. I'm generally of the mentality that, if people need to hear it, it's better to hurt their feelings a bit now than not saying it at all.
6) Dichotomies
Cooperative [ ] [ ] [ ] [x] [ ] Competitive
Explain: I really shouldn't be this, as I always want to aim for the top at everything (which requires quite a bit of a competitive attitude), but I usually just end up criticizing myself more than anything, otl.
Free-form [ ] [x] [ ] [ ] [ ] Structured
Explain: I'm not entirely sure of the context here, but rigid routine tends to bore me. I will make general plans, but I leave them wide open in case another opportunity arises. I can respect rules that I understand are there for a reason, but otherwise I don't care and just ignore them.
Even-tempered [ ] [x] [ ] [ ] [ ] Volatile
Explain: I'm not ~la la la rainbows nothing will ever affect me~ by a long shot, but I generally have control over my emotions. I do get annoyed easily, but I'm far more likely to mock things than fly off the handle.
Idealistic [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] Realistic
Explain: ... I'd rather just explain this one. I am, at my core, idealistic in the sense that I wish the world was a certain way, but that's just it-- I know it's not. I'm cynical and, frankly, not very fond of humanity as a collective whole. (Largely because of so many years of disappointment due to idealism.) Still, I want to see the world improve, even if I know there are some things we just can't fix due to human nature.
7) Favorites (Feel free to expand on why)
Song/Genre of Music: ~hums "I'm the devil, I love metal" Well, I'm not the devil (I KNOW, SHOCK), but I do love metal.
Metal is more likely to touch on subjects that other genres don't. Granted, some of those subjects may be more on the "taboo" end of the spectrum, so it has a reputation for being [I'msureyouknow], but again, that's why I like it. Plus many metal bands can have really complex musical compositions (prog metal, anyone?) and-- okay, I'll shut up now as I could probably rave forever on this.
Animal: Cats! The cute, small kind that can't bite my head off. (How did we go from "I'm the devil" to "zomgcatsarecute!?" (... then again, there is
this) As I said at the top, contradicting!) Also, randomly, mountain goats.
Food: Uh, I tend to like spinach and pumpkin and anything with either of those ingredients? DX /is lame I also love coffee and tea, but that isn't quite food.
Season: Summer. The other seasons aren't really hot enough for me where I currently am. I do like autumn quite a lot though, especially if you go a little further south.