Elemental Stamping Ahoy~!

Jan 07, 2012 21:19

1) Five traits you feel are your most unique, distinctive, and/or prominent:
1. Optimistic
2. Lazy
3. Enthusiastic (I should probably specify here... Enthusiastic about things I LIKE to do XD;)
4. Sort of blunt
5. Empathetic

2) How would you describe your sense of humor? I've never really thought of it... My sense of humor actually is pretty varried. I can be sarcastic, random, dirty... I can only take so much gross humor though. I've learned to be pretty good at timing now that I think about it :D

3) Suppose you and a friend decide to go on a dream vacation/trip. Where do you go and how do you start planning for it? Um... Wouldn't it be more fun to just plan the place and then have a blast? Yeah. I'd love going to many places... Britain, Japan, the Czech Republic, China, Morocco... Anywhere is fine! I think as far as planning it... We'd just plan where we're staying and then when we get there figure out where we'd visit :)

4) Suppose you thought you would be busy all day, but suddenly plans got cancelled and you have the whole day free. How do you spend it? I think I'd just hang out here... At home. And call my boyfriend and make him listen to me rant. Heck. If he can, I'll make HIM come hang out with me :D

5) When faced with a problem where it's possible that people's feelings might get hurt, do you prefer a blunt approach or a diplomatic approach? I don't really mean to hurt people, but since I'm kind of impulsive I tend to just blurt out things... If it may really hurt their feelings though I'd try my best to be more diplomatic about the situation. And if it's a fight between two friends I'm even MORE careful since there are always two sides to a story.

6) Dichotomies
Cooperative [X] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] Competitive
Explain: Despite my class I'm really not one who likes too much conflict, even if it's friendly competition... That may just be the only trait that I think doesn't fit with the Thieves D;
Free-form [ ] [X] [ ] [ ] [ ] Structured
Explain: I'm the type who'll write lists and stuff... And MAYBE plan a couple of things. But for the most part I'm really more impulsive and therefore more free-formed :)
Even-tempered [ ] [ ] [ ] [X] [ ] Volatile
Explain: I tend to have a bit of a temper. Some days when I'm in a good mood I don't get annoyed as easily, but most of the time I can get pretty angry.
Idealistic [ ] [X] [ ] [ ] [ ] Realistic
Explain: I'm really really optimistic with maybe a few moments of pessimism, but I almost always seem to think that in the end I'm more of an idealist :)

7) Favorites (Feel free to expand on why)
Song/Genre of Music: Rock for the mostt part, but I can appreciate pretty much any genre of music
Animal: Lions since they're really majestic and pretty :)
Food: Most meat :3
Season: Spring. The flowers are all so pretty :DD

stamped: element: lightning

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